Game Results: August 1, 2019



by ken groh

After holding the first-half champs to a Jeremy Fogel single, Team Groh started hot with a single by Marc Simons who scored on a double by David Wertheim. After a walk to Griff Harris, a double steal turned into 2 runs. Ken Groh singled and later scored on an RBI off the bat of Dee Harris, and the inning ended on a diving catch from Jeremy who robbed Jim Beckett of extra bases. The 4-0 lead held up as both teams struggled to get hits but Team Groh had two clutch 2-run 2-out singles off the bats of Ryan Small in the 3rd and Dee Harris in the 5th. Griffin scored 3 runs and Team Groh tied a JCC record with 0 errors en route to the 9-1 win. Groh stated after the game that he was proud of the Team! “We could have written the season off after the 1-5 start but instead kept competing with a great attitude and have come together as a team get back to 6-6.  That shows great character and I respect that.” 
To add to Brafman’s post from last week, Jason Faust added his name to the list of best excuses to miss a game as he called his captain prior to the game stating he couldn’t find his car…(hmmm?!?! Only the Mad Hungarian!)

Game Results: August 1, 2019


by Marc Brafman
In an exciting game that came down to the final batter, Team Leader edged Team Brafman 12-11. Leon “The Bull” Seserman hit a game winning single to score Jamie “Maddux” Kurtzer for Leader. “I’m so proud of my guys Leader said post game. We’ve won what 7-8 in a row. I’ve lost count. Jamie pitched a good game (didn’t walk anyone) and we hit the ball.”
On offense Team Leader was led by Zach Mayer, Taylor “May the” Schwartz be with you (subbing) and the bottom of their order who started a big 4-run rally in the bottom of the 6th. Kurtzer also led off the bottom of the 7th with a picture-perfect bunt. “Chicks might dig the long ball”, he said “but Jewish Wives dig bunts,” Kurtzer said post game (somewhere Dan Green and Eric Gruen are nodding their heads).
For Team Brafman, Randy “The Big Kahuna” Broyles, Marc Brafman, Brad “The Human Rain delay” Wagner and especially Bob “Sunset” Feldman had big games. Bob went 4-4 with 2 doubles and 6 RBI’s for Brafman and with his always old school play in the field should be a strong candidate for Rookie of the Year.  “Bob is showing us young guys how it’s done”, Brafman said. “It’s like watching Gordie “Yea Buddy” Coleman playing 1st base.”
The defense was led by Harry Meisner, Zach Mayer and Taylor Schwartz for Team Leader and Marc Brafman, Zach “The Wild Horse” Zackem and Pat “Sunshine” Feldman for team Brafman.
It’s not often that a JCC player gets two nicknames in the same game but leave it to Jason Faust to manage that feat. He is always known as the Mad Hungarian for his play on the field with last night being no exception. But his new nickname of Jason “Dude, where’s my car” Faust takes the cake. A note to remember when going to a Reds game…remember where you parked.
Ryan “Hi-Ho” Silverman seems quiet on the field but did you know that he is a Woodstock 1969 concert junkie who can tell you that Sweetwater’s set was much better than Sly and the Family Stone and that he listens to the Incredible String Band before every game to get himself pumped up.
During the Reds 10-run second inning on Monday night there was a familiar (and ugly) face sitting right behind the plate cheering the Reds on. That would be our own Jeremy “Hamilton” Fogel who told me that he was giving the guys batting tips the entire inning.
Was it me or did I see Dr. Bob in the scrum Tuesday night during the Reds/Pirates game?
Don’t bother calling Stu Solomon tonight as he and his lovely wife Kate are hosting their weekly maj game. Tonight, Stu won’t be throwing out base runners instead he will be tossing out bams, cracks and flowers…
If you are looking for travel tips this fall look no further than James Swan who when telling me he was going to West Virginia for the UC-Marshall game said “We are driving there and back in one day because there is NOTHING to do in that state.” When told that there is good white water rafting and hiking he brushed that off with a wave of his hand. “I’d rather hunt around for Faust’s car in downtown Cincinnati than stay in that state any longer.”
Finally with the Reds’ trade of Puig and Scooter earlier this week, once again Roger Rosenthal is left with bobbleheads of Reds players no longer on the team. “They are trading away all my friends,” Roger said. “With me being a 2nd basemen like Scooter, I go home and talk to him every night and pour my heart out. He always seems to agree with me as he nods his head up and down. Now with him gone I’m going to have to learn Spanish to talk to Peraza.”

