Game Results: July 29, 2021


July 29 Recap

By Marc Brafman


It was another hot one of the fields last night and the action wasn’t bad either. Once again, some upsets and close games. Let’s get to the recaps.


Taylor leads off as his team took down Team Loon on Field 1


Team Schwartz battled Team Loon on Field #1 as both captains sat out due to the “Twisties.”


Both teams scored 2 in the first inning. Team Loon took the lead after scoring 3 runs with 2 outs. The score held until the bottom of 4, when Mark Franklin (making his season debut) came up to bat with 2 outs and the bases loaded and BLASTED a massive triple over the outfielder’s head, giving Team Schwartz a 7-5 lead. The middle infield of Ben Rodriguez (returning from a firework injury) and sub, David Wertheim, made multiple nice plays but the defensive star was Corey Norris who made two incredible grabs in the same half inning. Mike Rothstein was 3-4 at the dish but league favorite, Pete Soltesz, led the offense going 4-4 with 2 should-be triples (he only got a double on one of them because he thought it was a home run so he walked to first). Schwartz led 12-7 going into the top of the 7th, but Team Loon wouldn’t quit. They strung together 7 consecutive hits to tie the game 12-12, but Jamey Kurtzer hung in there and didn’t surrender the lead. In the bottom of 7, trying to avoid extra innings in consecutive games, Brian Monk got a hit to start the frame. The offense moved him to 3rd and with 1 out Eric Goldstein came up to play hero, and delivered as Monk slid under the throw at the plate to give Team Schwartz back to back walk-off wins.


After the game, offensive star Pete Soltesz had this to say: “I know I may be the least liked guy in the league, but I’m the hottest hitter in the entire world right now. And I have to give thanks to Coach Taylor because he is such a nice person and he believes in me.”


Note: David and Pete did not make up, but they were able to coexist and bring home the win.


Over on field 2, it was Team Solomon vs. Team Kamrass

Stu reports the following:


Big win for Team Solomon last night 10-2.


One of our most stellar defensive efforts. Tyler Stansbury was all over the field. He had two unassisted double plays and a great diving stab and flip to second on a grounder up the middle. Our team had a 9 to 2 to 6 double play. Stuart caught a fly ball to RCF. The runner on third tagged and he beat the throw. The runner on first tried to go to second on the throw home and Andy Gollin gunned him down at 2nd.


On the offensive side, another strong performance by Tyler going 2-4. Moving up in the line-up was Zander Wold going 2-4 with a few RBIs. 


We will briefly touch on the fact that Kamrass only had 9 and were missing their two top hitters. 


On field three it was a titanic struggle as Team Lefton battled Team Brafman


Jimmy’s ghost writer weighs in:


In a game that wasn’t without drama Team Lefton held on to beat Team Brafman 9-7. In what was an interesting offensive night for Team Lefton they never got huge hits or a lot of extra base hits but came up with big hits when they needed them. “The other” Brian Goldberg came up with a couple of big knocks to drive in runs and Jimmy dinked and dunked himself to a couple of hits. The Human Rain Delay, Brad Wagner, had a few knocks and was also smart on the base paths for the visitors. Griff Harris, while not contributing his normal 4-4 night, played a stellar SS and Scott “Why can’t we be” Friend made two nice catches in LC.

On Team Brafman side Mark “Big Blue” Tenenholtz went Joey Bangs Votto on a ball in the bottom of the first for his second over the fence homer in as many games. Alan “The Family Truckster” Lessure also had a nice hit and the Commish Rick T legged out a couple of infield singles. Capt. Lefton explained his controversial move moving Grif from LC to SS. “Nothing against Dee but his range is that of Barry Larkin, NOW, so we moved Grif in and boom we won.” 


Finally in one of the biggest upsets in recent JCC softball history Team Groh took down the mighty Team Grefer on field 4


Ken reports: 


All we can say is JCC softball – the hottest team vs the coldest team and Team Groh just found the answer and his name was Roger Rosenthal. After contacting 38 players and only having 8 I turned to the legend in his own mind to come to the rescue. Roger Rosenthal did his thing. He talked and talked and talked and must have just thrown the Grefers mojo! After both Fogels scored in the top of the 1st, out came Roger to the mound to make his first appearance since the late 2000’s. Yes, he was stalking the mound and muttering after walking guys. He fooled Kyle, but the bloop double drove in 2. He would later score as Grefer took a 3-2 lead, but a double play got him out of the inning. The mound was irked by Roger’s presence and Howie, the 30x pitcher of the year, got wild and looked more like the Mad Hungarian than his normal Randy Johnson self and Team Groh got a big base clearing double from Ryan Baum. Bryce Anslinger, Zach Michelson and David Weil each had 2 hits in the game and Groh scored 7 to take a 9-3 lead. Roger opened the 2nd with 7 straight balls and was pulled for Groh but he delivered as only Roger could. The 3rd ended with a Roger playing 3rd base turning a double play with Zach and Todd. Joel, Jeremy, Groh and Baum each had at least 3 hits and Baum had 2 doubles and a 3-run homer to be named player of the game awards as he batted cleanup. Our backs were against the wall and we were focused and played hard and of course we had the Roger factor.


(It should be noted that in back-to-back weeks Groh has had both Roger and Faust as subs. There might be a mutiny on his team next week if he keeps this up).


League notes

I forgot to mention this last week but in back-to-back Reds games I caught a foul ball (ok I ducked the ball hit the wall behind me and I picked it up)  and then the next night Ryan “Hi Ho” Silverman while sitting with Gary Grefer, Rick Tenenholtz and Jerry Kirzner also caught one while holding a beer in his other hand. Some say it was the best catch Ryan has made in years. 


Speaking of Reds games, it’s amazing that GABP is still standing after the bachelor party that D-Sol and his friends had a few weeks ago. Lucky for us, Rick “Mr. Selfie” Lefton was at the party and filmed it. Here is a clip from that night.


It’s always nice to see guys out and about off the field. Stu Solomon was spotted at the Montgomery Pool over the weekend. While it was nice to catch up with Stu I believe his lovely wife, Kate, was not so happy with Stu talking to me and Scott Friend while she had to chase after their two young kids. Keep an eye open, Stu. Come on, man! (I also believe she called him Stuart. That is never good)


Congrats to Riley “the Big Man” Able and his wife who are expecting their first baby next year


Taylor touched on this above, but last week Anton played a doubleheader then drove to Chicago that night. That is dedication. 


