Game Results: October 20, 2021


October 19 Recap

By Marc Brafman


It was another amazing night weather wise for the fall league. Let’s hope this weather picks up next spring. Sure, there was the normal October chill and weed smell in the air, but hey, it’s better than monsoon season in July, right? 


Let’s get to the action. 


Over on Field Two it was Kamrass vs Fogel.


Micah chimes in:


Team Kamrass lost to Team Fogel in the first game. Nothing interesting happened except Mark Tenenholtz hit another ball over the fence.

Game 2 was an all-time JCC softball Classic. Trailing by 8 runs in the top of the 5th, Team Kamrass came roaring back with a 14-run inning to ultimately win the game. Every single player on the team got at least one hit in that inning. Highlights included a laser off the bat of Bryce Anslinger that was still going up when it cleared the fence. Also, Kombrink, Creemer, and Marvelous Mr. Mendel got back-to-back-to-back singles and scored the tying and go ahead runs. Super sub, James Swan, had a couple of triples and some nice plays on defense.

In the field, Micah Kamrass out Fogeled Jeremy Fogel with a diving catch in the outfield that turned into a double play. Mark Tenenholtz made an admirable debut at shortstop, and Ken Groh came through with key pitching and hitting to lock down the win.


On Field One it was Team Leader/Loon vs. Team Bad News Bears


Anton and company jumped all over the Chico’s Bail Bonds Sponsored Team Solomon in game one, winning 15-1. While the normal guys David “The Event King of Cincinnati” Wertheim, Anton, Ryan “Hi Ho” Silverman and Greg Leader all contributed, it was the monster hits by Peter Brownell and Matthew Leader that stuck out. Peter hit one off the fence and Matthew pulled one down the LF line that one-hopped the fence while also playing very good defense. “We like where our team is,” Leader said post game. “The only thing I currently think more about than this team is my award-winning skeleton displays in my front yard. Kudus go out to Jamie for his continued dominance on the mound.”


Team Buttermaker decided to change things up in the second game and completely reversed their order. This seemed to confuse L/L as Team Tanner Boyle took the lead with some key hits from the bottom of the order as David “The Dr. of Style” Weil, The Mayor, Todd Wasserman Alex Karras and David “BP” Snyder got them on the board. But this isn’t Hollywood and Kelly Leak isn’t coming through that door anytime soon. Despite back-to-back home runs by Stu (an absolute bomb that landed shortly after the Kamrass/Fogel game ended) and Harry “Hood” Meisner, Team Leader/Loon soon took the lead. Once again it was the normal guys who got the big hits for Team Leader/Loon, but the big hit was a 2-out 2-run single to break the game open in the bottom of the 4th by Jared Wallerstein. “Not only does Jared have a very solid mustache, he also has been a very solid player for us,” Loon said.   The 6-run lead was too much for Rudy Stein and company to overcome and they lost 10-5. “We played our best out there,” Stu Buttermaker said after the game. “Unfortunately, our best isn’t very good at the moment. To make matters worse I hurt my ankle running the bases, but never fear. I’ve got Timmy Lupus ready to sub for me next week.” 


The food at the new field is surprisingly good. I would suggest the chicken quesadilla. The fries are tasty as well. It goes well after you’ve gotten a contact high from the weed smell on the field.  


Let’s all keep former player and all-around good guy Ben Sandor in our thoughts. His wife is battling cancer and he could use all the good vibes we can muster.


A lot of anniversaries (weddings) for the guys. The Special One, Mike Rothstein,  The Mayor Todd Wasserman, Rick Lefton, and I’m sure I’m missing a couple of others. Congrats guys…


We are less than a month away from the Oy Vey 5K that helps out Mr. Mike and the Blue Jays program. Please sign up to run or walk in the event and even more importantly please pass the info along to your friends and family who would also like to enter. Free food, a cool t-shirt, music by Rick’s BFF DJ Toad and more will be available for you.  Go to  to register.  Thanks in advance.


