Monday April 20………2:55 p.m…….I’m baaaaaaaaaaack…….welcome back to all the returning softballers and a special welcome to the new players to the league……..hopefully the weather will co-operate this Wednesday for Opening Night (Team Wernick has a bye)……..No early picks yet on who the favorite is to win the league title, but……..stay tuned!……the Cyclones play in a Game 7 for the right to defend the Kelly Cup….Gametime is 7:30 p.m. at U.S. Bank Arena…..for those who have never seen a Game 7 in hockey……you don’t want to miss it!……a few softballers are expected to be in attendance including a certain blogger…….Picks in the N.B.A…….L.A. over Cleveland…..sorry King……..NHL picks……..Detroit over Boston………in summary…….Good Luck to everyone in the upcoming season and let’s have a good time!…….
NOTE TO CAPTAINS: please e-mail me with game results/stories so I can add them to the blog each week………if not I’m tempted to make up stuff…….for other comments, etc……e-mail me at …………….Take care………..

Today’s events

The rain scared the players away from practice today. Only Brandon Guttman and Gordy showed up at Triple Creek Sunday mid-morning.
Team Franklin schedule there own indoor practice, at Champions Sports Academy this Sunday. For 2 hours Team Franklin worked on hitting and other strategies for their first game.

A undisclosed source, tells this blog reporter that 2 members of Team Schwartz also held an abbreviated workout for the pitching staff and battery mates, by the way their combined age totals 139 years old. That’s just 2 players! Early reports also indicate Team Schwartz is missing several key players for their first game.

Team Grefer also has been in private preparation for Wednesday’s opening night game. “Too Tall” Grefer and his younger brother “Refer Grefer” have been in the video room. They have been watching Angels in the Outfield, Sandlot, and Bad News Bears.

Team Newman is looking to pick up their second “Pink Shirt” Award in three years. Teaming up with the Lefton brothers makes this a lock. By the way, the “Pink Shirt Award” is now unoffical. Members of the commission found this “offensive and “Should not be part of this league”.
Boring!!! Well, we are still allowed facial hair, even if it looks bad.

This should be a great year, we have many new players and a big increase in the sublist, with many players biteing at the bit to play on a regular basis, Gotta sign up early next year.

Some changes, Mark Weisser and Dan Glassman, are not a captain, David Wernick and Anton Looooooooooon, are now captains for the very first time, good luck to you. Former “Commission for Life” Big Gig is now a captain, returning to lead a team for the first time since 2002. Joel “Sparky” Fogel is back too.

Rookie Night is comming, details will follow in a week or so.

Commissioner Mike Rothstein has a great year planned both on and off the field. Please give him your support and suggesstions. He wants to make this the best league it can be!


Saturday March 21……..6:18 p.m………what a nice day it was yesterday in the mens’ N.C.A.A. tournament (for me at least)………Xavier won! Ohio State lost! Wisconsin won! West Virginia lost! U.C. and Kentucky aren’t even in the tournament!……..My pick is N.C. to win it all……Bits and pieces of information……a few softballers were spotted at the Cyclones game Thursday night…..Hal Fine, Dan Cronstein, Gary Askin, Lawrence Kurtzman (one of the team plastic surgeons) and yours truely………Eric Cronstein (Dan’s youngest son) is touring the country in a band………kudos to Dan Cronstein for moving a mattress for his girlfriend…….old name from the past seen recently was David Malof, now an eye doctor, was spotted at the Blue Ash Rec Center……..any bits of infromation you want printed…….e-mail me at or any comments (negative or positive)…….softball season right around the corner…….take care……..