Tuesday April 20…..10:09 p.m……I’m baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!
Welcome to the 2010 BLOG for the 2010 JCC Softball Season…….to the newcomers my name is ROGER ROSENTHAL a.k.a. ROGZILLA and the BLOG’s main purpose is to provide information on the league a.k.a. game recaps and notes and tidbits….feel free to contribute by e-mailing me at….Games are scheduled to begin tomorrow evening with the following match-ups….Field 1….LEFTON/KIRZNER; Field 2….CRONSTEIN/EPPSTEIN; Field 3….SILVERMAN/GREFER and Field 4….GUTTMAN/SCHWARTZ….LOON has a first week bye…..Game time for all games are 6:15, but captains are requesting their players to get to the fields by 6:00if possible….think we might be cancelled by the weather?….call the WEATHER LINE at 728-3551 Ext. 384….this season has three new captains…..RYAN SILVERMAN, ADAM CRONSTEIN and BRANDON GUTTMAN….Good Luck to them as well as the veteran captains….also, there are a record number of new players in the league……WELCOME….May the games begin and the BLOG wishes everyone GOOD LUCK and HAPPY SOFTBALLING!!!!! AGAIN, comments/questions, etc. can be sent to me at……


Saturday October 3……..2:29 p.m…… from the All-Star Game was slow getting here, but finally arrived…….RON ROSE AND JOEL FOGEL were captains with TEAM ROSE prevailing, 5-3, in a nine inning game……MVP honors went to JUSTIN MUNDHENK of TEAM LOON who collected three hits and 2 RBI’s and played a stellar second base…….other individual outstanding performances came from MIKE SMALL and NICK RUEZER (both on offense and defense) of TEAM WERNICK, MIKE GRAY (pitching) of TEAM KIRZNER and JIMMY LEFTON (pitching) of TEAM NEWMAN for TEAM FOGEL, while for the winning TEAM ROSE, GARY ASKIN (two hits and two RBI’s and two pick-offs at 1B) and JOHN BERG (pitched six innings) of TEAM WERNICK, BRANDON GUTTMAN (key late inning hit) of TEAM EPPSTEIN and BOB BONNER (double)and HOWARD SCHWARTZ (pitched three innings) of TEAM SCHWARTZ contributed to the victory…….kudos also go to MIKE CREEMER who announced the game and did his MARTY BRENNAMAN impersonation………..Congratulations to all the All-Star represenatives……………………until next year……..