Can you explain to me why baseball teams celebrate winning the wild card round or even the NL/AL DC rounds with champagne and jumping around on the field? Do NFL and NBA teams do this when they win the wild card round? No! They go back to the locker room and think we haven’t won JACK yet, why would we celebrate? I don’t get this. Of course, since it was 31 years TODAY since the Reds won the World Series and over 9000 days ago since they won a playoff series, I guess if either of those happen in our lifetime again I would celebrate like a fool as well. 


In other things that I can’t explain, why do people get so worked up over a college football poll in October? Don’t get me wrong I’m both thrilled and amazed that UC is ranked #2 in the country, but does it really matter on Oct. 20? If we are ranked #2 on December 20 I will get excited. Also, to David Wertheim who says that UC shouldn’t be ranked that high, I’d like to remind him that UC has the second best road win of the season by any team with only Oregon beating OSU in Columbus being better. Final UC thought…one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while was another OSU homer, Joey Gallaway, saying that UC’s win over ND wasn’t that great because quote “ND has a loss.” Yeah, to UC you moron…


Speaking of morons how about the Washington St. coach who got himself fired because he won’t get vaccinated?  Now he is suing them because they fired him with cause. Buddy you’ve known since at least July this would happen and you’ve not explained yourself or given one good reason why you should get a religious exemption.  I guess 3 million and being the highest paid state of Washington employee wasn’t enough to convince you to get a shot that billions of people across the world have gotten. Oh, and if their trainer was another like the training staff at UC who has continually kept our entire department up to date on Covid and vaccines, then double shame on you. If you trust your training staff with your players’ health but not your own, what does that say about you? 


Mel Brooks is writing History of the World Part II. I just hope Jews In Space is included.


Finally, I haven’t picked on Roger in a while, but he did leave me a 1:20 second message the other day. Next week I’ll be happy to play it for you.

Game Results: October 7, 2021

October 7 Recap

By Marc Brafman


On a misty warm evening the JCC softball players battled the lights (or lack thereof) the smell of some fine weed and the cement fields to finally get two games in under the lights. Rookie Capt. Jeremy “Hamilton” Fogel leads off:


Game 1: Team Fogel got off to a sluggish defensive start allowing seven runs in the top of the first inning but rookie pitcher Corey Norris locked in afterward, only allowing two runs for the rest of the game. A stellar offensive performance from top to bottom as well as some timely hits carried the team to victory. Super sub Joel Fogel seems to get better with age, Josh Rosen with a pair of triples, Corey Norris going against the shift to drive in a few runs, Zach Michelson with two hustle singles to keep the inning going and a lot of XBH from other contributors propelled Team Fogel in game one…….


Game 2: Jumping out ahead in the top of the first, Team Fogel continued their pattern of implosive innings giving up a 6 spot with two outs in the bottom of the second. Battling back from behind as they’ve proved to do so effectively on the young year, Team Fogel took a 1-run lead into the bottom of the fourth before the wheels fell off. An eleven run bottom of the fourth by Leader & Co. brought Team Fogel their second run-rule defeat of the season.


Stats of the weird: Team Fogel is the only team in modern (soft)ball era to trail by more than 5 runs in the first game of a double-header and then come from behind to win with a subsequent run rule defeat in the second game.

Over on Field Two Team Kamrass swept Team Stu 

Both games were close but the bats for Team Kamrass carried the day. In the first game they were led my Mark “Big Blue” Tenenholtz who hit a ball on the fly off the wall  and Rabbi Yitz who continued his strong hitting from the summer. The Special One Mike Rothstein also contributed with a couple of knocks as did the birthday Boy Bryce Anslinger. Team Stu was led by Marc Brafman, Harry “Hood” Meisner and David “BP” Snyder. It should be noted in game one Team Kamrass used a ringer for an inning at 3rd base in Rafi’s brother where of course he made all three plays in the inning before he was banished to RF for the rest of the game.

