Game Results: August 18, 2019

winners/losers…..GAME RECAPS WILL FOLLOW……

field #1…….solomon/schwartz, h.
field #2…….lefton/leader
field #3…….grefer/groh
field #4…….kamrass/schwartz, t.



Game Results: August 15, 2019

By Marc Brafman
Team Brafman once again fell short last night to Team Solomon in a hard fought 17-9 loss. The wind was taken out of their sails a little when Aaron “Straight Outta” Compton went down with a knee injury in the 4th inning. “Anytime you see a guy get hurt it bothers you, but especially for a guy like Aaron who has been through this once before and rehabbed to get back onto the field. All of Team Brafman hopes for a quick recovery for Aaron,” Brafman said post game.
Pat “Sunshine” Feldman led the way on offense for Team Brafman with a 2 RBI Sac fly and a JCC Softball home run. Zach “The Wild Horse” Zackem continued his stellar play at the plate and the leadoff spot with a couple of knocks. And Randy “The Big Kahuna” Broyles had a triple.
On defense Bob “Sunset” Feldman continues to turn back the clock with nice plays at both first and second. Dave “The Minister of Fun” Cohen also flashed the leather at 1st and Ryan “The Hebrew Hammer” Baum battled the sun to make a couple of nice catches and throws later in the game.
While Team Brafman has struggled in the standings, that hasn’t stopped them from having fun including one of the funnier lines of the season when Eric “The Mouth of the Midwest” Gruen lived up to his name by informing Brafman that his time running to second on a steal was more AARP than JCC softball. (Good one, Eric)
Team Brafman looks to sweep Team Lefton on Wednesday
Congrats go out to former JCC Softball All Star Ben “Weezy” Lefton on his daughter playing and helping Team USA win a couple of games in Lacrosse at the Maccabi games over the weekend.
Sad news as former JCC player and current Chef at the JCC Drew “Kung Fu” Hayes lost his mother this week. A very bad season for all of us and our parents
Jerry Kirzner has an interesting way to spend his off time. Last week he, along with my parents, visited Mansfield Prison, home of Red, Andy and the rest of the cons in Shawshank Prison. He got to tour the prison and see where all the action in the movie took place. He said the highlight was meeting the actor that played the golf pro that Andy was accused of killing. But we all know the real murderer was Elmo Blatch 
Next season we all need to chip in and buy JCC sub, Brian Monk, a bat and a Red t-shirt. I haven’t seen a grown man wear a “penny” like he had on in years.
We also need to get Scott Wolf a new glove as his has disappeared
I encourage all single guys in the league to become friends with Scott “Shorty” Adams as he somehow always has good looking women on his phone.
Non-softball note of the week: For all of you Ohio State fans out there, the reason the rest of the country hates you is for the nonsense of trying to trademark the word “THE.” I used this in a group text the other day but at the University of Alabama, where I went, all we trademark is titles and not losing to unranked teams by 20 year after year.
Finally, Roger “Wavy Gravy” Rosenthal is getting honored Friday night at GABP by throwing out the first pitch at the Reds game. It happens to be Grateful Dead tribute night and they picked Roger because back in 1971 he dropped acid with Jerry Garcia and Pigpen at the Taft Theater and plans to tell his story on Friday night. 
(Full discloser Roger is really throwing out the first pitch due to his tireless work with the Alzheimer’s foundation. So, all kidding aside, keep up the great work Roger)

Game Results: August 15, 2019

leader 15
groh     9

by greg leader

TEAM LEADER won their 10th consecutive contest as they were once again lifted by a strong pitching performance by MVP candidate JAMEY KURTZER…..

The winners were up 8-2, when TEAM GROH mounted a rally to pull closer only to have TEAM LEADER tack on seven runs in the 7th inning to secure the win…..

Substitutes MICAH KAMRASS, ADAM CRONSTEIN and ADAM HELDMAN all played key roles, both offensively and defensively….

The game ball was presented to JACOB STADIEM, who played a flawless game defensively and delivered two key hits and three RBI’s……..


Game Results: August 15, 2019


field #1…….schwartz, h./lefton
field #2…….leader/groh
field #3…….solomon/brafman
field #4…….schwartz, t./grefer



Game Results: August 8, 2019

T. Schwartz…3

by marc brafman…..

