April 19, 2023: Games Recap

Man, what a first night Commish Ryan dialed up for us on Wednesday as the 2023 JCC softball season got off to a great start. “Maybe all of my prayers to Mother Nature were answered after last season,” Ryan said. “She owes us one after all the rain.” After dusting off the rust from a long offseason let’s get down to the action.

On field one we had Team Solomon vs. Team Wolf 

First Wes for the winners: (Congrats on your first team win, Wes) 

The inaugural game for Team Wolf was a 14-8 win against Team Solomon! Starting with an inside-the-park home run from captain, Wes Wolf, in the 1st, a few more timely hits brought 4 runs in through 2. Mike Gray came out firing with only two runs allowed through 4, backed by a great stand-in catching performance from Duffy Wolf and Keith Kombrinck.

Tyler Wolf led the way at the plate going 4-4 with 4 RBI and Brian Goldberg followed with a bases-clearing double leading to 3 RBI in a 6-run fifth inning. Overall, a great showing from Team Wolf who will be even more potent when Matt Brodof makes his debut next week. 

And Coach Stu for the losing team:

It was great being back on the diamond. While Team Solomon took the L last night, we had a great time together and I am optimistic for the season.

Some Highlights:

Harry “Hercules” Meisner only needed one pitch to hit an absolute BOMB to LCF. Then, he hit a ball to the wall and used that Black Sheep speed for an inside-the-park homer.

Stuart “Everyone’s Favorite Captain” Solomon went 3-4 and played a wonderful 3B. He had a diving catch to rob a sharp single, a nice barehanded play to throw out the runner, and another nice play on a slowly hit grounder to third.

Adam “Robert California” Teitlebaum had a great first game. One the first batter he saw, he made a sliding play in RF. Additionally, he was all over the basepaths. Additionally, he has a glorious mustache.

Oren “The Best Basketball Player in the League” Shmoel had several very nice defensive plays capped off by an unassisted DP at 2nd. 

Lastly, Alan “The Salsa King of the Midwest” Lessure went 1-3 with an RBI to rub it in the face of all the captains. He is Him of the last round.

On field two we had Team Z taking on Team Fogel

Roger ghost writing for the winning Team Fogel:



The season opener for TEAM FOGEL was a smashing success! They defeated TEAM ZAWATZKY, 19-5, in a shortened five inning game…..

The only mistake on the night was the fact that team captain and former MASON HIGH SCHOOL baseball star, JEREMY FOGEL, thought his team was the visiting team…..

After some dazzling defensive plays in the top of the opening frame, the victors exploded for a four spot and never looked back.

“It was a total team effort, and it was exactly what I had hoped for in the season opener,” Fogel said afterwards. “Everyone contributed at the plate and/or in the field. We played a great game.”

It started with pitching veteran, COREY NORRIS, who breezed through four innings before giving up a five spot in the top of the fifth inning.  He didn’t walk a batter.

The hitting stars were numerous, with highly paid stars like former WYOMING HIGH SCHOOL great, JASON ESTERKAMP….SCOTT “Why Can’t we Be” FRIEND….rookie BRANDON “the gamecock” WRONKER…..and FOGEL doing their fair share…..but it was the others, ZACH MICHELSON…..SCOTT ADAMS…..NORRIS….and rookie MATT MILLER (NO RELATION TO WES OR SEAN).

Minus from this list is ROGER ROSENTHAL, the elder statesman, who fell down twice, once running to first base after a sacrifice bunt and the other time fielding a ball at second base. He made the play each time and didn’t collect a hit, but did produce a sacrifice bunt to help plate a run and played a stellar defense.

Speaking of defense, the winners had ZERO errors……

Other comments after the game……

ROSENTHAL…….”Hey I thought if we won the first game, the captain was going to buy us each a bobblehead of our choice.”

NORRIS……………”Can anyone shut Roger up. I’ll buy them a beer if they do.”

