Game Results: May 8, 2014

TEAM LEADER, (4-0), defeated TEAM SCHWARTZ, 14-2, after jumping out to a 10-2 lead in the first inning……JASON FAUST of TEAM WAGNER (bye) pitched for the injured HOWARD SCHWARTZ and settled down after the first inning, but the damage was already done……ANTON LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON hit an out of the park home run to pace the victors, however, the game ball went to MICHAEL “THE BADGER” MARGOLIS, with multiple key hits and solid play at 2B……..

Next up for TEAM LEADER is a match-up with the other undefeated team, TEAM WEISSER, (3-0), in a game slated for ESPN-JCC 1 with MARV ALBERT and PAUL O’ NEILL handling the play by play and color……..

Game Results: May 8, 2014

THIS JUST IN…………….TEAM ROSENTHAL owners met late last night after their fifth consecutive loss to discuss the team and where it’s heading……ESPN JCC SPORTS reports have it that there will be a coaching change in the immediate future unless the team turns it around and quick!!!!!!……NO comment from captain ROGER ROSENTHAL, but it was reported that he went home after last night’s game in a grumpy mood and did NOT respond to an interview request…..STAY TUNED!!!!!!

Game Results: May 1, 2014

TEAM WAGNER and TEAM SCHWARTZ battled to a 8-8 tie after eight innings when play was called due to darkness…….the remainder of the game will be made up at a later date……DETAILS TO FOLLOW…….

As reported to THE BLOG by BRAD WAGNER…..BOB BONNER AND STU LAVENDA of TEAM SCHWARTZ provided good defense, while rookie SAM HELDMAN and JASON FAUST of TEAM WAGNER showed some leather……HOWARD SCHWARTZ keyed his team with multiple hits and saved the game with a nice play on what would have been the game winning RBI off the bat of BRIAN MONK…….JAMES SWAN had key hits including the game tying one in the bottom of the 7th inning when TEAM WAGNER scored two runs to get the game to extra innings…..TEAM WAGNER is off next week and reports are that WAGNER will be scouting in the CARRIBEAN for possible subs down the road while TEAM SCHWARTZ has a big one vs. undefeated TEAM LEADER with airtime on the DISNEY CHANNEL at 6:00 p.m. with STEVE JARNICKI AND BRIAN GOLDBERG (JUNIOR’S agent) doing the play by play and color…….

TEAM LEADER remained undefeated at 3-0 by pulling one out of the hat by scoring four runs in the top of the 7th inning in nipping TEAM WEISBROT (2-2) 10-9…..SCOTT BERGE, RYAN KIRZNER AND JERRY KIRZNER fueled the comeback with key hits…..the game also featured the FOGELS DUO…..JOEL (father) and JEREMY (son) subbing for opposite sides…..POPS showed how it’s done with a three hit, three runs scored night…….TAKE THAT JEREMY!!!!!……


Game Results: May 1, 2014

It was learned that TEAM ROSENTHAL captain ROGER ROSENTHAL had a closed door meeting with certain members of his team after last night’s fourth consecutive loss to discuss changes to turn the ship around…….reports are that there will be on the field changes and possibly call ups from the minors……STAY TUNED!!!!!