Jason “The Mad Hungarian” Faust is back on Facebook and for those of you who aren’t friends with him, his posts read a little bit like this:


Don’t be surprised if Z becomes the foremost JCC softball authority on ballet dancing as his son is currently dating a woman who is a professional dancer. 


It warms the heart to know that Eppy still calls his family after every game to give them the rundowns on the games. (Personally, I think it’s they make him check in to make sure he is still alive)    


Roger mentioned it earlier in the week, but a very cool article in the Israelite about David “The Dr. of Style” Weil’s dad who was a very good handball player, and who still plays a couple of days a week even into his 80’s. Check it out.


Last night we were debating on our bench about Simone Biles and if this happened to a man what would the reaction be. Well, we have an example of that when a few years ago after his dad died, Joey Votto had to take some time off. Kudos for her for knowing what was best for her and not worrying about what the rest of us think. Plus, if I’m doing flips and tumbles that could kill me if I land on my head, I want to be in the best mental place I could be.  


Finally, we would remiss if we didn’t discuss this week in Reds baseball.  First, I guess we have to give them their due on getting a couple of relief pitchers in trades. If it means we don’t have to watch Perez, Garcia and Hendrix the rest of this week, I’m good with it. But imagine if they had kept Archie Bradley from the start of the season. Who knows how many games they could have won? And for Joel “The Wrath of” Kahn who said 4 years ago that Votto was washed up, I think the last month+ has shown that it might be a little early to close the book on him. 8 homers in 6 games and he is even making good plays in the field. Let’s hope with the DH coming to the NL next year the Reds can move him out of the field and save his legs a little. On top of his play on the field, his post-game interviews are always top notch. While he might not be the greatest clutch hitter in Reds history, he is the best player anyone under the age of 45 has seen with the Reds, and I hope for all of our sakes he can keep it going and that the Reds will put a team around him worthy of his play.  


Roger wanted me to tell all of you that he is starting to collect any old Cleveland Indians stuff in anticipation of a run on it when they change to the Guardians next year. So, if you have any Albert Belle, Corey Schneider or Len Barker things laying around, get them over to Roger ASAP.


Game Results: July 23, 2021


July 21 Recap

By Marc Brafman


Sorry for the delay. It stinks when work gets in the way of recaps, right? But better late than never…so on a great night for softball. Let’s go to the recaps:


It was an unusual night as all but one of the matchups had a split in the games vs. a sweep


On field One we had Team Groh taking on Team Stu


Ken leads off:


Randy Broyles and Mike Gray were locked in a good old-fashioned pitcher’s duel. Michael Askin had several hits and scored the 1st run to make it 1-0. Bryce Anslinger drove in a pair for a 2-1 lead. In the top of the 5th, Team Solomon struck with two outs to tie and take the lead 4-3. With 2 on and no outs, the Mad Hungarian, Jason Faust, hit what we will call a swinging bunt to advance the runners. Then Zach Michelson hit a single and Anslinger slid into home with the winning run for the 5-4 victory! The return of Jason Faust was the highlight of the night for Captain Groh. “It was it was great to see him on the diamond again,” Ken said postgame. “He struggled a bit but had his normal flair we all love and gave it his all even though it was quite the workout. He even tried to pitch a few innings in the 2nd game!”


In game two, Stu’s team won. We did hear that Faust was trying to break the speed record for fastest inning by quick pitching and not letting his defense get ready. Randy “Tex” Broyles was quoted post game as saying “I was not even set and I look up and the ball was going towards the plate” Slow down, big fella! 


On field two we had Team Weisser vs. Team Schwartz


Roger leads off for Team Weisser:

GAME 1…….


The bats came alive for TEAM WEISSER as the whole team got into the act…..


Kudos go to…..HARRY MEISNER…..NORM FRANKEL…..JOSH ROSEN……DAVID WERTHEIM as they led the way…..


MARK WEISSER behind a solid defense with son, EVAN, catching, pitched a game that was never in doubt.




GAME 2…….


After trailing most of the game, TEAM WEISSER came back to tie the game in the top of the 5th inning with some key hits, only to lose in frustrating fashion in the bottom of the 6th inning….


“Damn. That was a great comeback, and it was a tough one to lose, but we showed some fight. I love that. We were down the entire game, but we came back,” the elder WEISSER commented after the game. “I’m proud of this team for coming back, but sometimes things just don’t turn out right at the end.”


DAVID WERTHEIM took the loss hard, “I need to play better. I’m counted on in the big moments and I didn’t produce the way I know I can.”


ROGER ROSENTHAL, the team’s emotional leader, took WERTHEIM aside afterwards and said, “David. You had a heck of a game at shortstop, and you can’t make all the plays. This is a team game and we all need to do our jobs. You’ll be back.”


WERTHEIM gave ROSENTHAL a hug that lasted a full 30 seconds and said, “I needed that. I needed a little love.”


Let’s hear from Capt. Taylor for his reaction:


Team Weisser took on Team Schwartz in a battle of 9 v. 9.


Game 1 was all Team Weisser as their offense was led by Josh Rosen and Harry Meisner. Mark Weisser pitched a great game, and they played all around solid defense, anchored by David Wertheim. First base coach Roger Rosenthal was extremely valuable as he yelled “Touch ‘em all!” on every base hit by his team. Good thing they didn’t listen to him. Evan Weisser threw out multiple runners behind the plate. The final was 11-4, Weisser.


Game 2 was more competitive as the four subs for Team Schwartz settled in. Zach Mayer played fantastic defense at short, Mike Rothstein was wonderful at 3rd, and Keith Kombrinck was stellar at first, making several scoops and difficult stretches. Pete Soltesz had a 3-run home run for the 2nd consecutive week (it was a single, but a JCC homer) to give Schwartz a 5-1 lead. Weisser came all the way back, plating 3 runs in the top of 5 to tie the game. However, the go ahead run got thrown out at home plate by a wide margin.


