September 4, 2024: Games Recap

An amazing weather night for our final regular season games of the year. While we have battled rain and suspect field conditions it was a spectacular night to end the season. Let’s get to the action

On Field 1 it was Team Harris vs Team Buttermaker aka Brafman

Roger for the winners:



In the final regular season game that seemed like it would never end, TEAM HARRIS defeated TEAM BRAFMAN, 15-11, in a game that went right down to the end.

“We’ve been struggling the second half and really needed this win to get some kind of momentum going into the tournament. I thought the guys played with a purpose and it showed on the scoreboard. Credit MARC BRAFMAN and his team as they kept coming at us before we finally put them away,” rookie captain GRIFF HARRIS said afterwards.

It was total team effort as everyone contributed in one way or another.

On offense, RYAN MARCUS, a car salesman by day, smashed two homeruns to lead the way and the rest of the team followed. 

GRIFF, RYAN BAUM, DAN BERNSTEIN, PATRICK FELDMAN, DEE HARRIS, EVAN WEISSER and even pitcher STU WEINSTEIN (pitchers can’t hit) contributed with key hits.

On defense, an ESPN highlight play by ROGER ROSENTHAL at 2B that amazed everyone, led the defense that at times was shaky, but was able to come up with enough plays for the victory…..ANDY GOLLIN caught the final out in RF to seal the victory…..


*Former players DAVE WERNICK AND MARK GORDON were in the stands scouting the fields while looking for players in the Over 60 slow pitch softball team that they will have touring the country come next year…..

*JERRY KIRZNER, the leagues oldest player, is calling it quits after the season…..He has been an important part of the league, both as a player and person, but also as the schedule maker…….BEST TO JERRY…..we’ll miss him and hopes he comes by to say hey a few times a season….

*Where was the JCC SOFTBALL LEAGUE mascot, JACOB BRAFMAN, son of MARC??????……oh wait, it was a school night and he’s in the WYOMING SCHOOL DISTRICT, so he must have been at home studying hours upon hours like a good student would do……

*Rumor has it that RYAN BAUM is going to get lessons for catching routine fly balls in the outfield……he dropped a “routine” ball in LF and then made excuses of why he dropped it……I told him good players make that 99% of the time……lol

Finally, DAVID WEIL is so interesting to listen to about how bad DAVID BELL is…….can you do a better job??????????


If you’re reading this, are you in favor of the first half champ playing the second half champ for the LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP and then the tournament is just that, a tournament and the winner can say they got hot at the right time, but that is all it is…….a lot of discussion last night about it…..what’s your opinion or do you even care…..

In other words, would you rather win the league title or the tournament in which every team gets in and you don’t earn your way in……………



Capt. Brafman had this to say. Well not the season that we wanted or expected. I’m proud of my team. We battled every game and while we came up short that is not to say that we didn’t put forth our best effort each game. Kudos to rookie of the year candidate Steve Shapiro for a great first season, Jeff “The Natural” Weisbrot for moving around to any spot on the field that he is needed, Jamey Drennen, and Harry “Hood” Meisner for their continued excellence both at the plate and in the field and our three vets David the Dr. of Style Weil, Eppy and Jerry “Doc” Kirzner for your positive and encouragement. I encourage everyone to come to Field 4 this week where Eppy will sacrifice a goat to the baseball gods and we may or may not offer up my daughter Maya to the bat and fielding gods (depending on her tennis schedule) 

On Field 2 it was Team Wagner vs. Team Kamrass

Team Wagner defeated Team Kamrass 21-11 on Wednesday Night in a five-inning affair. Team Kamrass scored one run in the top of the first, but Team Wagner responded with 12 runs and another six runs in the second and didn’t look back.

Landon Hawkins continued his campaign for Rookie of the Year and maybe more with another HR over the LCF fence.  The Hiudt Brothers, Anton Loon, Mark Levine, and Brad Wagner contributed to the offensive output. 

Michael Askin, Loon, Hawkins, and super sub-Marc Simons made key defensive plays, while Corey Norris pitched another great game.

Rumor has it that Brad Wagner was kidnapped by Steve Sax, Chuck Knobloch, or Mackey Sasser since the last game.  