MILLER…………….”I work for the University of Cincinnati, but I have to give credit where credit is due. XAVIER has the better men’s basketball program in town.”

and finally, FRIEND…….”All I know is THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA has the best football program in the country.”

A special thanks goes out to RYAN “the Hebrew Hammer” BAUM who subbed and played a solid game…….

On Field 3 it was Team Wagner vs. Team Brafman

Brad for the winners:

Team Wagner took down Team Brafman 16-12 on Opening Night. Team Wagner took the lead in the top of the 1st with four tally marks, including a big hit by Cam Kirzner. Brafman chipped away throughout the game and eventually took the lead 7-5 on some solid hits by their entire line up.  Captain Wagner tied the game with a 2-run single and held off a huge rally by Brafman with an amazing play by Kirzner at SS, by doubling off Steve Eppstein at 2nd base off a line shot by Griff Harris.  The victors plated eight in the top of the 7th and were able to hold off a 7th inning Brafman rally.

Captain Wagner was interviewed by John London after the game and was asked how it felt to get his first win on opening night after taking a few years off from captaining. Wagner stated, “Coming out of the draft I knew we would be very competitive with a solid mix of young guys and seasoned veterans.  I pulled three all-nighters prepping for this draft.”

Howie Schwartz pitched a solid game and Norm Frankel played well at 1B, including a nice catch in foul territory. Big hits came a plenty including off the bats of Ian Conwell, AJ Goldhoff, and Chris Kunkel.

At one time tonight, Jerry Kirzner, Norm Frankel, and Howie Schwartz were all on base together. That’s an approximate combined age of 220.

Next week Team Wagner takes on Team Zawatsky, which will be aired on bankrupt Bally Sports instead of showing the Reds.

And Captain Brafman for the losers:

It was a good first showing for Team Brafman. We just couldn’t quite get over the hump. Kudos to the Living Legend Howie Schwartz who continues to do his thing. Big hits for Team Brafman came from super Sub JZ with a homer, Eric “The Mouth of the Midwest” Gruen who went 3-4, Dee Harris and Alex Kraus.

On defense a big shout out to rookie Jamey Drennan, who was fantastic at third most of the game, and Joel Hallelujah Buckley at SS. Finally, Eppy pitched a great first 4 innings and kept Team Wagner in check. “I expect a lot of wins from my team,” Brafman said post game. We will rebound and attack next week.

And last but not least on field 4 we had Team Kamrass vs. Team Grefer

Micah for the winners:

On a beautiful night for softball, Team Kamrass out-dueled Team Grefer 18-13. Fink pitched a great game, and every player on the team delivered key hits. Dave Solomon connected with Scott Raskin to throw out a runner stealing at second. Bryce Anslinger had a few timely catches in right field. New guy Jordan Skinner had a great league debut at third base.

“There was definitely some rust on both sides, but our team fought hard and was in control the entire way,” said Captain Micah Kamrass.

Tip of the cap to new guys Krantz and Ruben on Team Grefer, who will both be great additions for the league.

And Kyle for the losing team:

We lost a tough game to team Kamrass 18-13. After going down early we did a good job of fighting back to keep it close, but it wasn’t enough. Our defense was struggling early shaking off the offseason rust but got better as the game continued and we only allowed one run in the final 4 innings. Jon Ruben’s debut at pitcher started with a strikeout to the first batter he faced (that ended up being a passed ball and the guy reaching first, but it still counts). Joey Huidt and Adam Cronstein had great games at the plate, with Mark Levine and Howard Goldwasser also coming up with some big hits. Rookie Landon Krantz had a nice game at third base making some great plays, and David Wertheim made all the plays at shortstop.

League notes

Please mark June 21 down on your calendar as that is wing night at the Silver Spring house sponsored by Big Gig Franklin (our corp sponsor) come out after the game

Also mark down Jewish Night at the Reds game on May 23. It’s a fun night for all even if the Reds will lose to the Cards. 

Speaking of the Reds, a tip of the softball cap to our own Albert Weisbrot who sang the national anthem on Monday night. Of course, once the word got out, the Reds had their lowest attended game in the history of GABP.