Tied 5-5 in the bottom of 5, sub Eric Cronstein was at 1st base with 2 outs when newcomer sub George “of the jungle” Peck drove a liner into the deep gap which looked to be the walk-off hit. As speedster Eric rounded 3rd, he could have crab walked to home plate, but instead took a stumble halfway down the line. He finally got up and tried to make a dive for home, but the slow trickling ball beat him for the out, sending the games to extras. Team Weisser had new life and took advantage, plating 3 runs in the top of the frame. A key hit by Kombrinck flipped the order to the top of the lineup with 2 outs, trailing by 2. Consecutive hits by Rothstein, Soltesz, and Zach Mayer, brought up Adam Cronstein, who delivered a screaming line drive to bring in the winning run and walk-off for Team Schwartz in dramatic fashion in one of the craziest games in JCC history.


After the game, winning pitcher Jamey Kurtzer had this to say to sideline reporter Rachel Nichols: “I’ve never seen such madness, which is saying something for the JCC league. I was on my way to get a White Claw to celebrate, and then I saw Eric lying on the ground. I think he had the over, and took us to extras on purpose”


Side note: Tensions got high as many words were exchanged between David Wertheim and many members of Team Schwartz. Captain Weisser even got into the action as he taunted Soltesz. “You’re 25 years older than him, grow up!” It’s only a 13-year difference, Mark. Get it straight. Will be interesting to follow as Wertheim is subbing for Schwartz next week. Stay tuned. (Vegas odds in a boxing match: Soltesz -300 / Wertheim +250).


On field three, it was Team Grefer vs. Team Lefton:


Kyle files his report


We beat team Lefton in both games to bring the win streak up to 9 and win the first half. I’m incredibly proud of my team after starting the season 1-2 to come back and take the first half title.


The first game was 8-0, in a complete team effort. Howie was hitting his spots all night to keep them off balance, and we were able to back him up with consistently great defense. Duff Wolf made a nice catch running back on a ball at first base, and the rest of the Wolf’s carried the offense with Wes, Tyler, and Scott all going 3 for 3.


In the second game the final score was 9-4, with Howie again pitching really well. It was a close game until the 4th inning when we batted around and scored 5 runs. Scott Wolf again reached base 3 times, Gary Grefer and Duff Wolf each had 2 hits, and the top of our order was again solid with only three combined outs for our top 4 batters (me, Wes, Tyler, and Dan Grefer). David Solomon also subbed and made a few nice catches in left field. Howie also helped himself at the plate going 2 for 3 in both games.

Congrats to Team Grefer for winning the first half


Finally on field 4 it was Team Loon vs. Team Brafman


Anton goes first: We beat Team Brafman 15-7 in the first game to ruin their chances of a first half title. We jumped on them early in game one batting around in the first inning. The big blow was a 3-run triple by Camden Kirzner, and I had a big gap hitting double. Our entire lineup came ready to play and we jumped on them early. Other than a HUGE And I mean HUGE two run homer by Mark “Big Blue” Tenenholtz, we did a good job of keeping them off the bases. Kudos to Jerry “Doc” Kirzner for playing great defense behind the plate and super sub, Greg Leader, who dug out a couple of throws at first. Capt Brafman had this to say post game: “I blame myself for this loss. Putting myself in RC was not a smart move because once we shifted Pat “Sunshine” Feldman back we kept it even. I’m proud of the way my team battled all first half we just came up short today.”


In the second game Team Brafman rebounded and won 14-11

We really rebounded nicely in the second game Brafman said. Big hits came from Rabbi Yitz, Sam “The Hitman” Hecht (who got the game ball for going 3-3 and making a great diving stop at 2nd) and Zach “The Wild Horse” Zakem who I believe went 6-6 in the two games. Mark T made his usual great defensive plays in the outfield and the Macho Man Andrew Gage and Ben “Raindance” Rosenberg also made some nice plays in the field. Shout out to Both Eric Zied and Fink for their pitching in both games. 


Let’s hope this was the last week of double headers for the year…


League notes:

Roger starts first 


The after-game meals were missing something this evening. STEVE EPPSTEIN wasn’t there to treat his buddies to wings, chips and whatever else he orders……he’ll be back next week……thank goodness for that… the way, what do you think he does on a bye week????????


**MARK WOLF, a veteran of many seasons, who hung up his glove and bat a few years ago, dropped in to see his buddies……He had some stories to tell about the good old days……and of course, he picked on ROGER ROSENTHAL about his gouging of prices on his bobbleheads……”Man. You talk about high prices. He pays $2 for a $20 bobblehead. Not a bad markup.”



***GRIFF HARRIS was heard before the game bragging about one of his favorite non-Reds players, JOC PEDERSON, who hit a homerun in his first game as an Atlanta Brave……who cares!


*****Finally, DAVID WEIL needs to apply for the next Reds manager job and hire BRAFMAN and former JCC star BILLY KAHN to coach… seems like they have all the answers….lol


As noted above it was great to see Jason “The Mad Hungarian” back out on the field the other night. Just remember next time slow down a little when you’re pitching.


Scott “Shorty” Adams has been on vacation on what looks like a dude ranch this year. I can only image his nights out there are something like this:


Let’s all wish Eric Goldstein a speedy recovery from his big trip over the baseline the other night.


Once again, contact Sam “The Hitman” Hecht if you want your baked good delivered to the field as he will be happy to do so


Get your running shoes on this Nov. I have been tasked to lead the Oy Vey 5K race at the JCC. It’s for a great cause so I will be in touch with more details soon. All kidding aside if you want to run or walk it (or know people that do) please start spreading the word. 


Later this week or early next Team USA led by Todd Fraizer and Matt Kemp takes on Team Israel in baseball at the Olympics. What’s interesting about Team Israel is that their 3rd base coach played at UC with Youk and recruited many of the American players for the team. I’m just glad that one game wonder Ryan Lavarnway is on Team Israel. 


Speaking of the Olympics, while the games are on late stay up to watch the women’s softball. I love watching the Ladies World Series (mainly because Alabama is really good) but the speed and skill with which they pitch and field is amazing to me. 