Team Wagner, the 2nd half champ, takes on the 1st half champ, Team Grefer, next Wednesday.  The game will air on Netflix, with Joey Chestnut and Kobayashi on the call

On Field 3 Team Fogel took on Team Wolf 

Team Fogel won, but that’s all we know since neither captain sent in an update.

Finally on Field 4 it was Team Tenenholtz vs. Team Solomon

Rick for the winners:

Team Tenenholtz was missing their Hall of Fame pitcher, Howard Schwartz, on Wednesday night as they faced Team Solomon. In Howie’s place, Randy Broyles came out of retirement to take on the streaking visitors, who had won their last three games.

The game started out as a pitching duel as the always tough Ken Groh battled against Broyles and kept Team Tenenholtz off the base paths except for a couple of singles until the fourth inning. Led by Jack Cohen, who the manager reinserted in the lineup after giving him two weeks off to party with his twin sister on the occasion of her wedding, five of the first six batters reached base and scored. Cohen led the team with three hits and scored twice, including another run in the fifth as Team Tenenholtz added another two runs. He also knocked in two more runs in the 6th to give his team a 10-3 lead.  Broyles pitched a great game and had two hits on his way to the victory. Also contributing were Brian Goldberg, who played his usual stellar defense, and Jeremy Spiegel, who reached base twice, scored one and had a couple nice defensive plays. 

So for Wednesday as Brad mentioned for the overall LEAGUE title we have Team Wagner vs. Team Grefer on Field 2 while over on Field 4 we have Team Kamrass vs. Team Brafman in the play in game. Both games start at 6 so please come out and cheer on the winners (or the losers) bracket

League notes:

Please remember to sign up for the Oy Vey 5K this November. Once again all of the money raised goes back to the JCC and its athletic program (Blue Jays, men’s hoops and of course softball)

A tip of the hat to Brag Wagner who was named one of the co-chairs of the J-Classic which is celebrating it’s 30th anniversary this year. More details to come from Brad and Rick on that.

Happy anniversary to Eric “The Mouth of the Midwest” Gruen and long time player and supporter of the league Billy Kahn  this week.

Happy birthday to former JCC legend Jeff Cohn 

As all captains know it’s never easy to find subs. It’s especially hard when guys miss games due to their wives taking their kids to see Megan “All about that Bass” Trainor on Wednesday night. That might be the first time that guys have missed due to concert baby sitting. 

Baseball is a funny game. The Reds who can’t beat a drum have now won 9 in a row dating back 4 seasons vs. the Astros. The Marc Brafman version of the Astros fan would be beside himself knowing that a great team like the Astros can’t beat the Reds. Also before his big game on Wednesday night Elly had 61 extra base hits, 61 walks, and 61 steals. 

It should be a fun college football season and since the 4th or 5th best team in college football paid over $20 million dollars in NIL money this year I can’t wait to hear the excuses when OSU comes up short once again. 

See everyone Wednesday. Remember the live goat and daughter sacrifices will take place around 5:50 on Field 4.


August 28, 2024: Games Recap

On a hot and thunder-ish night at Triple Creek a lot of hits were happen all over the park 

On Field 1 it was Team Wolf vs. Team Grefer

In a barn burner and the only non-run rule game of the week Team Wolf won 9-8. It was a back and forth game but Team Wolf pulled it out in the end. Kudos to all-time JCC steals leader Scott Wolf for legging out a triple and making a diving catch in RF. 

On Field 2 it was Team Harris vs. Team Solomon in a battle of Stu’s pitching. Not since Gaylord Perry took on Gaylord Gracksillious has there been this much anticipation for a matchup

Stu Solomon for the winners:

The Battle of the Stu’s was one for the ages. Not in a great pitchers duel but for the fact that THIS Stu, shut out Team Harris 10-0. 

While there were plenty of big hits especially from Ryan “Day” Small, Chris “Klieman” Kunkel and Ben “Johnson” Charlton. The day belonged to Team Solomon’s head coach and spot starter Stuart Solomon and the defense behind him. 