Speaking of the Reds part 2. While I give them credit for signing Hunter Green and hopefully a couple more of the young guys that does nothing to change my mind that this will be the worst Reds team of all time. They will blow past 100 losses. (I do like Spencer Steer, though)

Last week I mentioned that Gary Grefer plays in an over-55 league in Florida AKA the Mexican league in the offseason. Big congrats to Gary’s team for winning it this year. He said while the average age guys are in their 50’s there are guys over 70 playing. As someone who was sore from playing LF on Wed. that is pretty amazing. Nice job, Gary.

I know what most of you younger guys were doing the past 9-12 months and it wasn’t taking batting practice. There were more babies and young kids at the game on Wednesday than I can ever remember. Congrats to Alex Kraus, AJ and Jamey (the rookie) for having their kids out. And Rabbi Yitz for bringing his own team.

I can’t wait to talk to Ricky Lefton after he comes back from his trip during the March of the Living. While not a fun trip by any stretch it’s so important that Rick and Ann (Eric Goldstein’s wife) are leading the Cincy youth on this important trip.

And finally in our new segment we are calling “This week in the world of Roger Rosenthal.”

Roger informed me last night that he likes to go out and sing Karaoke in his down time. To me the worst singers in the history of music is a tie between Yoko Ono and Bjork. I somehow believe Roger singing Tiptoe Through the Tulips (one of his go to songs) might be worse. (but if you like music I encourage all of you to watch the doc on Jason Isbell currently showing on HBO. Very interesting)

See everyone Wednesday 


2023 JCC Softball Season Preview

After a long dark offseason, it’s finally time for softball. Of course, the weather gods are smiling on us this Wednesday (A day we can’t play), so be prepared to bring your wet suit next Saturday since I’m sure it will rain.

It’s that time of year when hope springs eternal for all nine teams and we are ready to get back onto the field and play some ball. With the draft over, here are some news and notes from the off-season. 

Congrats go out to David “D-Sol” Solomon for his new job at the Holocaust Center.

Congrats to Scott “Dire” Wolf on the wedding of his son, Freddie.

Keeping it in the Wolf Family, a big shout out to Duffy Wolf on his amazing pictures that were on display at HUC this winter. Keep up the great work, Duff.

When we all see Fink this year, remember to give him a pat on the back as his dad (a former pitcher in the league) died this offseason. 

Did you know that Reds farm hand Evan Kravetz pitched for team Israel in the WBC, and our own, Kevin Youkilis, was the teams hitting coach? 

At each UC basketball game, we pick a lucky student who gets to shoot for loot and at one game our own, Cam Kirzner, was picked. Needless to say, Cam is a much better shortstop than a three-point shooter. (But he is still the best Skyline Chili man at games).

And finally, if you are ever fortunate enough to get a phone message from our own Roger Rosenthal, be prepared to sit and sit and sit and sit to listen to it. This offseason he has left me messages up to two minutes long! Who has time to talk to Roger for that long, let alone sit and listen to a two-minute message? How about, “Mr. Brafman, it’s Roger, call me back.”

And now, onto the draft and the pre-season preview. 

The draft, as usual, was a fun evening of laughter, arguing and of course good-hearted ribbing as the 9 captains got together for their annual soiree. 

You can tell which captains prepared for the draft by what they brought with them. Marc Brafman and Stu Solomon had notebooks, Wes Wolf had a laptop computer (and Scott Wolf), Brad “The Human Rain Delay” Wagner had 15 mock drafts, a big board like Mel Kiper and three cell phones to keep tabs on all the players and the Lefton’s had a player ranking for all 100+ guys. The Grefer brothers brought beer.

It was good to see former captain, Mark Weisser, still at the draft this time as sergeant-at-arms. He oversaw moving the draft along while also quelling any in-fighting about what color shirt each team got this season.

You know it’s softball season when Mike “The Special One” Rothstein is complaining about the umps before the season even starts. 