Game Results: July 25, 2019




by marc brafman
The Late great Blues Guitarist Albert King once sang “If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have no luck at all” and that is the second half of the season for Team Brafman so far as they fell to Team Groh 11-1. Once again when it comes to Team Brafman we seem to have a knack for turning the other team into gold glove winners. Kudos to Team Groh for playing outstanding defense all game. We really smoked the ball the first couple of innings and had nothing to show for it.
The offense was led by Brad “The Human Rain delay” Wagner who tripled, the ageless wonder Jerry “Doc” Kirzner with a double, Marc Brafman for the lone RBI, Ryan “the Hebrew Hammer” Small who got robbed twice but hit the ball hard every at bat and David “the Minister of Fun” Cohen with a single in his first game back.
On defense Aaron “Straight Outta” Compton, Zach “The Wild Horse” Zackem, Randy “The Big Kahuna” Broyles, Mark “Big Blue” Tenenholtz and Howard “Goldie” Goldwasser all played very well in the field as Team Brafman didn’t have a single error all game.
Team Brafman looks to right the ship (And welcome the Feldmans back) next week vs. Team Leader
League notes:
For reasons only known to them, Jason “The Mad Hungarian” Faust and Ken “Let it” Groh decided to toss a shoe at the TV by the snack bar. Maybe it was because Mr. Clutch, Joey Votto made the final out of the game for the third time in one week which might be a record for a player making 25 million dollars.
In the “you never know what you will hear around the field” department, Jimmy Lefton was discussing the merits of wearing an adult diaper at concerts. For more information on this please ask Jimmy next week
Getting caught up in the dust up on field 3 last night Scott “Shorty” Adams who, playing on field two, forgot that he actually got a single and wasn’t coaching first base when play started up again. Somewhere Trey and Fishman are shaking their heads.
In an update from last week’s notes Mike “Flash” Creemer reports that, just like Danny Grefer, he too is a lifelong fan of KC and the Sunshine Band. In fact, he informed me that he was a roadie for the Sunshine Band, but not KC, in the mid-70’s and would be happy to show anyone his Boogie Shoes if they would like to see them.
In what can only be described as the biggest reunion since Burt and Ernie or Ace and Gary, the #1 roommate pair of JCC Softball, Taylor “May the” Schwartz be with you and Leon “The Bull” Seserman will be playing on the same team next week when Schwartz subs for Team Leader. Amy, Taylor’s girlfriend, was heard sobbing to herself last night on the bleachers as she told me that “it’s my job to console Taylor and fix his bubble bath for him post game. Now that Leon will be playing with him, I know that Taylor will want Leon to do it for him.”
Finally, Team Brafman has had some interesting excuses for guys to miss games this year. From Zach “the Wild Horse” Zackem getting batting tips from Yasiel Puig, to Randy “The Big Kahuna” Broyles learning to surf in Hawaii and Howard “Goldie” Goldwasser missing most of the first half with a broken wrist from tripping over his own feet in the outfield. However, nothing tops last night when Eric “The Mouth of the Midwest” Gruen told me he couldn’t play because he was going to dinner with two-time Olympic gymnastics champ and all round amazing Jewish athlete, Aly Raisman.  Gruen reported that Aly is very nice, and strong enough still to hit a ball out of the park.

leader       7
kamrass   5

by greg leader

TEAM LEADER won their 7th in a row with a 7-5 victory over TEAM KAMRASS…..

JAMIE KURTZER was stellar once again, however he did walk a batter ending his streak of six consecutive games without a bases on balls…..

The victory was in doubt when with the score 7-3 going into the bottom of the 7th inning, KAMRASS added two runs, but the game ended with a line-out with two men in scoring position….

Game balls were presented to LEON SESSERMAN and YITZ CREEGER, who each played stellar defense and came up with key extra base hits……


by roger rosenthal

CONGRATS go out to long time JCC fan, MARK KUHR on his recent marriage……and a BIG shout out to JOEL FOGEL for giving plaudits to the BLOG……he “loves” it……..

Longtime player STEVE OSTROW was spotted in the stands, and he knew his nephew MIKE KAHAN wasn’t playing, but wanted to show his support to his former softball mates…..

Also, before the game at the concession area, KEN GROH took the shoe (don’t remember which one) off the foot of ROGER ROSENTHAL and booted in the air….it hit the tv making a mark…..thanks to JASON FAUST in putting a napkin on his glove and reaching up to the tv and cleaning the mess up…..though he meant well, it made more of a mess…………..

Finally, if you didn’t hear about it, there was a brief scuffle in the LEFTON/SOLOMON game in which no blows were thrown and the participants were held back, however order was restored in a timely fashion and the two involved were seen making up (not out) after the game……..


Game Results: July 25, 2019

winners/losers……game reports will follow upon being reported in…..

field #1….leader/kamrass
field #2….schwartz, h/schwartz, t.
field #3….solomon/lefton
field #4….groh/brafman