I just had it working, hitting spots and keeping team Harris off balance. Team Harris did hit a few hard hit balls but were caught by a great tandem of Centerfielders, Adam “Geise” Cronstein and the aforementioned Ben “Johnson” Carlton. The biggest defensive play came with the bases loaded and 1 out in the bottom of 5. I got Evan Weisser (I think it was him but it could have been someone else) to pop up in foul ground in front of Team Harris’s bench. Zach “Taylor” Zakem made a great catch from his catcher’s position to get the key second out. 

After the game, Dee Harris had this to say ” Sometimes the balls just don’t fall our way and that’s what happened today. Plus, Stu’s incredible pitching baffled even our best hitters.”

Team Solomon looks to keep winning and improve its playoff seeding against Team Tenenholtz without Howie on the mound.

On Field 3 it was Team Fogel vs. Team Tenenholtz

Team Fogel won 19-9 or something like that. Jeremy and team hit the ball well. 

Finally in the sad sack game of the week Team Kamrass took on Team Buttermaker

Micah for the winners

Team Kamrass got its third win of the season last night behind strong pitching from Jon Ruben, who took a perfect game into the fourth inning. 

Great defensive plays came from Scott Raskin and Danny Meisterman.

The big hits of the night included a home run from James Swan, a blast of a double from Eric Goldstein, and a walk off shot from Tyler Stansbury. 

Watch out league. Team Kamrass is getting hot at the right time!

For Team Brafman, Cam Kirzner had a couple of hits, while Jeff “The Natural” Weisbrot continued his torrid hitting pace. Team Buttermaker’s Captain had this to say quoting David Bell after another Reds/Buttermaker loss. “They are a good team,” Bell said. “We believe we are a good team, too. We go into every game believing we are going to win it. That needs to be put out there.” This is an actual quote from the Reds manager after yet another loss to the Brewers on Friday afternoon.

League notes: 

Ryan mentioned it earlier in the week but a solemn tip of the JCC cap to Todd “The Mayor” Wasserman on the sad news about his dad passing away. A nicer guy the JCC league has never known. Todd, we are all thinking of you and your family.

A double whammy of happy news for our own Roger Rosenthal as he celebrated a birthday and an anniversary this week.

The Rothsteins also celebrated an anniversary. No word on if Linda had to pull Mike away from arguing with an ump or his own team to determine where they were going to dinner.

Dan Bernstein celebrated a birthday as well this week

Congrats to Albert Wesibrot. He has a great voice and has sung the National Anthem at Reds, UC and even XU games. He did a wonderful job on Tuesday night before the Reds/A’s game. The fact that there might be more people at our games watching wasn’t lost on Jeff. Apparently, Albert also sang the National Anthem at the Reds/Rays game last year that had the fewest fans in the history of GABP. Way to go, Albert!!

If you’d like to be entertained, the next time you see David Weil ask him to speak Mandarin. We, of course, asked him if he knew cuss words, and he told us plenty and said the big difference is that in China they cuss at you and then add on, “For eternity” so you will also be cursed in the afterlife. Good times.

With the holidays coming up please make sure you order from Sweet Butter Bakery the best Jewish bakery in the city.  Sweet Butter Bakery (

Make sure you sign up for the Oy Vey 5K. Once again all the money raised goes back to the Blue Jays program.

As you all know Team Brafman employs a couple of the older guys in the league in Jerry and Eppy. I am continued to be amazed by how they can still compete with all of us. Which brings me to my all-time favorite singer/artist, Neil Young. As Mark Weisser knows since he had tickets this summer to see him in Chicago and I had tickets to see him in Louisville half way through his tour, he canceled the rest of it due to health reasons. Until this week we didn’t know why. Turns out that a 77-year old with two guys in his band that are 80 can’t play two-and-a-half hour sets non-stop of hard rocking music. More or less he said that his body just didn’t feel up for it. Let’s hope that he will be Rockin’ in the Free World soon and that our older guys continue to play for as long as they can.