A big shout out to Mike Creemer for coming through. Unlike recent seasons, scorebooks and concessions cards were handed out before the season. Well done, Mike.

And now onto the team previews:

Team Brafman:

Team Brafman picked the tag team of Griff and Dee Harris. “The call was simple,” Brafman said post draft. “I’ve never played with them and one of my favorite things about this league is playing with new guys every year (except me picking Eric Gruen… that happens every year).” Team Brafman’s top of the order seems to be built for speed with Griff, Joel Buckley and Gruen. Newcomer and Cincy native, Jamey Drennan, rounds out that speed as Brafman expects big things from his rookie infielder. With cagey vets like Jeff Weisbrot, Steve Eppstein and Todd Wasserman filling out the rest of the lineup, Team Brafman looks to make life tough on the rest of the league. 

Micah Kamrass went against his normal “Team Bachelor Party” mode with guys like Zach “Mr. Mellow” Mayer, Jeff Finkelstein, Adam Heldman and the Margolis package (Michael and Ben) on his team. “I wanted a wide net of guys for this season, and I think I got that. What should be a good middle of our order with David Solomon, Bryce Anslinger, and the newcomer, Jordan Skinner, I am confident that we can win this year. I know I’ve got one of the best pitcher/catcher tandems in the league and I’m excited to get out on the field and prove it.”

Defending league champ, Stu Solomon, already complaining about the makeup of his team before the draft, started hopes to pick up where he left off last night. With some serious lumber in the order (Tyler Stansbury, Harry Meisner, Stu and Ryan Silverman), this team follows the pattern Stu started last season. “I plan on beating teams by hitting and hitting and hitting. Plus I’m playing with my bro who I hope is more Brett to my Aaron Boone than Mike to my Barry Larkin.  And since I picked the Commish he gets to hear me whine about my team all season which really is a double win for me.”

Team Lefton drafted well. The Loon package, with Anton and his nephews, Peter Brownell and Matt Leader, give Lefton youth and huge upsides. “We love to draft families,” Jimmy said post draft. “When Anton and his crew were on the board, I had to take a shot with them. ‘The Hebrew Hammer’ Ryan Baum, Handsome Sam Castellini and Dr. Bob Pelberg give us some leadership and pop at the bottom of the order. Plus, we get the ‘Dr. of Style’ David Weil, who will add some levity to the team.” 

Team Grefer drafted some of the best value picks of the draft. A very fast top of the order with David “Slim Shady” Wertheim and Adam “Never met a shirt with sleeves that I liked” Cronstein at the top of the order will set the table for the big bats of the Grefer’s and some big rookies like Landon Krantz and Jon Ruben. “It’s not often we get a rookie pitcher in this league and Danny and I are excited for the chance to showcase Jon Ruben as he comes in with a lot of experience in the Frontier league. Of course, having the cagey vet, Rick Tenenholtz, behind the plate will help us this season.”

Team Zawatsky lived up to his name of Team Z by drafting every player whose last name starts with or has a Z in it. “Just because we were always last in line at school doesn’t mean we are going to be last in line this year in softball. With guys like Pat ‘Sunshine’ Feldman, Ryan ‘the half man gang’ Marcus (he’s lost weight) and great pitching by Ken Groh I know we are going to be there at the end of the season. Gregg Harris will keep us all loose and it’s not often I get to play with three other guys whose last name is Z (son Eli, Eric Zied and Zach Zakem), we will be ready to take on the rest of the alphabet this year.”

The Wolf family was back this year with captain Wes taking over. If nothing else this will be an interesting bench with guys such as Pete “The Straw that Stirs the drink” Soltesz, Mr. Talkative, Mike Askin, and Mike Gray all on the same team. “We plan on being combative both on the bench and on the field,” Wes said. “Hopefully, the 20 Creeger kids on the bench will make our guys behave themselves. Not to mention, we have the best moustache in the league in rookie, Dan LaCerva. That has to count for something, right?”

