Thursday August 6……….10:29a.m………..STEVE EPPSTEIN was a NO SHOW as well on the popular show PTI with Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon on Tuesday as was ANTON LOOOOOON on Monday…….Commissioner MICHAEL ROTHSTEIN is expected to take action against both captains for not showing up…….rumor has it that they must watch every REDS game the rest of the year………..onto action on the field from last night… the BIG ESPN GAME OF THE WEEK……..TEAM LOOOOOOOOON defeated TEAM EPPSTEIN, 12-6, to put themselves in firm position to win the second half as JOSH LISMAN had a three-run triple and JUSTIN MENDENKEMP had a two-run homerun and made some fine defensive plays……..BARRY KAPLAN pitched another gem as the wiley veteran has turned it up a notch in the second half…….the defense was solid again…….kudos also go to MATT STEINBERG who homered twice and BRANDON GUTTMAN once for TEAM EPPSTEIN……..LOOOOOOOOOON also announced after the game that they have acquired MICAH GOLDFARB for brother JARED, who will be leaving for Israel after next week’s game… many Goldfarbs are there?????…….elsewhere TEAM EPPSTEIN exploded against TEAM SCHWARTZ as JOHN BERG pitched as well as he all season giving up NO earned runs……ALAN COHEN played solid at second base and came up with a key hit as did captain DAVE WERNICK in the opening frame to help set the tone…..STEVE OSTROW ran the bases like a wild man that defines him…..ZACH NEWMAN made his debut at shortstop to complete the NEWMAN/NEWMAN doubleplay combo at SS and 2B……another highlight/lowlight was BOBBY CARTER arguing a close play at 1B in which he swears on a bible he beat STEVE OSTROW to the base…kudos to the brother combo of SCOTT/MARK WOLF for stepping into to umpire when the regular ump was a NO SHOW………good job guys and thanks!!!!!!!!!! (the check is in the mail)…….other winners included TEAM NEWMAN and TEAM KIRZNER…………