Game Results: August 30, 2019

leader 16
grefer   6
by greg leader
TEAM LEADER bested TEAM GREFER in a matchup of two of the league’s most accurate pitchers. True to form, neither MIKE GRAY nor MVP candidate JAMEY KURTZER walked a batter in the game.
Team Leader found itself in an early 4-0 hole after the top half of the first inning. The victors answered with 3 runs in the bottom half of the frame and scored in every inning to take the contest 16-6 in six innings.
Offensive stars for TEAM LEADER were ANDY GOLIN (3-4 including the walk-off hit in the 6th,) ANTON LOON (3-4,) LEON ‘NO-BULL’ SESSERMAN  (3-4,) ZACH MAYER (4-4, HR) and HARRY MEISNER who the team nicknamed ‘Houdini’ for reappearing after a four game disappearing act with a monster HR (7) over the CF fence.
Team Leader looks to avenge its only loss in its last 13 games next week in the semifinals against Team Lefton.


Game Results: August 29, 2019


# 4 lefton      12
# 5 kamrass   8

by roger rosenthal

In what was a pitcher’s battle throughout most of the game between JIMMY LEFTON and JASON FAUST, the offense came alive for TEAM LEFTON in the bottom of the sixth inning as the winners plated eight runs as the bats came alive……everyone got in on the act, but the biggest hit came off the bat of veteran GARY FISHER, as he clubbed a line drive to right field that carried all the way to the fence for a three run blast….

After the game, FISHER said, “I hit a home run about every ten years and was glad it happened this evening to help our team win. I hit it right on the button and it just carried. I was at first thinking three base hit, but my third base coach sent me home. Boy was I tired.”

It should be noted that FAUST was playing hurt and re-injured his hamstring and later left the game during the big rally……

Other notable notes from this game didn’t actually happen in the game, but prior to the game as LEFTON forgot his game attire including his glove and shoes.

“I must have been thinking about a court case tomorrow and it slipped my mind. I felt bad, but knew I had to pitch a pretty good game to offset my forgetting my glove and shoes,” he said afterwards.

Thanks to the big feet of JEREMY FOGEL, he was able to loan him some shoes and a glove that fit.

“I’m glad I did my part in helping the team win,” FOGEL said after the victory.


RON “THE ROCKET” NASSIF subbed for the first time in what seemed like an eternity…..he’s getting up in years, but still can play the game……

After the game, at the regular eating spot, ROGER ROSENTHAL, ZACH ZAKEM, RYAN BAUM and JERRY KIRZNER were in a great debate on what is more important, winning the tournament or winning the first and second half……your thoughts?

MARC BRAFMAN missed the opening round game as he had to attend school functions for his two children…..rumor has it, that he was actually tuned in via streaming and following his team and NOT listening to his children’s teachers……that’s a detention in my book!!!!!


Game Results: August 29, 2019


by Marc Brafman

Team Brafman battled to the end but lost 16-12 to Team Solomon last night to end their season. “Like we did all season, we fought to the end,” Jerry “Doc” Kirzner said. We just didn’t get the breaks when we needed them. But I had a great time and I can’t wait for next year.
With Capt. Brafman off listening to 1st and 4th-grade teachers drone on, he’d like to thank all of his guys for a great and fun season. “I had a great time this season. While we didn’t finish on top we sure enjoyed each Wednesday. Looking at the improvement of guys from the start of the year to the end is what it’s all about. From Dave ‘The Minister of Fun’ Cohen really making a name for himself at 1st base, to Zach ‘The Wild Horse’ Zackem going from late-round pick to leadoff hitter (And a guy who should be in the running for most improved player in the league) those guys really showed how it’s done. Ryan ‘The Hebrew Hammer’ Baum, Pat ‘Sunshine’ Feldman, Randy ‘The Big Kahuna’ Broyles, Rookie of the Year  candidate Bob ‘Sunset’ Feldman and Eric ‘The Mouth of the Midwest’ Gruen paced the offense.  I couldn’t have done it this year without the veteran leadership of Jerry ‘Doc’ Kirzner, Aaron ‘Straight outta’ Compton and Brad ‘The Human Rain delay’ Wagner helping me all season. (Aaron get better soon the league is better when you are healthy) A special shoutout to Howard ‘Old Town Road’ Goldwasser who never let his injury in the first half of the season get him down while keeping score and came back strong to help us win a couple of games late in the year.”  
Good luck to the rest of the teams playing. See you all next season.
League Notes:
Congrats to Jerry Kirzner and former Commish Ryan Kirzner on the bat mitzvah of Jerry’s granddaughter and Ryan’s niece this past weekend
Who knew that Scott Wolf knew anything else besides stealing bases, as he was interviewed last week for a law web cast about personal injury law. Nice work Scott
I’m not sure which were posted more from you guys last week on Facebook-back to school pictures or pictures of your dogs. Either way, I enjoyed seeing them
Mr. Mike is leading an over 40-year old JCC basketball league this fall. What could possibly go wrong with that?
Congrats to all of the first time and returning All Stars. Commish Rick will post the list soon. (the game is on Sept. 22). Come on out. It’s a lot of fun and we have some fun surprises in store.
Finally, as I do most weeks, I talk to Roger about his favorite topic which is bobbleheads. This got me thinking what would bobbleheads of certain guys in the league look like:
Joel “The Wrath of” Kahn-either in a chef hat or of course as KAHNNNNN from Star Trek
Riley “the Big Man” Able with a sax in his hand and when you press a button it will play “Born to Run”
Dan Green and Eric Gruen- with a bat in their hand in the bunt position
Taylor Schwartz and Leon “The Bull” Seserman sitting on a couch watching TV with a blanket wrapped around them
Zach Mayer – when you push his head it complains to the ump
Scott “Shorty” Adams instead of his head moving, his hand moves as he goes to left on his phone looking at tinder dates
David “BP” Snyder doesn’t have a head that moves but when you look at his chest it opens up
Tyler Stansbury – looks just like a Jr. Griffey bobblehead with his sweet swing
Eppy would have a bobble arm lifting up wings and donuts
David “Votto” Weil would get two…one with him holding a bourbon, the other with a camera taking pictures of his food
The entire Lefton Family, Eric Gruen, Randy Broyles, and all other OSU Fans will have one with their hands up watching a TV as the Buckeyes once again lose to an unranked team by 20 (I hope that team is UC next week)
All of the college guys will have one looking like Bluto or Otter from Animal House
“Handsome”: Sam Castellini will be sitting on a life guard chair looking like Wendy Peppercorn
Ron Rose will look like Bob Ross with a paint brush in one hand
Finally, Roger will be holding a bobble head of himself holding a bobblehead.

Game Results: August 29, 2019

first round action…..GAME REPORTS TO FOLLOW……….


field #1…..# 3 solomon/ #6 brafman
field #2…..# 2 schwartz, h./ #7 groh
field #3…..#1 leader/ #8 grefer
field #4…..#4 lefton/ #5 kamrass

semis next week……fields to be determined….

#1 leader/ #4 lefton……………….espn
#2 schwartz, h/ # 3 solomon…..espn2