Roger mentioned it above but speaking for myself, David “The Doctor of style” Weil and Billy Kahn I do believe the 3 of us could do a better job of running the Reds. David Bell continues to get the short end of the straw this year and while no one will say he’s the next Sparky Anderson the Reds continue to do him no favors. The latest is how they are handling Nick Castellanos. Last Friday he got hit in the hand with a pitch in the 3rd inning. Since that time he has played a half inning in the field and came up to bat with the game on the line on Monday where he swung one handed and flew out to the warning track.  A smart team would have given him a day, maybe two, to see if his hand feels better before putting him on the DL. Do the Reds do that? Nope instead they give Bell a short bench which forced him to play Mikey Biceps in the field (resulting in him getting hurt) and pinch hitting a PITCHER with the bases loaded because they didn’t have any other players. On top of that Bell has to run out a collection of bums, has beens and never should be’s night after night in the bullpen and pray that they can A) throw strikes B) keep the ball in the yard C) not spike themselves… It’s such a disservice what the ownership and front office has done to both Bell and all of us. Between me, David and Billy our first thing we’d do is bench Geno Suarez or if we can’t do that then hit him 9th. That’s right after the pitcher. None of us could fail at our job like he has done this year and still be employed. We all love Geno but man he’s been terrible. Next, I would outright release Jeff Hoffman, Sean Doolittle and Mike Freeman and bring up either rookies from AAA or AA. I’d rather see Lopez or Max Schrock hit than Freeman. And no team serious about winning employees Hoffman who can’t throw strikes or get anyone out when he does. 

So, there you have it, Roger. 


See you guys out on the field next week



Game Results: July 15, 2021


July 14 Recap

By Marc Brafman

Since I’m back in the office and i don’t have the schedule in front of me I can’t remember who was on which fields. So, we’ll just have Kyle kick things off with his recap from Team Grefer:


We won two tight games against Team Weisser, 10-7 in the first game and 3-2 in the second. The main factor in the two wins was our defense, as I don’t think we made a single error across both games. Dan Grefer made some nice plays at third base, and I had a diving catch to stop a rally that bounced out of my glove but fortunately fell back into my glove while I was lying in the grass. Duff Wolf was scooping everything at first, Wes Wolf was making all the plays at SS, and Tyler Wolf had a huge play where he threw out a runner at first from short center field. Wes and Tyler did the heavy lifting offensively with everyone else contributing as well. Sub Billy Kahn also played a great second base and reached base 4 times.


Win streak is now up to 7 in a row!



And the view from Team Weisser, by ROGER ROSENTHAL……


game 1……….







game 2………







TEAM WEISSER had a four-game winning streak going into play, and if not for one bad inning in the first game, the results could have been different.


Trailing 9-1, they fought back to within the final score of 9-6.


In the nightcap, it was a pitcher’s duel between MARK WEISSER and HOWIE SCHWARTZ that ended with Weisser tying the score in the top of the fifth inning only to have them losing on a two out single to bring in the winning run…..



Kudos go out to DAVID WERTHEIM, who played a flawless shortstop and continued his torrid hitting……NORMAN FRANKEL, who got his stroke back by getting some key hits…..


JOSH ROSEN, who played a solid outfield….again, and got on base as usual…….HARRY MEISNER, who hit got robbed a few times, but did come up with the play of the game with a running catch in LCF to rob the batter of extra bases and finally, SAM CASTELLINI, got some key hits during the twin bill…..and finally, EVAN WEISSER, who got a huge triple leading off the fifth inning of a one-run game and later scored to tie the game…..


Quotes after the game…..


“I thought we played well the second game and I apologized to the team for not coming up with a big base knock in the fourth inning of a one run game.” WEISSER said.


He added, “I think I batted my son (EVAN) and I in the wrong spots.”….this was in reference to the triple, the younger WEISSER hit, leading off the fifth inning.


Next, we Have Jimmy Lefton filling us in on his team’s games vs. Team Groh:


Team Lefton sweeps the doubleheader from Team Groh. We were missing four key players but were able to fill the holes with super sub, Pat “Sunshine” Feldman and Brandon Marshall. Pat Played a great 3rd base making multiple dazzling plays. We won the first game 10-8. The difference was a key hit late in the game by Mike Margolis who was awarded the game ball. (He would later celebrate with the Big O and Kareem after the Bucks won game 4) 

Team Groh would rather forget game 2, as we scored 14 runs in the first inning to win the game 15-5 in a run rule game. Game two was a total team effort by everyone. 


The Purple People Eaters, Team Kamrass, who continue their winning ways vs. team Loon: 


Micah reports:

Team Kamrass split the double header with Team Loon, and has now won 6 of its last 7. Adam Heldman was the game ball recipient. He recorded at least 10 of the 30 outs defensively in right center field, and also threw out a runner on the bases. He also had some key hits and swiped home on a wild pitch in what ended up being the game winning run. Eppy pitched well in both games and put the team in position to win. Riley Able was also an on base machine.

“We’re heading into the bye in a great spot,” said Captain Micah Kamrass. “We’re peaking at the right the right time. We’re ready to close out the season on a roll and be dangerous in the playoffs.”


Finally on field 4, Team Schwartz swept Team Solomon


Taylor files this report: 


The first 9 batters for team Schwartz/Brafman scored to take a commanding lead in the 1st inning. Team Solomon tried their best to chip away including a solo HR over the fence by Tyler Stansbury and a “Triple” by Stu that was technically ruled a JCC error. Dan Perlmutter led the way with 3 hits and stellar defense behind the plate. Jamey kept batters at bay all night, despite being tattled on for an illegal pitching motion. Cy Young could not be fazed. Key hits by subs from team Brafman gave a boost to the offense. Andrew Gage was 4-4 and was a massive upgrade for the injured captain (who coached a brilliant game, by the way). Team Schwartz never looked back and won 14-9.


Game 2 was a pitching duel as Team Solomon took a 2-0 lead into the bottom of the 3rd. With 2 outs, Pete “I enjoy injuring my teammates” Soltesz went deep with a 3-run blast over the fence to give the good guys a 3-2 lead. The game went back and forth and Stu had the go ahead RBI in the top of 5 to go up 5-4. After a debatable intentional walk demanded by Mike Rothstein, the decision paid off thanks to a 7-4 double play. Team Schwartz strung together 4 straight hits to walk-off in the bottom of 5, winning 6-5 and completing the sweep. Kudos to Dan Kirzner for really smoking the ball and starting the 5th inning rally. Also, a tip of the cap to Dan Gilbert who played an amazing 3rd base for Team Solomon. He robbed at least 3 hits last night from our team. 


League notes:

Roger starts it off:

*Before the game, ROGER ROSENTHAL, alias the BOBBLEHEAD KING, said to teammate, ROSEN……”If you put up some good numbers tonight, I might buy you a JOSH ROSEN funko pop…….now the question is, will ROSENTHAL dig into his deep pockets to buy ROSEN the collectible… ask what is a funko pop?…..if interested, ask ROSENTHAL…..


