MOnday May 18………….4:17 p.m…….this just into the newsroom……..TEAM FOGEL a.k.a. SPARKY’S BOYS finally played a game and to boot defeated TEAM GREFER, 6-5, behind the pitching of JAN BECKER and solid defense……Congrats to “rookie” captain JOEL ‘SPARKY” FOGEL for his first victory in his first game……kudos also goes to “LOONEY” LOON on his first victory as a captain, however it took him two games……….BITS N PIECES……bad week to be a BOSTON sports fan……..Celtics and Bruins lose in Game 7’s, both in
Boston……..what happened to the Reds in S.D.?………good season to the Cyclones who were swept in the conference Finals……………….

One Reply to “ROGER’S HOT CORNER…………”

  1. Roger – great job with the blog! Lose the music, though. It’s not work friendly!!!

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