Game Results: May 1, 2014

First report came in from a losing team, how about that?…….
TEAM CRONSTEIN, (2-2), defeated TEAM LEFTON, (1-1), 26-18, in a wild back and forth game in which WES WOLF got thrown out of the game on a questionable act (ask him)…..the victors had a ten run lead early on, only to fall behind by one run  in the bottom of the sixth inning, on a single  by MARK “WILDER” FRANKLIN (Team Lefton) ,but then mounted a huge rally in the top of the seventh to take control of the game…..full game report to hopefully follow, but SCOTT “SHORTY” ADAMS was playing with a heavy heart as it was the anniversary of the death of his father and he played well in memory of him……SCOTT……he would have been proud of you…….