Game Results: May 7, 2012

Apologies to MICHAEL ROTHSTEIN as he sent in a game report, but somehow the e-mail never was received…….here is the report…….rookie MITCH EVANS got the game ball thanks to a game saving catch in the outfield with the bases loaded and a couple of key hits……COREY NORRIS pitched three scoreless innings…….DOUG SANDOR played great defense along with “old timer” MICHAEL KADETZ’ difficult catch to key the defensive effort…..captain MICHAEL ROTHSTEIN also gave kudos to the other team in saying that WILLIE WAXLER played great defense and got some key hits……..

ON A SERIOUS NOTE…….Condolences go out to JOHNNY BERG on the passing of his father……he and his wife were fixtures at almost every game JOHNNY  played in and he will be sorely missed…….

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