Team Brafman got back to winning (finally) with a 12-3 win over Team Taylor “May the” Schwartz be with you.
As is most often the case with Team Brafman, it was a total team win on both sides of the ball. Eric “The Mouth of the Midwest” Gruen had a big triple, Brad “The Human Rain Delay” Wagner went 4-4, Jerry “Doc” Kirzner continues to turn back the clock with a double and a couple of singles, Howard “Goldie” Goldwasser also had an RBI Single and Zach “The Wild Horse” Zackem hitting leadoff got on base 3 times. “All up and down the lineup we had guys get hits and I couldn’t be happier for Howard and Zach who each week continue to get better at the plate,” Brafman said post game.
On defense the tag team of Pat “Sunshine” Feldman and Bob “Sunset” Feldman, Dave “The Minister of Fun” Cohen, and Ryan “The Hebrew Hammer” Baum all had very good games. It should be noted that Eric Gruen is particularly amazed at the Willie Mays basket catches that Bob Feldman makes every game. “I have trouble catching the ball the ‘right’ way and Bob goes out there and old school style makes it look easy either at first or second,” Gruen said.
But the real star of the game last night for Brafman was Randy “The Big Kahuna” Broyles, who struck out four and kept Team Schwartz off balance all night while also contributing at the plate. “Randy reminded me of Castillo last night,” Kirzner said. “The way he changed speeds and pitch location was fun to catch.”
Team Brafman looks to continue their winning streak vs. the dangerous Team Solomon next week.  
Did you know that Howard “Goldie” Goldwasser is a big fan of the zoos around the county? When asked why this is the case Howard replied who doesn’t like seeing monkeys, elephants and of course, the barn owl all in one place?
Kudos to the father-son team of Joel and Jeremy Fogel for making it to their 26th different MLB stadium. When asked which they like best, they both answered, “Triple Creek Park, of course.”
Now, I know I went to Alabama…and as my team found out last night when I was trying to do the math on how many more runs we needed to win, math is not my strong suit…but answer me this Grif Harris and David Wertheim-When the Reds are offering tickets for $12 and you buy scalped tickets for $15 when we all know you can move anywhere there is an open seat in GABP, how is that a better deal?
For those of you that wish to get in shape, I encourage all of you to go on the JCC web site and watch the video of Rick Lefton getting ready for the big walk coming up in a couple of weeks. Richard Simmons has nothing on Rick Lefton
Besides being one of the best pitchers in the league Ken Groh is also one of the main grounds crew members at Triple Creek Park. I always look forward to Ken’s pictures after the rain showing how his work at the park is keep the fields in tip top shape. Keep up the good work, Ken
Over the last couple of weeks, Joey Votto has used as his walk up music, Party in the USA, and now is coming up to Call Me Maybe which got me thinking about what walk up songs would be good for certain guys in the league:
Dr. Bob would get “The Hockey Song” AKA Hit Someone, by Warren Zevon
Rick Tenenholtz would get “Hail to the Chief”
Mike Creemer would get the theme song from the movie Flash, by Queen
Eric Gruen would continue to get “Let it Go”, from Frozen
Howard Schwartz would get “If I Could Turn Back Time,” by Cher
David Weil would get “One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer,” from either George Thorogood or John Lee Hooker
Scott “Shorty” Adams would get “Don’t Bogart that Joint,” by the Fraternity of Man
Jeff Weisbrot would get “Dentist!” from Little Shop of Horrors
Pat Feldman would get the theme song from Hair
David Snyder would get “I’m the Greatest,” by Ringo Starr
Eppy would get “Eat It,” by Weird Al
Greg Leader would get “Leader of the Pack,” by the Shangri Las
Rabbi Yitz would get the Hora or “I’m Glad I’m Jewish,” By Mike Bloomfield
and finally, Jason Faust would get “Wild Thing,” by the Troggs 
Finally, I may have exaggerated once or twice about Roger Rosenthal and his bobbleheads, but this story is 100% true. Twice last week on Facebook, when different people going on vacation asked about things to do (me at Mammoth Cave and former JCC player “Big” Alex Lefton in LA) Roger commented that we should look for bobbleheads for him at flea markets, gift shops or garage sales. Everyone please take note…if Roger asks you to go on vacation with him, say NO!

kamrass 11
groh        2

by jared kamrass (acting captain for his brother Micah)……

Acting captain JARED KAMRASS was playing chess while his opponents were playing checkers…..


The younger and better looking KAMRASS guided his team to a dominant victory behind a dominant outing from JASON FAUST on the mound,  clutch defense from BEN BARNETT in RF, JARED KAMRASS at 2B and ANDY HEADMAN at 1B…….

RILEY ABLE led the sticks by knocking in four runs from the four hole and ADAM CRONSTEIN, JAMES SWAN and RAFI GOLDFARDB also contributed clutch hitting……

“Jason pitched one of his best games and the whole line-up came up when it counted. I guess they were ready to be inspired from three fearless leader,” the younger and better looking KAMRASS stated after the game…….

leader            9
schwartz, h.  8

by mike rothstein

In a battle of second half unbeaten, TEM LEADER raced out to an early 8-0 lead then hung on for dear life……

MVP candidate JAMIE KURTZER was his usual steady self walking nobody as he’s done in most of his starts…..

ZACH MAYER led the offense with three hits and super subs JACOB KOTZIN and LOGAN HIUDT contributed with solid defense and timely hitting….also chipping in offensively were YITZ KREEGER, JACOB STADIUM and MIKE ROTHSTEIN……

TYLER STANSBURY had a big night for TEAM SCHWARTZ, H. including a three run home run that his team back in the game……

In the end, TEAM LEADER made just enough plays to win as TEAM SCHWARTZ, H. rallied in the top of the 7th inning to make it 9-8, but the last out was recorded on a ground out to second base with the tying run stranded at first base……

lefton 12
grefer  6

by roger rosenthal……..

After being outscored 20-1 in the last 1 1/2 games, TEAM LEFTON finally put together a solid performance as they tallied three runs in the opening frame and never looked back…..

“We were not playing like we have all season the last two games and tonight we finally put together a nice performance. I told the team to just get back to the way we were playing and I can say that we responded well,” said captain JIMMY LEFTON afterwards….

Also, it should be noted that LEFTON secretly was going to hold a midnight practice if the team looked bad for a third straight game….thankfully, that didn’t happen……

The whole team responded by doing their share and LEFTON pitched one of his better games…..

The web gem of the game without a doubt was MIKE KAHAN’s grab in LF as he made the catch or else it would have probably been a round tripper…..

In the stands was STEVE OSTROW, former star in the league and uncle to KAHAN, who commented, “That play was great, but I wouldn’t have expected anything else from him. I’ve taught him since he was baby to make the great plays.”

It should also be noted that TEAM LEFTON was giving an earful to ROGER ROSENTHAL for NOT hustling last week on a ground ball……

ROSENTHAL responded by saying before the game, “That ain’t happening again or else I’ll give every teammate a bobblehead of their choice.”