Brad Wagner comes back as a captain after a few years off. “I liked running the draft instead of being on this side of things,” Wagner said during the draft. But you won’t know it by his team. From Josh Rosen and Cam Kirzner, he has speed and very good defense. Taking the living legend, Howie Schwartz, as his pitcher will only add to this powerful team. Rookies John Spears and Ian Conwell round out this team that will be a tough out all up and down the order. “I’m pleased with my team Brad said afterwards. While I might get 3-4 strikes called on me in MLB, I’m glad that there is no pitch clock in JCC softball. I need all the strikes I can get,” Wagner said.

Finally, Team Fogel took rookie, Brandon Wronker and then took some power with Scott “Why can’t we be” Friend, and Jason Esterkamp. Then they went with the “we are family” approach with the picks of rookie, Matt Miller, and Shorty Adams, who aren’t related but in the Jewish world are uncle and nephew. “Why not draft my roommate and his uncle? We can talk UC basketball while we play each week. What’s wrong with that? If nothing else, it will drive Roger crazy.”

See everyone next week. Let’s hope for nice weather.

Championship Game Results: September 7, 2022

September 7 Recap

By Marc Brafman

After a LONG and wet regular season, we somehow got all the post season done on time and without too many hiccups. When all was said and done the best team in the regular season proved to be the best in the post season. Congrats to Captain Stu Solomon and his team for a great season. 

For those that didn’t know, in a back-and-forth game vs. Team Weisser the game, season and championship ended on a walk off single by Jeff “The Natural” Weisbrot who drove in Dan “Everything is so” Green who led off the bottom of the 7th with a double to win 9-8.

Instead of Stu’s recap e-mail he passed along the e-mail that Jeff sent his teammates after the game:

Some of you know this already, but I started playing in this league when I was 16.   I’m now 44.   44-16 equals 28 years.   I was gone for 8 of those years, so let’s call it 20 years of playing this league, and I had never been on a team that had won a half or an end of the year tournament.

Even though I was absent for part of the first half, I could tell early on this team was different.   We had guys up and down the lineup that could get a rally started.   I could chill out in the outfield and occasionally go track one down, and I knew I had a capable infield in front of me, and I just had to help on the back side.   That was also unique.

This was a fun bunch of teammates to play with and kudos to Stu for putting this team together.   As many of you know, Jason Faust and I were lifelong friends, and we competed with and against each other for many years in this league.  He and I had a long running joke of how I had never won a half or a tournament, and I certainly had him in the back of my mind throughout this tourney run. 

And, especially while I was up there in the bottom of the 7th with the winning run on second.   I never imagined I would have the opportunity to personally end the 20-year curse, lol!

Thanks to Tyler for straightening me out, when I had a brain fart, and gave a thought to bunting.  In so many words, he told me to get the fuck out of here and hit the ball!  I’m a grown adult now, but it is still fun to win a championship in this league.

As talented as we were, it wasn’t always easy, and this team always found a way to battle out of tough situations.   We never gave up, cool stuff.   

Thanks for letting me be part of it.

Jeff Weisbrot, 6th Round Pick

Congrats again to Team Stu and all the guys on his team. And to Team Weisser who played two great games to get to the championship game and made it a fun exciting game last night. 

Reading Jeff’s words above it really goes to show how much this league means to all. From Cam Kirzner who might be the youngest guy in the league to Jerry, Howie and Eppy it’s a special thing we do once a week each summer and how much we all enjoy it and cherish each Wednesday. 

One thing that struck me about Jeff’s note above is that you are never too old to get excited about winning a title. I was reminded of this last night when I watched my daughter, the non-sports fan of the Brafman household, win her first Jr. High tennis match. I was planning on going to the game last night, but her match went to 2 sets, and she won in a tie breaker for her first win. She then asked me to stick around to watch the doubles match, which Wyoming won for their first team win of the year. You’d have thought they had won the US Open! I hope none of us ever forget the joy of winning no matter how old we get. 

Speaking of old: here is an amazing stat from two weeks ago. 