*The UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN CONNECTION, father, MIKE, and son, BEN MARGOLIS, put on quite a show for TEAM LEFTON……the Badgers showed a thing or two to their teammates.



*Rumors have it that MARC BRAFMAN and son JACOB, spent their off week at the batting cages and put bets on who could hit the best……..reportedly, JACOB got the better of him (Brafman says: I played for Taylor last night and did ok but the big news is that Jacob tried out and made his first select baseball team over the weekend. So the future of the JCC softball is bright in him as he is a way better player than I ever was.


*There was a JEFF WEISBROT spotting……..he finally decided to come out to watch his team play…….finally, teamed with best buddy, KEN GROH, his team got beat in both games. 


League notes:

Congrats to Ben “Raindance” Rosenberg on the birth of his son August on Monday. Ben reports that everyone is doing great.


Rabbi Yitz in a couple of years can field an almost complete team with his 6 sons. Not even the Wolf Pack can match that.


Congrats to Mr. Nice Guy Todd Wasserman on the start of his new job. 


If you ever want to see what a Bob Ross painting looks like in real life check out the pictures Jeremy “Hamilton” Fogel took on his trip to Big Sky country last week. Somehow his girlfriend is still talking to him after spending an entire week with him. 


The week would not be complete without a weird injury to Team Schwartz. Two weeks ago, it was B-Rod getting hit with fireworks during 4th of July (B-Rod is recovering from burns on his legs and hopes to play again later this year). On Friday Mr. #1, Taylor Schwartz, and Pete “The Straw that Stirs the Drink” Soltesz were moonlighting in another league when Taylor was leading off 3rd base. Pete then hit a rocket shot off his foot breaking his pinky toe. Always the trooper, Taylor played the rest of the game. He did say that the six pack of bud light that Pete bought him post game helped. The moral of this story is only play in one league at a time.


Speaking of commitment to the team, the Macho Man, Andrew Gage, was on his way to sub for Taylor last night when he swerved to miss a car and hit a telephone pole which then fell on his car. Not one to back out of playing Gage asked the police officer to drop him off at the field which resulted in him getting out of a police car a few minutes before first pitch. Not since Jason “The Mad Hungarian” Faust jumped out of his car with it still running a few years ago has a player made such an entrance at a game.


If you are in the mood for live music, and who among us isn’t, check out Rick Lefton’s daughter Claire as she and some friends of hers play at the Thompson House in Newport at 7. The best part of this, other than hearing Claire sing, is that her band’s name is The American Orgasm. Which might explain why Rick has 5 kids…


You know things are getting back to normal when David “the Dr. of Style” Weil is posting pictures of food again on Facebook.


Congrats to former Commish and the always Human Rain Delay, Brad Wagner, whose mom won a huge award for her work at Youngstown State. Anytime you win an award named after Jim Tressel you are doing something good.


How awful were the ASG uniforms? It looked like a team full of Marvin Gaye’s Sexual Healing stage outfits circa 1983 out there. Simply terrible.


While the Reds are playing some of the best baseball any of us have seen them play in years, they keep talking about all the extra infield and base running they are taking before each series or games. I don’t know about you but the Reds baserunning is and has been AWFUL for a couple of years. Whomever is coaching that should be let go. 


Final Reds note…there were a couple of nice stories this week about Jessie Winker. One mentioned that he is a new dad and his daughters name is Wren. Wren Winker? Whatever happened to Jennifer or Sally or Karen?


And last but not least, this week in what stuff did Roger find at his garage sale shopping this weekend. He informed me he either has an Avery Johnson, Mike Shula or Mike Price Alabama card for me. Once again, if it is random or weird Roger can find it for you.


See ya at the fields next week!



Game Results: July 8, 2021

June 8 Recap

By Marc Brafman

Mother nature looked like she once again was going to be against us last night but at the last moment she said, “Nah, let’s see how the guys do.”  (it should be noted that unlike last week when astute meteorologist Alan Lessure told Jacob and me that the rain would pass quickly because “it was too cool to rain,” he was right about last night). 


In a weird twist last night, every double header was a sweep


Over on field one it was Team Weisser vs. Team Groh


Roger files his team’s reports:










In a thrilling ending, TEAM WEISSER, trailed 9-3 heading into the bottom of the fifth inning and the bottom of the order was up……things didn’t look good.


LARRY ‘THE DOC” NEWMAN started things off with a single and after the dust had cleared, they scored seven runs with key hits up and down the order including the game winner off the bat of EVAN “CAPTAIN’S SON” WEISSER….


“I had all the confidence in the world that I was going to come through in the clutch. Growing up, I always saw my father (MARK WEISSER) come up with big hits and I didn’t want to let him down,” Evan said afterwards.


“I also knew that if I didn’t come up and end the game, my father would have had to go at least one more inning in the heat and I don’t think I would have gotten my allowance for the week.”


After the winning hit, the team BIG mouth, ROGER ROSENTHAL came up to the younger WEISSER and said “I love you. I love you. That was a huge hit! I love you. I love you.”…..weird!


*In summary, the team never quit despite being down the whole game and having to come back against all odds against a pretty damn good pitcher in KEN GROH.












In the nightcap, the victors from game one, were trying to avoid a mental letdown and fell behind early, but came back with vengeance to take a commanding 10-3 lead going into the latter innings, but things got a bit testy as TEAM GROH mounted a rally to pull within two runs in the bottom of the fifth inning, only to fall short.


Again, it was a team effort with DAVID “I AM THE MAN” WERTHEIM playing on a bum leg making some dazzling plays at shortstop and STEVE “ZZZZZ” ZAWATSKY coming up with a huge two out, two run hit….


It should be noted that two players, WERTHEIM and ROSENTHAL, resembled a MASH unit at the end as both were playing injured and doing their best.


Afterwards, they were both able to leave the field on their own power, but their status is questionable for next week.


WERTHEIM, the recent Ohio State graduate, will probably be ready to go. As for ROSENTHAL, he had to forgo STEVE EPPSTEIN’s chicken wings after the game, to go home and ice his knee while watching the TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING clinch their second consecutive STANLEY CUP.  Yeah, I know…it’s hockey!


