CFL-Reporting Eppstein guarantees a Victory over the Loonies! This week

Reporter CFL, met with Team Eppstein Captain, Steve Eppstein, today. The discussion centered around Team Eppstein’s win loss record the past several years. The record show only 3 wins in 1-1/2 years. Captain Eppstein’s contract expires at the end of the season. Could this be it for Eppy?
Understanding his situation Captain Eppstein, guaranteed a victory this week over Team Looney, by way of the 10 run rule. This would remove Team Eppstein temporarily from contention for the Pink Shirt Award. Can they bounce back? Can the young kids play with the big boyz? Will the defense tighten up? Eppstein guarantees Team Loonies! Chicken Wings if the loonies win!

Game Results: June 27, 2010

Sunday June 27…..5:35 p.m…..only one game so far to report from Sunday’s action….TEAM GREFER, in first place, knocked off TEAM EPPSTEIN, 6-0, as MIKE GRAY continued his mastery on the mound in giving up two hits….great defense supported him, but he had the batters off balance all game….questions/comments……..

CFL Reporting!

Misery loves company. Three Teams are now in contention for the “Pink Shirt Award”
Teams Loooony, Eppy and Lefton, each have a record of 1-5.My pick for Sunday…. Eppstein will not lose! Guaranteed!


Friday June 25……10:49 a.m…..BRANDON GUTTMAN reports in for his team win or lose and the BLOG wants to give him KUDOS for that… earlier reported, his team lost to TEAM GREFER, 5-3, but came back from a 5-0 deficit and had the tying run at the plate in the 7th inning only to be snuffed out….BG was quoted after the game, “MIKE GRAY (pitcher for TEAM GREFER and a Cubs fan????) pitched a fantastic game and in this captain’s opinion is clearly the #2 pitcher in the league and an MVP candidate.”….are the other pitchers listening??????….hitting stars for TEAM GUTTMAN were ZAC “HYPHE” HIUDT, ABE “ILITY” DAHAN and JAROD “J-ROD” HIUDT each going 2 for 3….also SCOTT “SHORTY”ADAMS went 1 for 1 with a sacrafice and a walk…questions/comments….mailto:walk…questions/comments…

CFL Reporting Team Cronstein bows to Team Lefton! Teddy Ballgame Steals 2nd base.!

Yep, they split 1-1. Cronstein wins Tuesday, Lefton takes Team Cronstein to the mat Wednesday 8-5. It can only be described as a beating. Like taken to the woodshed beaten!
Team Lefton, sporting their new hats, jelled. They played perfect defense. the pitching was untouchable, The offense clicked and TEDYY BALLGAME HAD 2 HITS 2 RBI 1 STOLEN BASE, and was honored with the first, game ball award of the year. Congratulations Teddy!
Depending on the outcome of Team Eppstein’s game, the two Teams could be tied for the Pink Shirt Award.

Ace reporter Rogzilla will follow with more details. Roger’s feelings got hurt Wednesday night, not sure why. Maybe he will write about it?