On Aug. 29, 2001 Serena Williams won a match at the US Open and the great Albert Pujios homered for the Cards. That night Vlad Guerro, Craig Biggio and Dante Bichette “Happens” also homered

On Aug. 29, 2022 Serena Williams won a match in the US Open, AP homered vs. the Reds and Vlad Guerro JR., Cavan Biggio and Bo Bichette all homered. Sports are weird like that, right?

Happy anniversary to Eric Gruen (13 years I believe).

Happy birthday to JCC softball alumnus, Jeff Cohen.

Reminder the ASG is Sunday Sept 25 at Triple Creek. Come out and cheer on the guys.

The Oy Vey 5K is Nov. 13. Please come out and support the JCC and the sports program.

The Fall league is getting ready to go. Please sign it up if you want to play.

In case you missed it earlier this week Rabbi Yitz would like to pass this along:

I was wondering if you could include a message in your next communication to the League:

As Softball is a prime Jewish community program, it would be nice to let the large number of “Young Jewish Professionals” ages 21-40 that play know about a very popular event coming up — the “End of Summer Soiree” on Thurs Sept 15.

It’s a fun, social, Jewish party downtown. Click to RSVP.

I’m happy to report that Roger didn’t get tossed overboard on his cruise. 

A big thank you to all the Captains this year. It was a crazy year with the rain, the Sunday morning games, but you made it through, and everyone had a great time. (Well, maybe not Roger) 

Finally, a big shout out this year to Ryan, Rick T, Ricky L, Jerry and Mr. Mike for all of their help in getting the league through the rain, the postponements, the crazy schedule changes and everything else that happened this year. Well done guys. We don’t thank you guys enough for keeping us in line and the league running smoothly. 


Playoff Game Results: August 31, 2022

On a glorious night for softball (of course, when most of us weren’t playing) we had two great, down-to-the-wire games at Triple Creek.

On field 2 it was #1 seed Team Solomon vs. #5 seed Team Lefton

Stu chimes in first for the winners:

Team Solomon advances to the Championship Game with an 8-6 victory over Team Lefton.It was a back and forth battle with great plays from both teams.On a team filled with big hitters, the offensive action started with a seeing eye single by Evan “6th Circuit Court” Gildenblatt to score Corey “Chuck”  Norris. Dan “Everything is So” Green and Jeff “No Novocaine” Weisbrot were terrors on the base pads, both having multiple hits. Event of note: Team Lefton was terrified of Gregg “Triple G” Harris’ high exit velocity and intentionally walked him.Two of our biggest hits were from Ryan “ROY” Marcus with a bases-clearing triple. He came around to score on a delayed steal of home. It wasn’t the prettiest slide (it was more of a belly flop), but it all counts. The second was a home run by Adam “The Bad Guy” Cronstein after Griffin Harris robbed Adam in the 2nd inning. This ball was too far out of his reach. Adam chirped Griff on his way to second and eventually scored. That put team Solomon up one going into the 5th.Team Solomon scrapped out a run in the bottom of 6 to put them up 2 going into the top of 7.“It was a great team effort with contributions up and down the line-up and solid D across the board”, said Team Captain, Stuart Solomon, who is in his first ever trip to the Tournament championship game.

On Field 4 it was #7 seed, Team Weisser vs. #6 seed, Team Zawatsky.

Mark, from his Europe trip for the winners: (I can’t remember the final score but Team Weisser won by 5)

What a great team win for my guys last night. Down one going to the top of the 7th, our bats came alive. The big blow was a two-run go-ahead triple by Brad “The Human Rain Delay” Wagner. Watching from the bleachers Mike “Flash” Creemer remarked that he could have scored from first on that ball. Tyler “Big Bad” Wolf, Jamie Kurtzer, and Brad Gallop also had big hits in the inning. “I was just trying to help my team,” Gallop said post game while icing the boo-boo he got on his knee from sliding without pants on.” I’m so excited we made the championship game. Earlier in the game, “The Doctor of Style” David Weil had a big hit and contributed with a sac fly later in the game. “We will be ready to play next week,” Mark said. “Even without me, I’m confident that we can knock off Solomon.”