On Field two it was Team Brafman beating Team Schwartz in both games (Team Capt. Brafman can’t remember the score in either game but does know his team won)


In the first game the offense started slowly but came around late as Mark “Big Blue” Tenenholtz hit a two-run homer over the fence. Pat “Sunshine” Feldman had 3 hits and Fink also contributed a couple of solid knocks. Rick “The Commish” Tenenholtz also legged out a few infield singles all the while bemoaning his lack speed. The game was delayed for a few minutes as Zach “The Wildhorse” Zakem broke 2nd base when he slid into it on a slide. We did get the answer of how many Jewish guys does it take to fix a base out of it, though. On defense, Rabbi Yitz made every play in LF, Zakem made a very nice catch at 2nd and Capt. Brafman while not being able to dig a throw out of the dirt made 4 catches at first. “I was proud of our hustle and team spirit,” Brafman said post game. “We got our butts kicked two weeks ago and this was a nice bounce back game.”


In the nightcap, Team Brafman started off where they left off on both sides of the ball. Ben “Raindance” Rosenberg, The Macho Man Andrew Gage, Rabbi Yitz and Eric “The fastest man in the league” Zied all had big knocks to go along with Fink, Feldman and the Commish who continued his hot hitting. On defense, Zied made 3 straight putouts in his one inning on the mound and the “Hitman” Sam Hecht made a very nice catch in RF to close out the game. Not to be overlooked is the bench coaching of Alan Lessure, who helped a couple of guys (including me) with some helpful tips on hitting Jamie. “I might not be Mark or Fink on the field but I can help the team in other ways.” Rabbi Yitz got the combined game ball for his outstanding fielding in LF and his hitting and baserunning. We missed ya, Yitzy! If Capt. Brafman’s Alabama math is correct, Team Brafman goes for the 1st half title in two weeks vs. Team Loon.


Over on Field 3 it was Team Solomon vs. Team Loon

Stu checks in for the winners.


Game 1: Score 13-11 Solomon Game 2: 7-6 Solomon


We welcomed back Phil (Lesh) Ganson to the team after several weeks off recovering from gallbladder surgery. He impressed his new teammates by going 5-6 between the two games. 

In game one, every player on the team had at least one hit, highlighted by Tyler Stansbury’s 3-run home run (over the fence). Another great pitching performance by Dr. Mike Gray. He had a 4-pitch 1st inning which was the fastest half inning I have been a part of. Evan Gildenblatt had a very nice play in RF. The game was not as close as the score indicates. Loon scored 6 runs in the bottom of the 5th inning from a failed diving attempt by the captain.


Game two was a real nail biter. Team Solomon had a few defensive miscues, allowing 4 runs in the first. After the first inning, our defense tightened up and only allowed 2 more runs in the remaining 4 innings. Defensively, it was the Dan Gilbert and Michael Askin show recording several critical outs throughout the game.  We scratched our way back into the game scoring two in the first and two in the third. Down two in the fifth, Evan Gildenblatt started us off with a leadoff triple over the LF head. Next up, Askin hit a sharp double scoring Evan, I hit a seeing-eye single between 3rd and SS to score Askin and tie the game. Stansbury came up to the plate and smoked a triple off the wall in right, scoring me from 1st. 


Finally on Field 4, the hottest JCC team in years was back at it as Team Kamrass beat Team Lefton.


Micah checks in for the winners:


Team Kamrass extended its winning streak to five in a row with a sweep of the double header against Team Lefton. The dynamic duo on the mound of Eppy and Kombrink continued to pound the strike zone, and the defense was top notch. David Solomon had two web gems (one at catcher and one at first base) and also crushed a triple over Griffin’s head. He hit the ball so hard that Team Lefton decided to intentionally walk him the next at bat to load the bases for Jared Kamrass, who made them pay with a big hit.

Making his season debut, Mike Creemer also had a web gem when he laid out to successfully make a tag at first base. Captain Micah Kamrass also had a nice over the shoulder catch to rob Scott Friend of extra bases.

“Everyone hit, the pitching was great, and the defense was lights out,” said Micah Kamrass. “After a slow start, the talking heads began to count us out, but we believed in ourselves. Now we are in first place in the second half standings.”

A tip of the cap to opposing Captain and pitcher, Jimmy Lefton, who hit two home runs over the fence. They were absolute rockets.


League Notes:

Two weeks ago, I mentioned the very cool story about Griff Harris designing cleats that Tejay Antone was going to wear in a game. Well, before he went back on the DL, not only did he wear them in a game but Griff and his grandfather got a shout out during the TV broadcast. Well done, Griff.


It’s not often that you can say congrats before the birth of a kid, but on Monday Ben “Raindance” Rosenberg’s wife is getting a planned c-section. It’s kid #3 for Ben and this one is a future JCC softball player as it’s a boy. Congrats, Ben.


A tip of the cap to Ryan Hi-Ho Silverman for this story. For those of you who have been to Chicago there is a hot dog stand in Lincoln Park called The Wiener Circle. It is known as a great late-night place to go eat when you’ve had a few too many. One of the house specials is their chocolate shakes (which is basically the big black ladies behind the counter flash you while you wait for your food). Because we are a PG blog here I can’t show you an example of it but here is what it looks like from the side of the counter: The point of this story is that Ryan got a mutual friend of ours to order a chocolate shake and she had no idea what she was about to see. Well done, Ryan.


I need your help, sports dads. If you don’t mind…if your son or daughter plays sports…any sports…and are in elementary or middle school, please e-mail the name of the  league they are in, and the coach or league director’s name. I want to get them involved with our future Bearcats program this year at UC. Thank you.


Sam “The Hitman” Hecht will be happy to deliver the best Jewish Baked goods in the city to the field for you each Wed. Visit and place your order.


For you music fans out there I highly suggest you check out the movie called Summer of Soul which is in theaters right now. A very cool look back at “Black Woodstock” which took place in Harlem in 1969. Man, to have been alive to see Sly and the Family Stone in their prime….


Congratulations go out to proud papa, SCOTT WOLF and his son, FREDDIE, a former softball star in his own right, as he announced he’s getting married to a UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN girl…..doesn’t get much better than that….well maybe if she was a XAVIER girl…..


