Game Results: May 6, 2010

Thursday May 6……..11:43 a.m….two games reported from last night…..TEAM SILVERMAN defeated TEAM CRONSTEIN, 8-5, to remain undefeated….JOHNNY BERG, with his parents in the stands again, JOSH LISMAN and ERWIN NEUMAN received game balls in another team effort…BERG was 3 for 4; LISMAN was 3 for 4 including a triple and NEUMAN went 4 for 4 including a home run….in the other reported game….TEAM LOON got dumped by TEAM KIRZNER, 20-6, as team captain ANTON LOON reports major defensive struggles and was up all night scouring the waiver wire for a little defensive help….LOON is remaining calm and still expects to defend his 2009 second half championship despite some key free agent departures…..that’s what you get for NOT paying the BIG bucks to keep a team intact….it should be noted that this was a rough last few days for ANTON….his family was harrassed by a “bum” on the street while driving his family somewhere and son JACK lost his baseball game earlier in the week….hope next week is better for you bud…..finally, the BLOG thought it was strange that BRAD WAGNER’S girlfriend, BROOKE SNYDER, was NOT watching his game, but another one….trouble in paradise?…..comments/questions to…..