So, we are set with a Team Solomon vs. Team Weisser final next week at 6:00 PM at Triple Creek. If you are free, come on out and watch and we’ll all head out to the Silver Spring house post game for some wings to celebrate the end of the season. 

League notes:
If you haven’t sent your ASG votes to Ryan, please do so. The game is coming up soon.

If you would like to play in the fall league let us know. Games will be on Sunday mornings at Triple Creek. 

The time for me bugging all of you about the Oy Vey 5K race at the JCC is back. This year all the money earned goes towards ALL the sports programs and that includes the softball league. You can walk if you don’t run, you get a fun shirt and it’s for a good cause. The race is Nov. 13 at the JCC. I’ll send the link out soon.

Congrats to former League Rookie of the Year Leon “The Bull” Seserman on his engagement last week.

What is going on with fans at baseball games? Twice this week once in Oakland, and once in Toronto fans had sex in the stands. Maybe that would work for the Reds.

Did you see the story that came out yesterday about Angel Hernandez, the worst ump in baseball, who is suing baseball because he never works any of the big games. The last postseason he worked was in 2018 and he had 4 calls overturned by replay in one game. Joe Torre, who was in charge of the umps at the time, said, “Yeah, you are terrible, and this is why you aren’t working the World Series.” The report also mentioned that he went up to maybe my least favorite Red of all time, Homer Bailey, and asked him to sign 11 balls after one of his no-hitters. The fact that MLB can’t or won’t fire him is the reason we are going to see robot umps soon.

With all the gushing over Serena Williams (and rightfully so) winning her first two US Open matches at 41, everyone should look at our league where Jerry “Doc” Kirzner, Howie and Eppy are still going strong into their mid-70’s. Let’s see her do that!! By the way, on Monday night Martina Navratilova and her dog were sitting next to Mike Tyson. Everyone it seems is coming out for Serena.

Finally, Roger is on a cruise to celebrate his wedding anniversary. What are the odds that we hear about a man pushed overboard, not by his wife, but by the entire crew? Roger on a cruise… man that is a lot of talking and nowhere to go!

Game Results: August 25, 2022

August 24 Recap

By Marc Brafman

Ryan couldn’t have dialed up nicer weather last night and the action was just as hot as the sun. And it was a CRAZY night as the 2-3-4 seeds all lost to the underdogs. Will Team Z be this year’s Loyola of Chicago? We will find out in the coming weeks.

On Field one, Team Weisser knocked off Team Grefer

Mark for the winners:

We beat Team Grefer 5-4 in a very well-played game. Team Grefer had bases loaded with two outs with Dan Grefer at the plate. Ground ball to Weston Wolf who fielded the ball, ran to second and threw a strike to first for the final out.

Pete Soltesz with a very nice catch in LF. Key hits by Alexander Wold and myself and nice baserunning by Scott Wolf. Scott Wolf ended up fracturing his thumb while fielding a ball at 2b in the first.

Ben Margolis hit a nice home run to LCF for Team Grefer.

I will be in Europe the next two weeks with Jamie Kurtzer taking the bump in my absence.

On Field two it was Team Solomon getting back on the right track vs. Team Kamrass

Team Solomon began their playoff run with a total victory over Team Kamrass 9-3. This could have been the spot for a let down from Team Solomon. We had lost 2 straight and had the pressure of being the #1 Seed.

The game was tight for the first two innings with Team Solomon up 1-0. Great defense kept Team Kamrass at bay all game. Team Solomon turned on the offensive Jets in the bottom of the 3rd. We had three straight hits from Dan “Everything is So” Green, Adam “Metal Spikes” Cronstein, and Jeff “Captain America” Weisbrot. Tyler ” The Silent Assassin” Stansbury had a very long fly out scoring two on some heads up baserunning by Cronstein. Ryan “ROY” Marcus hit a very nice single to score Weisbrot to make it 4-0. Up steps Stuart “El Capitan” Solomon. He ropes a ball into the gap in RCF for an Inside the Park HR, which would prove to put the game out of reach.