Roger ads a couple of notes: 


How about this?…….HOWARD WASSERMAN told me last week that three in his high school graduating class have been mayors of Indianapolis……


Finally, GRIFFIN HARRIS was seen trading a Cincinnati Reds bobblehead to ROSENTHAL before the game.  What did he get in return?  An autographed picture of former Reds second baseman, BRANDON PHILLIPS.  Good deal?


And a final finally, I wonder if DAVID WEIL thinks DAVID BELL still stinks as a manager? The Reds are playing pretty damn well, eh? (I will be happy to answer this question for ya Roger) No manager worth his salt pitches to the other team’s best hitter with a base open like Bell did on Tuesday night. Also, and I know he (bell) can’t pick his players, but he sure can tell the front office not to get them. As long as Cionel Perez is on the roster, the Reds are not serious about winning and Bell, by putting him in, isn’t serious about keeping his job. Other than that, he is doing a nice job.


Speaking of the Reds… 

As we get to the All Star Break, it got me thinking about which guys in our league could help the current Reds with some advice for the 2nd half of the season. 


For example, Howie can teach the majority of the Reds bullpen how to throw strikes since when they enter they can’t seem to find the strike zone.


Ronnie Rose can teach Tucker Barnhart how it is to catch really fast pitchers like he is going to do when Hunter Green makes the show. If Ron can catch Howie all those years, he could for sure teach Tucker a thing or two.


Before he cut his hair, Pat Feldman could show Jonathan India about proper baseball hair management. 


B-Rod could sit down all of the Reds Latino players and explain the countries immigration policy to them. 


Mike Rothstein, who I’ve been told thinks he can teach anyone to hit in 2 short lessons, needs to get his butt down to GABP and work with Geno who can’t hit or field at all this year.


In a switching roles Nick Castellanos can teach Pete “The anti-Charlie Hustle” Soltesz how important it is to run out balls put in play.


Jeremy “Hamilton” Fogel will be happy to teach Shogo how to trot around the bases once Shogo hits his first homer.


This is a new one, but what wasn’t reported about Sonny Gray stripping off all his clothes after the 4th inning of his start yesterday and putting on a fresh uniform to “start fresh” was that he got that idea from Fink who does it each week in the bathroom at Triple Creek.


Eppy and Keith both can continue to tutor Wade Miley on the art of making guys look bad at pitches that couldn’t break glass. 


While he hasn’t done it as much this year, Zach Mayer should teach Votto how to argue with umps without getting thrown out. 


Scott Wolf, the all-time JCC steals leader really and I mean REALLY needs to work with Jessie Winker, who might be the worst base runner I’ve ever seen, and that is hard to do since Joey Votto has been on the Reds for 10+ years.


Taylor Schwartz needs to get on the phone and talk to Nick “Mr. Tin” Senzel about what it’s like to be the #1 pick and best player on the team when Senzel gets off the DL in 2-3 more years. (From one #1 to another, right Taylor?)


Proving last night that he is no easy out Jimmy Lefton can continue to work with Joey Votto on his launch angle and make sure he is driving the ball like he has been.


David Weil and Billy Kahn should take over the role of Nick Krall since they both would do a better job of constructing this team than he did.


Ben Rosenberg should talk to Vald Gutierrez about tattoos and why it’s never a good idea to get one on your neck. 


Tyler Stansbury could certainly teach the Punisher that there is more to baseball than just hitting homers. 



Have a nice week, everyone. 

See ya on the field next week!




Game Results: June 24, 2021


June 23 Recap

By Marc Brafman


What a great night for our first double header of the year. All we need now is for Triple Creek to build a big tarp over field 1 so we can see the ball when we stare into the sun. Let’s get to the action on the field:


Over on field one it was Team Kamrass vs. Team Brafman

Team Kamrass continued its march for the second half title by sweeping a doubleheader against Team Brafman. The first game ended by mercy rule, and the second was a one-run margin. The team was led by the dynamic duo on the hill of Eppy and Keith Kombrinck. They pounded the strike zone and were supported by a strong defense. Key defensive plays came from Zach Mayer and Jared Kamrass.

The biggest hits of the night were a home run for David Solomon and a triple from Rafi Goldfarb. Adam Heldman also reached base in every one of his plate appearances in both games.

The MVP for Team Kamrass was Keith Kombrinck who did a little bit of everything to help the team win. He pitched, played great first base, and smoked a ball over the left fielder’s head that led to Keith tagging up to score the game winning run.

Kombrinck and Eppy also pulled off perhaps the most improbable double steal in JCC softball history.

“I wouldn’t want to face our team right now,” said captain Micah Kamrass. “We have two great pitchers and a great defense. We shook off the rust from a lot of guys taking a year off, and now we are dangerous. It feels good to see us at the top of the standings for the second half.”


Team Brafman chimes in. Not much went well for us last night but it should be noted that Mark “Big Blue” Tenenholtz hit a homer over the fence with some help from Adam Heldman (the ball hit his glove and went over the fence) and Fink continues his gold glove play at pitcher. “Tip of the cap to Team Kamrass as they kicked our butt from start to finish last night,” Brafman said. the less said about these two games the better…


On field two it was Team Solomon vs. Team Grefer:

Kyle reports in:

We beat Team Solomon 5-1 in the first game and 16-8 in the second. In the first game Howard Schwartz pitched a great game, only allowing 3 hits. He also had a great day at the plate, going 5 for 5 across both games. Scott Wolf played great as well, hitting 5 for 6 on the day and creating havoc on the basepaths. He had 3 total steals and stole home twice. Duff Wolf went a combined 4 for 5 including a triple to left field. Bob Pelberg had a nice game behind the plate and went 3 for 5 with some key hits. Sub Marc Simons also played a great left field running down everything that went his way and went 5 for 6 at the plate.


The team has shown incredible fight this year. After starting the season 1-2, we’ve rattled off 5 straight wins to turn our season around.


On field three it was a split as Team Taylor vs Team Lefton

Team Taylor reports from the first game winners: 

We creamed Lefton in the first game by scoring 9 runs in the first and 6 in the 3rd. This seemed to really upset both Jimmy and Ricky Lefton who had a brothers’ spat on the field. We need to check on Jimmy’s hand because Rick was zinging the ball back to him pretty hard. Eric “Jeter” Goldstein hit a triple, and B-Rod continues to hit the ball well for us. 

In game two using the new extra innings rule Team Lefton won the game by scoring the runner from 2nd base. From what we understand Sean Doolittle was brought in to pitch the 6th inning last night for Team Taylor which led to the loss. 


