Will Team Cronstein win the “Pink Shirt” award for a unprecedented 3rd time

Team Cronstein is in a position to capture the “Pink Shirt” award for a third time, (0-1).
This year  a key player will be on the DL for the season. Adam Cronstein’s father, Dan Cronstein.
Dan recently had neck surgery and the surgery was a complete success. The league medical staff and family pressure insisted Dan not play this season. A return in time for the playoffs is a “remote possibility”an  unconfirmed  source suggested.
The team will miss  Dan’s defensive  catching ability and pitch selection, this will make a big difference in the oppositions scoring potential this year.

On the offensive side, not having his bat in the line-up will also impact the team’s run production.

We wish Dan a speedy recover and Team Cronstein ” Good Luck”

Think Pink!

Commissioner for Life

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