My Reds rant of the week is pretty simple. They stink! The front office is clueless as to how to fix it and the medical staff should be fired. Since every Reds prospect is the next Willie Mays or Aaron Judge let’s review that former #2 overall pick in the draft Nick “Mr. Tin” Senzel was released by the White Sox this week. Yes, he couldn’t even make it with the team that is moving to become the worst team in MLB history.  But hey, last year when they were in first place at the All-Star break, we “liked our team” and didn’t want to trade the next Senzel or Brandon Larson or John Lamb or of course Chad “Picked before Derek Jeter” Mottola. Why all of us invest so much of our time into this organization is beyond me. 

See everyone on Wednesday for the last regular season game of the year. 


August 21, 2024: Games Recap

We have had some bad weather this week but boy that was not the case on Wed. What a great night. Let’s get to the action

On Field 1 it was Team Brafman vs. Team Tenenholtz. Rick for the winners.

It was a beautiful, sunny night at Triple Creek and Team Tenenholtz took to the field against Team Brafman knowing it would be a fight. In a pregame meeting, captain Rick Tenenholtz told his squad, “This team has a perfect record, and they are hungry to end it. They’re gonna try to run all over us, so play good defense, get the ball from the outfield quickly into the infield and don’t make any wild throws.” 

Team Brafman ran all night, scoring early and often against an offensively impotent Team Tenenholtz. “Eppy had us velocitized for the first five innings of the game,” the captain told a hord of press members.  “It was 9-3 after 5 when I went to Mike Rothstein, who was coaching third. He told me, ‘I knew it was going to be a long night. Look at this team. They have a good lineup. How have they not won?’”

At that point, Team Tenenholtz’s offense came to life. Sparked by hits from Tait Cunningham, super-sub, Jacob Zeidenstein, Mike Rothstein, Yitz Creeger and Jeremy Dock, the visitors put 4 on the board. Brafman countered with one in the bottom of the sixth to make it 10-7 going to the seventh inning.

Howie led off the inning with a single to right field. The next two batters grounded to SS and Howie was advanced to 3B, so there were two outs, and nobody had scored. The next seven batters reached base to give Team Tenenholtz a 13-10 lead going to the bottom of the 7th.

Team Brafman continued their aggressive style of play in the bottom of the 7th but came up short. With two outs and men on first and second, a ground ball to 3B got by Bryce Anslinger, but Tait Cunningham made a miraculous play snagging the ball that got past Bryce and diving to tag the bag and narrowly beating the runner. Game over and game ball to Tait Cunningham as Team Tenenholtz prevailed 13-10.  

For Team Brafman, once again Harry “Hood” Meisner homered, “The Natural” Jeff Weisbrot had 4 hits and a special shout out to Steve “Shap” Shapiro who in front of his fiance and a loud cheering section, played a great 3rd base, had two hits and a sac fly. Team Brafman looks to right the ship vs. Team Solomon on Sunday.

On Field 2 Team Grefer beat Team Fogel. Kyle for the winners:

We beat Team Fogel 14-12. We started off strong in the first inning, but they fought back to tie the game at 10. We fortunately scored a few more runs late on some key hits by Oren Shmoel and Ryan Silverman, followed up by a triple from Zach Mayer that ended up being the difference. We had a shaky defensive game with more errors than normal (myself included), but we were able to close out the game strong. Offensively, Ryan Silverman led the charge, with Tim Troutman, Landon Krantz and others contributing key hits.

On Field 3 it was Team Solomon vs. Team Kamrass

Stu for the winners:

Team Solomon was back to their winning ways as they defeated Team Kamrass 14-4 in 5 innings. 

Ben Charlton “Heston” got the monkey (or Ape) off our back early with a single, SB, and run scored. Adam “and Eve” Cronstein went 3-3 on the night with an RBI and 2 runs scored. 

The big inning came in the bottom of the 3rd when Stuart ‘Little” Solomon smashed his 3rd homer in 2 games over the outstretched glove of Adam “The King of Laundry” Heldman. The next batter AJ “McCarron” Goldhoff, walked and scored on a triple from Chris “Columbus (The Director of Home Alone)” Kunkel.  

Up 9 in the bottom of 5, David “Beckham” Snyder singled, bringing up “Lets Go” Brandon Lindsey to the plate. Brandon crushed a pitch to RCF for a walk-off (10 run rule) double to end the game. 