The second game was a back and forth affair with Team Kamrass jumping out to a big lead but Team Stu battled back to take the lead going into the bottom of the 5th. But Kamrass was able to tie the game and send it to extra innings. In the top of the 6th Meisner got the go-ahead RBI on the most JCC play of all time. A dropped 3rd strike missed ball at 1st which let the go-ahead run score from 3rd with two outs. But not to be outdone in the bottom of the 6th Rabbi Yitz tied the game on a single and scored the winning run on an error by Team Stu to win the game by a run. 

League Notes:

I think I speak for all 4 teams when I say we all need some practice playing under the lights. 


Congrats goes out to Zach Meyer on the birth of his second kid. 


For all of you that posted pictures of your kids going to homecoming this past weekend I’m glad to see that the Jewfro is making a comeback..


I’ve been mentioning it for a while but now we have the link and the registration page open for the JCC Oy Vey 5K race that is going to take place this Nov. 

Please sign up and spread the word as this is a great fund raiser for Mr. Mike’s Blue Jays program which I know is near and dear to most of your hearts:


If you stayed up to watch the NL Wild Card game last night you saw Chris Taylor beat the Cards with a walk off 2 run homer. I know it must be hard to be a side line reporter but don’t you think they can do a better job than ask the following question: “Chris is this the biggest hit of your career?” Unless he is Bobby Thompson or Joe Carter I’d say the answer is yes. 

Since I was in the stands and not on the field last Saturday at Notre Dame I didn’t have much in the way of helping the Bearcats win but since everyone seems to be asking, this is what Bearcats fans need to root for the rest of the way. Bama and UGA to go 12-0 and meet in the SEC championship game (they will both make the final 4 no matter who wins or loses). Oregon to lose again,  Oklahoma to lose this weekend to Texas or to anyone in the Big 12 and then for one of the Big 10 teams to win out. Doesn’t matter who. What we don’t want is for their to be a lot of 1 loss Big 12, Big 10 and Pac 12 teams mucking things up for the Bearcats who have to win out. Too much football left to really think about all of this but man it’s fun to dream right? My advice for everyone is to just enjoy the ride that the Bearcats are on..


Finally a brief note on the Reds: What struck me about going to the ND game was that they played a highlight video before the game and just like the one that the Reds play it depressed me more than made me excited. All of the highlights were 20+ years old (give or take) and just like the Reds they rely in the good ol’ days while not really being great now. Sure ND has made the final 4 a couple of times but never a serious threat to OSU, Bama, Clemson etc. It’s been over 9400 days read that again 9400!!!! days since the Reds last won a playoff series and next year doesn’t look like that will change. You saw under-achieving teams like the Mets and the Pads firing their managers this week and, not saying that Bell should have been fired, but at least the message to the Mets and Pads fan base is being “ok” isn’t “ok.” Meanwhile down at GABP being 4 games over .500 and being competitive until Sept is viewed as a positive. Won’t it be nice if instead of that the narrative was we have a good young group of guys and we promise to do everything we can to get better next year. Instead we get, “well we have to see what the budget will permit.” Sounds like another 3rd place finish to me. 



Game Results: September 2, 2021


September 1 Recap

By Marc Brafman


On a picture-perfect night for softball, we finished the 2021 season with a bang as Team Grefer battled Team Kamrass for the post season title. Like I mentioned last week it was a fitting end to a great season as Grefer won the first half title and Kamrass shocked the JCC softball world by winning the 2nd half. Thank you to all the players, captains and umps for a great season. I know I’m not just speaking for myself, but I look forward to the softball season all year and I love being out at Triple Creek each week with all of you. Let’s get to the recaps.


First up is Micah:


In the battle of septuagenarian pitchers, Team Kamrass fell to Team Grefer. It was a real pitcher’s duel through five innings, with a score of 3-1, but then things fell apart for Team Kamrass in the 6th. Howie pitched an unbelievable game, as Team Kamrass was unable to get the bats going. After the game, Captain Micah Kamrass said “It was a hell of a season for our team, and by far the most enjoyable season I’ve ever had in the league. We were the Cinderella story. We are proud of our second-half championship and proud of making it to the title game. We congratulate everyone on Team Grefer (excluding sub, Stuart Solomon) on their victory.” 


