Saturday May 8…..12:59 p.m……REAL STAR SIGHTINGS…..check out the most recent issue (May 22) of Soap Opera Digest to find a member of the JCC softball league….go to page 66 and enjoy….it was a great time for a very worthy cause!!!!……MATT GOLDSCHMIDTT, MAX POTVIN, father CLAUDE POTVIN and ROGER “ROGZILLA” ROSENTHAL attended the Wyoming at Reading fast pitch softball game Friday to watch Wyoming, but specifically GABBY POTVIN, brother.daughter to MAX and CLAUDE….other notes…..BILLY KAHN has signed onto to coach the JCC Blue Jays 10-year old baseball team, joining MARK “GORDY” GORDON, BRAD WAGNER and ROGER “ROGZILLA” ROSENTHAL…..NO details were given on the contract, but it’s believed that chicken wings were