Great pitching from Ken Groh”er not a show-er” and big time catches from Ben “nieThe Jet” Charlton and Chris “Farley” Kunkel in RCF and RF respectively. 

Team Solomon takes on Team Brafman this Sunday in what is sure to be a great game. Gary Fisher on this Sunday’s game, ” You have to throw out the record books when these two teams get together. It should be a great game with a lot of action!”

Finally on Field 4 it was Team Wagner vs. Team Wolf

Brad for the winners:

Team Wagner defeated Team Wolf 12-11 on Wednesday night. Runs were scored early and often. Team Wagner plated three in the first and four in the second, while Wolf countered with five in the first and three in the second. The teams exchanged leads throughout the rest of the game, but Wagner took the lead in the sixth and never looked back.  The defensive play of the day was on a liner to right field hit by Tyler Wolf, who tried to stretch it into a double, but the relay of Mark Levine-Brad Wagner-Landon Hawkins was able to nail Tyler at 2nd base. 

Key hits came off the bat of Landon Hawkins (surprise, surprise) with another home run over the right-centerfield fence.  Sub Ryan Marcus, Anton Loon, Daniel Hiudt, and Brad Wagner also contributed with big hits.

Zac Hiudt, Mark Levine, and Corey Norris, who fielded very well for a pitcher, played wonderfully defensively.  

Team Wagner will take on Team Fogel on Sunday on Field 1, with Randy Milligan and Randy Johnson on the call.

Team Wolf has a bye week and will be watching film in Wes’s basement.

League notes 

The Oy Vey 5K is this Nov: Oy Vey 5K (   Please sign up and help out the JCC Blue Jay’s program. And even if you don’t want to run please consider donating thanks

As most of you know we have been going to the Silver Spring House post game for many years. By the front door there is now a nice picture of former player and long time friend to the JCC Mike Youkilis and below it a plaque with the winners of the last two post season tournaments. We have named the post season trophy after Mike “The Youk” award and this is a very nice touch by the Spring House and Eppy for making it happen. (Don’t be scared off by the picture above it of David Weil and Roger)

If you aren’t tired of the Olympics that just ended go up and ask Duffy Wolf about his experience in Paris. Duffy is an amazing photographer and he took pictures at a number of events from Beach Volleyball to (I think he told me) field hockey. Either way he had an amazing time. 

I love to see everyone’s back to school pictures be it elementary, middle, high school or college. Good luck to all of us with school age kids.

We talk about it often but it’s still pretty amazing that on Field 1 on Wednesday night Eppy pitched against Howie, with Jerry “Doc” Kirzner also on the field. I only hope that when I’m 75+ I can still get out there and play. 

Which leads us to the announcement on Wednesday while we were all playing that Joey Votto retired. I will admit it took me a while to come around to his style of play. I was definitely one of those who wanted him to swing away and drive in BP or Billy Hamilton or Drew Stubbs or Corey Patterson or whatever bum the Reds had hitting leadoff. I didn’t realize that in his mind not making an out was more important than driving in a runner. Once I got hip to his style I have not enjoyed watching a Reds player in my lifetime more than him. And once he started to open up and show his personality more we all loved him even more. He’s one of only 3 Reds players since 1976 that would crack the Big Red Machine lineup (I’d have him starting over Tony Perez with The Big Doggie as the DH) along with Larkin and in his prime Eric Davis. Let’s hope that he can come back to the Reds in some way shape or form if he wants to help the hitters. Lord knows they need that. 

Speaking of which, the clock is ticking on the front office to field a competitive team in the next 5 years. That is the current length of Elly’s contract (and many of the rookies) while this season, like the past 29, is going nowhere fast the clock is ticking on the front office. tick tick tick

If there is anything more meaningless in all of sports than NFL pre-season I would like to know what it is. 

Reminder that we play this Sunday and that starting next week the games start at 6:00 PM.

See everyone on the fields bright and early.

August 14, 2024: Games Recap

It didn’t rain this week at all which meant the fields were playable for a change. Let’s get to the action on the field. 