Next Kyle for the victors:


We won 11-1 in a game that was much closer than the score would indicate. Wes and Tyler Wolf got us started in the first inning scoring two runs, the latter scoring off a big RBI hit from Brad Gallop. They then scored a run, and Scott Wolf made a huge diving catch in right field. Not to be outdone, Duff Wolf made a great scoop on a ground ball to first base that popped out of his glove, but he recovered to get the out at first. In the bottom of the 4th inning Brad Gallop led off with a hit and scored on a hit by Howie Schwartz. Going into the bottom of the 6th up 3-1, Dan Grefer got it started with a hit, and we batted around, scoring 8 runs to end the game. Some key hits in the inning were another line drive hit by Brad Gallop, a hard hit ball to right field by Howie to score 2 runs, a hard liner by Duff Wolf, and a 2 out hit by Eddie Gallop to bring up the top of the order. Dan started the inning and then ended it with a hit to score sub, Stu Solomon to end the game.


It was a complete effort as a team with Howie pitching one of his best games of the year, our defense not making a single error, and the bats woke up late to put the game away. MVP of the game was shared between Howie and Brad with neither of them making an out.


After the game the team celebrated at O’Bryon’s and Facetimed Dr. Bob Pelberg to share the news. He’s currently recovering after having a successful knee surgery a few hours before the game.


Congrats to both teams for a great season. 


I’m sure we were all impressed with the play of the Hamilton team in the Little League World Series but let’s be honest these two kids are the biggest winners:


I would like to formally invite Bishop Sycamore into our league next year. We should look for expansion like the SEC and what better group of guys than Bishop Sycamore?


A couple of notable anniversaries this week: Howard “kona ice” Goldwasser has been married for 25 years and somehow Roger has been married for 29 years! Give that woman a bobble head as the best wife of all time.


Former player Mike Kahan was named as one of Cincinnati “Super Lawyers” just beating out Jimmy Lefton and all of the other lawyers in the league.


For you Ted Lasso fans out there, did you know the actor who plays Roy Kent is Jewish? Does that mean that he makes the list in the single greatest moment in Jewish movie history:


The Oye Vey 5K is set for Nov. 7th with the money going towards the Blue Jays program. Please sign up. It’s only 36 bucks and you’d be really helping out the J. If you need more info please call me (513) 375-4137 or e-mail at 


If you still want to play fall league, Ryan Hi-Ho Silverman is still taking names so reach out to him. 


Finally, as this is the final blog of this season, a huge tip of the cap to Rick the Commish who is handing over the reins to someone new next season. Rick led us through the weirdest year ever last season and did so without missing a beat. We’ll miss his quiet leadership and steady hand in dealing with all of us. Thanks, Rick for everything. The next guy has some big shoes to fill. 


Keep checking the web site and blog for updates on the ASG and the post season awards.

Game Results: August 26, 2021

 August 25 Recap

By Marc Brafman

Dodging goose poop, some thunder, and more goose poop we got our semi-final games in and next week we will crown the post season champs.

First, on field 2, it was Team Grefer vs. Team Lefton. 

Kyle reports in for the winners:

We beat Team Lefton 12-4 (I think?) in a complete team effort. Brad Gallop had the highlight of the game with a running catch on the dirt in short right field, and also created havoc on the basepaths with his speed. We got off to a strong start scoring 4 runs in the first inning all with 2 outs and continued to play add on as the game went along. Howie again pitched a great game and hit line drives all over the field. Wes Wolf made all the plays at shortstop and used his speed to turn singles into doubles. His brother, Tyler, had a nice game as well crushing a ball to the fence in left center. Can’t wait for the championship game next week! (it should be noted that Brad “the Human Rain delay” Wagner hit one off the fence in LC for his first almost homer ever. “If only I’d hit the gym more,” a dejected Wagner said post game.  (It should be noted, part 2, that Grefer called me to sub because Danny might have hurt himself coughing on a piece of chicken at lunch which hurt his back because he coughed so hard. Lucky for Team Grefer Danny was able to tough it out. Otherwise, that would have gone down as an all-time JCC softball injury).

