Monday May 4………5:12 p.m………Was the field that bad Sunday a.m.?………rumor has it that there are some disgruntled folks out there and you know who you are…….also the issue about the length of the bases is now a HOT topic of converstation…..thank you to the winning captains for reporting your games in a timely fashion……the quicker the better so I can put them all in together…….Team Fogel hasn’t played yet, but reports out of their camp, according to captain Joel “Sparky” Fogel is that they are foaming at the mouth to get started and have a beatdown on Team Kirzner……WOW!……..they were to play an exhibition in Tennessee this afternoon, weather permitting, and bus to Cincinnati afterwards and arrive at Greyhound Terminal at 10:00 p.m. for those wanting to greet and boo them………(cheap ass owners can’t furnish a jet)….comments/suggestions/questions/rumors/lies can be directed to me at and yes the CYCLONES are in the American Conference Finals…..Games 3, 4 and 5 (if needed) are at U.S. Bank Arena Wed., Fri., and Sat. of next week……….Happy Softballing!!!!!!!!!!

Game Results: May 1, 2009

Friday May 1…….4:21 p.m………final report on the games this past Wednesday night come from Team Schwartz as they defeated Team Loon, 4-3, with the winning runs coming in the bottom of the seventh inning……..veterean Stu Weinstein is back at shortstop and was the hitting star with a jack over the left field fence and the game winning hit…….kudos also go to Dennis “The Trojan” Bernstein, who got on base each at bat…….a reminder again and again……..anyone (losing captain and/or any players) interested in adding anything to the Blog, please e-mail me with the info at………


Friday May 1………..10:44 a.m………..a couple more games to report on……….Team Kirzner defeated Team Grefer, 4-2, in a pitching dual, but when the dust cleared it was Mike Gray, after a year off, coming away with the victory over hardluck loser Mark Weisser……….Team Grefer took the lead, 2-1, in the bottom of the 5th inning only to have Team Kirzner come back with a three spot in the top of the sixth inning…….The Cronstein duo of Dan (the OLD guy) and Adam (the faster one) produced key hits along with rookie Marc Levitt, Jerry Kirzner and Ron “Rocket” Nassif………Hitting stars for Team Kirzner…….Adam “Bearcat” Cronstein (3-3) and Scott (Doc) Kotzin (2 3B’s)……in other action……Team Eppstein routed Team Franklin, 9-2, rookie Garrrett Roberts was awarded the game ball by Steve “Donut” Eppstein for his stellar defensive play and triple……other key plays came from Brandon Guttman and Brad “WNBA FAN” Wagner who each threw out runners trying to tag on flyouts………Rain is in the forecast this Sunday, but Gametime is at 9:30 if the rains stay away………CYCLONES UPDATE (YOU KNEW THERE WOULD BE ONE) ARE ONE WIN AWAY FROM CLINCHING ROUND TWO AS THEY PLAY AT ELMIRA, NEW YORK IN GAME 4………anybody wanting to report on their games other than captains, feel free to e-mail me at………. HAPPY SOFTBALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday April 29……….11:19 p.m………just back from dining with some softballers after the opening week (last week was cancelled due to wet fields)……..early report on happenings on the field…..on Field 4……..Team Wernick, captained by first year captain Dave Wernick, defeated Team Newman/Lefton, 5-1, as “rookie” pitcher John Berg pitched a gem as he walked one and with great defense behind him shut down a potent hitting line-up…….Brian “Griffey” Goldberg hit a homerun to right field as he showed his speed rounding the bases……..also a fine performance by Gary Askin behind the plate as he called a “great game..Team Newman/Lefton’s Lenny Loeb, who was celebrating a birthday, got two hits……however, the play of the game was a rarity as “Weeze” Lefton, playing shortstop, threw his glove at a ball hit up the middle by Joel Tsevat, hit it, resulting in a single and a two base error and Joel being awarded third base…….for more game highlights…………CAPTAINS……please report game stories to me at ……..

Rainout Spoils Opening Night

Today was a beautiful today to play a ball game. After personally visiting the fields at Triple Creek and talking to the staff. It was fair to say, the only use for the fields today was for a swim meet. Pools of water soaked the ground everywhere in the infield on each of the four fields.
The “fields will not be ready for any games Thursday either” said Jamie Kirst, field supervisor at Triple Creek.

So next Wednesday we will try again. The shirts are ready. Hopefully the legs are willing!

See ya then!