Finally on field 4 Team Weisser took on Team Loon

Roger with the update

GAME 1……



TEAM LOON…………..5



GAME 2…..


TEAM LOON………….16




After the worst game of the season, TEAM WEISSER could only get better, and they did in a big way!


They swept TEAM LOON in a pair of five inning games, winning the opener, 10-5, and the nightcap, 20-16.


The stars were plentiful in the doubleheader as everyone contributed in a total team effort. Whether it was on defense or offense or both, they set the tone early and never looked back.


Captain MARK WEISSER was back on the mound after a week in Nevada (ask him what he was doing there) and pitched and fielded his position well.


“I don’t know what the f— happened when I was gone, but I wasn’t going to put up with that kind of performance again. I’ve been in this league a long time and I just won’t tolerate another performance like last week,” he stated in the winner’s locker room afterward. “I made sure that was not going to happen again or else heads would roll.”


The million-dollar players stepped up in a big way as DAVID WERTHEIM, HARRY MEISNER, JOSH ROSEN and SAM CASTELLINI all contributed with big hits and stellar play in the field. It included a monster blast over the centerfield fence by MEISNER and some key run scoring hits.


“I had my Wheaties today and it paid off. I didn’t think it was going out, but I guess I’m more powerful than I thought,” the Wyoming graduate MEISNER said afterwards.


Kudos also go out to NORM FRANKEL….STEVE ZAWATSKY…..LARRY NEWMAN….HOWARD GOLDWASSER and ROGER ROSENTHAL who also contributed in the field and at the plate.


“I didn’t know what it felt like to get on multiple times in one game,” said the Indianapolis native GOLDWASSER said afterwards.


“I didn’t know how it felt to just get on base. I haven’t been doing much of that this year,” ROSENTHAL explained to reporters afterwards.


WERTHEIM played an unbelievable shortstop and made some great plays, however on the throws to first baseman ROSENTHAL, the sun was blinding and he couldn’t come up with the throws.


“I couldn’t see the damn ball and I felt bad for the team, but what was I to do?” he said.


In response, WEISSER said, “You’ve got the money. Don’t be so cheap and go buy yourself a pair of sunglasses.”


Finally, in the final frame in the second game, after another thrown ball to first base in which ROSENTHAL couldn’t see the ball, WEISSER moved him to second base and put NEWMAN at first base.


On the next hitter, a ball was hit to FRANKEL at third base, who fielded it, threw to ROSENTHAL at 2nd base for the force out and then he threw to first base to complete the 

double play.


“I’ll do anything to get back to my natural position, but really the sun did get in my eyes at first base.”


League Notes:

This is a super cool story: Griff Harris noticed on Instagram a couple of weeks back that Tejay Antone was doing a contest where you could design a pair of his cleats and if you won he would wear them in a game. Griff drew some up and sent it in. And he WON! So he got a pair of cleats from Antone that were signed and he is going to wear them in a game. Well done, Griff.


Also, congrats go out to Eric “Jeter” Goldstein whose daughter won the life guard of the week at the JCC. “Now that Handsome Sam is gone, I have this award in the bag every week,” she said.


Dr. Bob last night was telling us all about what a great wife he has (Wendy). In the past she has, in no particular order, shoveled the driveway while he was loafing in the shower one morning, cut the grass, and done work around the house all the while Dr. B is out you know saving lives and telling Eppy to stop eating so many wings. But by far the best Dr. Bob story involved a trip to Vegas where Dee Harris had to room with him. I guess Dr. B has a snoring problem and Dee had spent all night tossing shoes, pillows, his poker chips, the “Dancer” in their room and anything else he could think of to get him to stop. Finally, he texted Wendy to ask how she could sleep with him all these years. Wendy picked up the phone and called Bob who was still sleeping and woke him up to yell at him to quit snoring because he was keeping sweet Dee and the “Dancer” in their room awake. (Parts of this story were embellished…allegedly) 


Finally, not sure if you guys saw this story but a couple of weeks ago during the Euro Championships. Ronaldo was starting his press conference when he saw two bottles of Coke were on the table. (Coke is one of the title sponsors of the championships) and Ronaldo being a healthy guy asked for water and moved the Coke bottles out of TV range. This set off a storm for Coke who saw their stock prices fall simply because a guy moved the bottles over and asked for water. This got me thinking about our league and the different sponsorships our guys are into:


Jimmy Lefton would be a proud sponsor of Dollar Shave Club’s Swamp Stop Ball Spray (Have you seen that guy post game? He looks like he showered with his clothes on)


Roger Rosenthal who complained all night about not being able to see the ball in the sun would of course be a partner for Cool Dude Sunglasses (the same ones that Dave and Chainsaw wrote about in his favorite 80’s movie, Summer School. FYI Roger…sunglasses were invented in the 12th century by the Chinese so you might want to invest in some. 


Mark “Bruiser” Wolf along with many others would be a proud sponsor of Bulldog skin care for bald heads.


Keith Kombrinck uses body armor by Kevlar since he pitches in catchers gear and runs in shin guards. 


Alan Lessure who after making a throwing error last night and blamed his lack of grip due to yard work on his hands is of course the sponsor of Spider Tack grip that all of the MLB pitchers are getting dinged about currently. If only I had my tube of Spider Tack last night I would have made that throw to beat that speedster, Eppy.


Duffy “Clap for the Wolf(man),” who was seen sporting a little pony tail last night is a proud sponsor of Soul-vation hair clips for both men and women


Not to be outdone his brother Scott “Dire” Wolf, who added to his all-time JCC steal record last night, works with Tide cleaners since nothing gets dirt out of pants better than Tide.


Rafi Goldfarb, it comes to no surprise to anyone, is a proud partner of Afro Picks from neo curly products. “It’s the only brand I use,” Rafi said last night.


David “Slim Shady” Wertheim is known to use the same “energy” powder that turned Barry Bonds’ head three sizes too big. It was last seen on the bench last week on field 4 if anyone is looking for it.


Pete “The straw that stirs the drink” Soltesz has a deal with Half Price Books so he can read up on baseball 101, which states you walk the other team’s best hitter with an open base and a one run lead. 


And finally, 90% of us in the league today need some sort of sports cream since we are sore from playing 10 innings last night. 


See ya on the field next week!