On field 4 it was Team Kamrass vs. the upstarts, Team Groh 

Team Kamrass continued its magic in the semi-finals with another come from behind walk off victory, this time to beat Team Groh. Eppy pitched a strong 7 and the entire team played strong defense behind him.

The hero for the night was Scott Sadler who came up in a tied game in the bottom of the 7th with bases loaded and two outs. Sadler crushed a ball to left field to deliver the victory and to advance Team Kamrass to the finals. The inning started with Groh ahead by two runs but hits by Zach Mayer, Rafi, and Ryan “Hi Ho” Silverman tied the score. After a couple of outs by the Groh defense, it was left for Sadler to be the hero. “Being a UGA fan I’m not used to winning close games,” Sadler said post game. “I’m glad that I was able to come through for us in the clutch.” 

“This team never gives up,” said Captain Micah Kamrass. “Everyone played a key role in delivering this victory and getting us into the finals. We’re ready for Team Grefer.”

Next week at 6:00 on field 2 we will crown our 2021 tournament championship, which has the first and second half winners playing each other. Team Kamrass, the 2nd half champs, will face Team Grefer, the first half champs. More importantly it will be an epic showdown of JCC softball legends. The Living Legend, Howie Schwartz vs. Eppy. Combined years in the league around 100 (give or take a year) “All my career I’ve dreamed of facing Howie in a tournament final,” Ep said between wings last night post game. “All my swimming training in the summer, my leg work and of course my time at Driveline with the folks that helped out Trevor Bauer has me ready for this game.” As for Howie, he just shook his head and said, “I’ll be ready for another title run.” 

In league notes this week we start with the first couple of JCC softball, Joel and Barb Fogel. It was brought to my attention that they are currently living with her parents while they get work done on their house, which is why they had to leave the Silver Spring House at 9:30 to make it home for their 9:45 curfew. “I didn’t realize that once we became empty nesters that would mean we’d have to move back to the MAIN nest,” Joel said as he hurriedly paid his bill last night. Never fear, Joel. As a service to you, I’ve got the perfect song/video for you and Barb to enjoy for the next couple of days:

The OY Vey 5K is on Nov. 7 and it’s $36 bucks to enter. All the money raised goes back to the Blue Jay program run by Mr. Mike. Please consider signing up and helping to support the JCC and Mike’s teams. 

We are working on a date and time for the ASG. Rick will be in touch soon. 

If you are interested in playing ball in the fall, please reach out to Ryan Silverman as he is working on a short season.

Happy anniversary to Mr. Special himself, Mike Rothstein. It should be noted that Mike ordered the steak last night at the SSH because, of course, it was the special.

Scott “Dire” Wolf has a nice side hustle as a door dash driver. “I like to mingle with the people,” Scott said. “What better way than to deliver their Penn Station subs at 1:00 AM?”

Would you guys complain if we went to dri-fit shirts next year? Or are you ok with the current jerseys? These are the hard-hitting topics that keep the softball commission up at night. 

Big time congrats go out to David D-Sol Solomon on getting married this weekend. Enjoy these last couple of days of freedom.

Rabbi Yitz welcomes everyone over to his house if you’d like for a Shabbat Dinner. Just don’t knock on his door at 2:00 AM and ask for Lester.

Make sure you come to the JCC this Sunday from 9:30 to 1:00 for the JCC market. And get all of your baked goods thanks to Sweet Butter Bakery who will have their tent set up.

Did you guys hear the news that starting next year Topps might be out of the baseball card biz? MLB made a deal with Fanatics for exclusive rights to all baseball cards. Sad day for all of us who collected cards. 

But in better news I love that the Reds are starting all of their games at 6:40 next year. 

In not-so-great news from baseball I got an e-mail last week from the Reds (mind you from a company called WynnBET) the official gambling sponsor of the Reds. That’s right folks…the same organization that won’t touch Pete Rose with a 10-foot pole is now offering betting on baseball from your phone. Hypocrisy has no bounds, I guess. 