On Field 1 it was Team Wagner vs. Team Solomon

This was a classic from the start. Brad for the winners:

In a game that will go down in JCC Softball History, Team Wagner took down Team Solomon 29-27 on Wednesday Night.  Team Wagner’s only lead came on the game’s last play when Landon Hawkins hit a 2-run HR, HIS FOURTH HR (Over the fence) OF THE GAME.  

Team Solomon took a 6-0 lead in the first, but Team Wagner was able to fight back with four runs.  Solomon had huge leads throughout the game: 12-4, 18-8, and 25-12.  Team Wagner rallied with four runs with two outs in the 6th inning to avoid a run rule, and even pitcher Corey Norris thought about removing himself from the pitcher’s mound. Still, Special Guest Captain Anton Loon had faith in the team and told Norris that he wasn’t doing that and that we were going to win.

Going into the bottom of the 7th, Team Wagner trailed 27-18 and scored 11 straight runs without recording an out.


Michael Askin – Over the fence Grand Slam (First of his career)

Super Sub Noah Pelberg also with a HR (played a great LF)

Dan Hiudt – Solid hits all game and played a great catcher with harsh sun conditions

Mike Margolis and Mark Levine both had critical hits in the 7th inning.

Corey Norris had a 3-run inside the park HR

Team Wagner takes on Team Brafman on Sunday with Wandy Rodriguez and Wandy Peralta on the call.
Team Solomon takes on Team Wolf on Sunday with Lance Johnson and Lance Johnson on the call.

On Field Two it was Team Grefer vs. Team Brafman

Team Grefer did their job and beat Team Brafman 16-5. Everyone on Team Grefer hit the ball hard including Howard “The Grasshopper” Goldwasser who had three hits. Kyle had a big triple to deep RF and their pitcher kept Team Brafman off the scoreboard all game. “We just put the ball in play all night and used good defense to keep Team Brafman at bay,” Kyle said post game. One highlight for Team Brafman was Harry “Hood” Meisner hitting the longest grand slam I have ever seen way way WAY into the trees behind LF. 

On field 3 we had Team Tenenholtz vs. Team Wolf

Rick for the winners:

On Field 3, Team Tenenholtz hosted Team Wolf and the visitors came out on fire scoring 6 in the top of the first. The home team looked discouraged after a leadoff triple by Jack Cohen as the 2 and 3-hole hitters made outs. Then Mike Rothstein led a mini hit parade as the next four hitters reached base and Team Tenenholtz was down 6-4 after one.

After that, the hall of famer, Howie Schwartz locked in and held Team Wolf scoreless while leading his team’s offense with two massive shots to right field, two runs scored and four RBI’s. Everyone contributed on the offensive end as Team Tenenholtz won 16-6 in five innings.

Of note:

  • Tait Cunningham played a great SS making several nice plays
  • Jeremy Spiegel had a solid defensive night at 2B
  • Rabbi Yitz had a couple of clutch hits and played great defense
  • Jack Cohen had three solid hits and scored twice
  • Brad Gallop made a couple of very nice plays in LF for Team Wolf
  • And last but not least, the final play of the game was a shot to the warning track by Howie that was caught on a nice play by Uncle Scott Wolf. Speedster, Brian “Elly” Goldberg managed to score by tagging up from second base to seal the win for Team Tenenholtz.

Finally on Field 4 it was Team Harris vs. Team Fogel

Roger for the winners:



TEAM HARRIS might have played their best game of the season in a 13-7 victory over TEAM FOGEL.

The victory broke a three game losing streak and was much needed.

“That’s the kind of team I thought we had at the beginning of the season. We hit, we fielded and Mark (WEISSER) pitched a great game, “captain GRIFF HARRIS said afterwards. “It was a total team effort. Everyone contributed in one way or another.”

It started at the top and GRIFF was on base four times including a home run….father DEE HARRIS had a huge two run single and made a great catch down the right field line, so the father/son combo did their part.

Others that stood out were PAT FELDMAN with three hits……RYAN MARCUS with two hits and a walk,…..JZ ZEIDENSTEIN with two hits and a solid shortstop…..RYAN BAUM with a big two run hit….