The defense continued to hold for the rest of the game. Bottom 5, the game could have shifted towards Kamrass, but with two outs Adam lead off with a single followed by a perfectly placed ball from Weisbrot down the right field line that kicked by the RF, for an inside the park homer. Next Stansbury came up to the plate and hit a towering homer over the fence in straight away CF. This finally put the game away.

Matt “Swags” Wagner after the game, “This was a great team win. I really hope to stick to my roommate’s dad (Ricky) next week.”

On Field three Team Lefton Beat Team Brafman (and the sun)

Jimmy and Marc combo: For the third straight time Team Lefton and Team Brafman came down to the wire. This time Team Lefton got the better of Team Brafman winning a thrilling and very well-played game 8-7. Big shout outs go to Matt Brodoff at 3rd who made 3-4 really good plays to keep Team Brafman off the bases. Trailing 7-5 going to the top of the 7th Team Lefton got some timely hitting from Ricky Lefton, Jerry Kirzner and Stu Weinstein. After a fly out and a bases loaded walk to Cam Kirzner Lefton took an 8-7 lead. Team Lefton got out of a bases loaded two out jam to win the game in the bottom of the 7th. What a team effort Jimmy said afterwards. Big his from Ricky, Stu Weinstein, “The Special One” Mike Rothstein kept us in the game and we finally broke through. We are excited to get another shot at Solomon.  A special shout out to Griff Harris who somehow caught at least 3 hard hit balls hit directly into the sun. And as always, he made it look easy.

Over on the loser’s side Captain Brafman would like to thank his entire team and all the subs who played for him this year. We had a great year coming in 2nd in the first half of the season and had a lot of fun along the way. Last night just didn’t break our way. We’ll get them next year. He also hopes that Alan “Speedy” Lessure recovers from his leg injury that knocked him out of the game last night.

Finally, on field 4 another huge upset as Team Z took down Team Fogel.

David Wertheim for the winners:

David Wertheim here pinch-hitting for Captain Z this week. This is my first piece of writing since my infamous event columns for Paul Daugherty so sorry if I’m a little rusty. I’ll try to be quick to the points here.

There was a large crowd of about 25 people watching a much-hyped matchup on Field 4 between the No. 3 seed Team Fogel and the No. 6 seed Team Zawatsky. The game started slow, with a 3-2 lead for Team Z after three innings, but the underdogs exploded for 12 runs over the last four innings en route to a 15-7 coast-to-coast upset victory, with Fogel not leading for a single second of the game.

Zawatsky preached a “why not us” mentality to his team before the game, and the entire lineup seemed to take this message to heart. Every single player on Team Z had at least one base hit, with five players (Wertheim, Ryan Silverman, Harry Meisner, Rabbi Yitz, and Andy Gollin) notching at least three hits each. The defense was solid as usual, with pitcher Ken Groh enjoying an excellent outing that included a three-pitch strikeout of Scott Friend to end the game. Larry Newman played a solid second base (as always) and had two hits, while Oren Shmoel made some big catches in the early innings and had a couple hits of his own. Phil Ganson, who was very vocal on the bench and in the field, played a good game at third base and hit some balls hard. It was truly a team effort for a squad that had been underestimated by many.

Next week, Team Z will take on Team Weisser on Field 4 in a battle of lower-seeds for the right to advance to the championship game. Who would’ve thought! Come out and watch what should be a great matchup (and use up those concession cards).

League notes (short version)

Reminder that the games start at 6:00 PM moving forward

Sign the Jason Faust shirt

Get your ASG votes in. The game is coming up soon on a Sunday at Triple Creek this year

Oy Vey 5K is in Nov. Registration coming soon

See everyone next week. Just because your team lost doesn’t mean you still can’t come out to watch and cheer on the other teams