Finally, now I do admit that Roger has a lot of good stuff for sale but I ask you how much would you pay for your own version of Scott Hillman, the coach of some team called the Indy Fuel, bobblehead? is 25 cents too much?

See you guys at the field this week for the final game. Come out and cheer on Team Grefer vs. Team Kamrass


Game Results: August 23, 2021

August 22 Recap

By Marc Brafman

And then there were 4. 

After a very hot morning on fields that were both hard and hot, we have our final 4 in the post season. 

On what we’ll call Field Three, #1 overall seed Team Grefer took on Team Solomon

Kyle reports in:

We beat team Solomon 7-6 in an intense back and forth game. They got off to a 4-1 lead early, but Wes Wolf led the comeback effort with a huge home run over the fence in left field. Howard Schwartz pitched a great game like usual, and I had one of my better games of the season going 3-3 and making a diving catch in right center. Defensively Scott Wolf made a nice running catch, and Wes Wolf made all the plays at shortstop. In the bottom of the 6th inning Duff Wolf had a huge hit to score Brad Gallop in what would turn out to be the game winning run. Team Grefer takes on the winner of Team Lefton vs. Team Schwartz

Jimmy reports in:

First round wins for Team Lefton have been hard to come by over the years. With an 8-run lead in the 7th Lefton went with Heath Hembree to close it out. That was a mistake as Schwartz came back to make it close 18-16. Lefton had to bring himself back in to get the final out vs. the cagey vet, Jerry “Doc” Kirzner, who was 9/10 against him during the season. In a titanic battle that resembled Dave Stewart vs. Eric Davis, Jimmy was able to get the best of Kirzner who grounded out to Dee to end it. After spotting Taylor’s crew 7 runs in the first we came back to score 9 and never looked back. We look forward to playing Team Grefer next week.

On field 2 it was Team Brafman vs. Team Groh

Brafman reports for both teams

Team Groh jumped all over Team Brafman early and often and won going away 15-7. Groh got 5 runs in the first with hits all up and down their order and never looked back. But the key to their winning was their defense. a perfect 9-1-2 relay in the bottom of the 1st set the stage for multiple good plays by Groh defense. Marc Simons made a snowcone catch, Zach Michaelson made a running scoop at 2nd to end an inning Jim Beckett tossed out a guy from his knees and David “The Doc of style” Weil threw out a runner at 2nd. It was THAT type of defensive game for Groh. On offense just about everyone got at least one hit to keep the runners moving all game. “This was a JCC softball game to the max,” Groh said after the game. “Brafman crushed us both games in the regular season and today we had their number. I’m just glad we could move onto another game.”

For the disappointed Team Brafman, Rabbi Yitz almost hit for the cycle, Andrew “The Macho Man” Gage had a couple of knocks as did Capt. Brafman.  The highlight of the game for Team Brafman was watching Jeremy “Hamilton” Fogel attempt and fail on multiple throws to get a frisbee golf disc back over the fence in RC. 

Team Groh will take on the winner of Team Kamrass vs. Team Weisser.

Micah reports: 

Playing with 9, Team Kamrass dug itself another hole early against Team Weisser but was able to climb out of it with a walk off win in extras. Zach Mayer looked like the league MVP spraying the ball to all fields and with smooth fielding at shortstop. Mayer delivered the walk off hit to score Adam Heldman. Rafi Goldfarb also crushed the ball and flashed some leather. Eppy threw strikes and induced a lot of weak contact.

“We continue to hang in there and grind out tough wins,” said Captain Micah Kamrass. “It was a total team effort today.” The second half champions are ready for their semi-final match up with Team Groh.

So, Wed. night at Triple Creek we will have the following

Team Grefer vs. Team Lefton on Field 2.

Team Kamrass vs. Team Groh on Field 4.

Come out and watch if you are out. 

Two quick updates. 

Rick is working on dates for the ASG. Please stay tuned, and…

If you want to play fall softball, please reach out to Ryan “Hi Ho” Silverman as he is looking to gauge interest in a fall league.

Normal game notes will return on Thursday