STU WEINSTEIN played a solid first base, EVAN WEISSER made a great tag at home plate…..ROGER ROSENTHAL had a key hit and played a solid defense which included a diving stop at shortstop (you read correctly) to save a run….

“I’ve been watching highlights of LARRY BOWA and was inspired to make a play,” ROSENTHAL said afterwards.


*One of my favorite pastimes is to read and listen to MARC BRAFMAN, DAVID WEIL and former player BILLY KAHN talk about how bad DAVID BELL is…..hey they’re on a four game winning streak and still very much alive in the wild card race….give him a break!

**I can’t believe WYOMING SCHOOLS are already in session!….when I was in school back then, we started in early September…..I guess there’s a good reason for it…..

***For the record, MARC BRAFMAN was giving me shit about a BRANDON LARSON bobblehead….well, I’m in the process of trading it!… shut-up, I know what I’m doing…

****Finally, COREY NORRIS showed me a picture of his latest travels which included a story filled with bobbleheads…’d think he would have bought one for me…..oh well!…

League Notes

Thanks to all of you who ran over to me in a panic after the 1st inning yesterday because my wife called everyone she knew to get in touch with me. Was it an emergency? Did one of my kids get hurt? Did I need to leave the game early? No, she had gotten Reds tickets transferred and instead of going to her they went to me. I wish the shoe was on the other foot because for about 30 seconds I was freaking out.

Happy birthday wishes go out to Griff Harris, Ken Groh, Ryan “The Hebrew Hammer” Baum and Jodi Norris. (She claimed she was an old fart last night)

As I am sure all of you have seen since it’s on the cover of the JCC magazine the Oy Vey 5K is back this year. Please sign up here Once again, all of the money raised goes back to the JCC sports programs, including softball.

Keep former JCC softball player and all round good guy Drew “Kung Fu” Brown in your thoughts. He has had some health issues but is on the road to recovery.

Your weekly Reds rant. I agree 100% with what Barry Larkin said the other night about the Reds being OK with being .500. His point was Eric Davis, himself and Sweet Lou were never OK with being 500. Until this organization realizes that, we will be stuck with the team we are currently watching. And to answer Roger’s question about David Bell, if you (Roger) can explain to any of us why he (David Bell) is currently playing Marte (he of the .150ish average) over Espinal, who is crushing the ball and is twice the fielder, I am all ears. 

Reminder we play Sunday at 9:30. See everyone on the fields. 


July 24, 2024: Late update from Tampa Bay

In a rivalry with as much anticipation as the Crosstown Shootout, Michigan vs Ohio State, or Duke vs North Carolina, Team Fogel and Team Kamrass took the field to battle out another instant classic on Wednesday night. Team Fogel jumped ahead in the beginning innings, scoring early and often with a couple of extra base knocks by the usual suspect, Jamey Kurtzer. Fast forward to the middle innings when Team Fogel held a 12-6 lead, and things got really interesting. After plating a few runs to start the comeback with the bottom of the order, Tyler Stansbury came to the plate and blasted a moonshot to right center field, a monstrous grand slam, to capture the lead for Team Kamrass.

Holding the lead in the top of the fifth, Micah decided to take the bat out of the hand of captain Jeremy Fogel to load the bases (a move that was not respected, not cool, absolutely no good). With one out and the bases juiced, Pete Soltesz had one thing on his mind. An infield pop up! And that is just what the slugging left fielder did. The book reflects it as a warning track flyout, and he was credited with a sac fly thanks to great baserunning by Joel Buckley. With two outs and runners on, Scott Friend clubbed a ball down the left field line to drive in a few more, and after some more hitting by the middle of the order, a timely two-out triple by Sam Klinkowitz cleared the bases, giving Team Fogel the lead back.

Not to make the same mistake twice, a consensus decision was made by Team Fogel to walk Stansbury with the bases loaded, forcing in a run. Stepping up to the plate with a few RBI’s under his belt already, Andrew Hart laced one into the gap destined to drive in a few more runs if not for a diving catch by the LCF for Team Fogel to remain nameless. This ended up being the difference in the game, as Team Fogel used good defense and a couple of insurance runs to close out the game, taking the season sweep over Team Kamrass by a score of 20-16.