Monday June 22…….1:51 a.m……..Yes, I’m still up……..a personal note first…….is anyone interested or do you know of anyone interested in buying hockey cards CHEAP!!!!!!!……I came across a “ton” recently and want to get rid of most of them……Included are mostly commons, but there are also stars a.k.a. Roy, Sakic, Forsberg and Brodeur etc…….if interested, call me at 791-9365 or e-mail me at………..
Now back to softball……..TEAM WERNICK will try to wrap up the first half with a victory over upset-minded TEAM FOGEL……word has it that captain JOEL ”SPARKY” FOGEL has got a BIG treat for his team if they can pull off the win….hmmmmmmmmmm……maybe a night out on the town….if you know what I mean…….also, a reminder that Sunday June 28, games are scheduled at this time to wrap up what has been a seemingly endless first half…….HAPPY SOFTBALLING TO ALL…….for comments, etc. contact me at r.rosenthal@fuse………


Wednesday June 17………11:54 p.m…… the GAME OF WEEK……the two undefeated teams went at it and when the dust cleared TEAM WERNICK, behind stellar pitching, near perfect defense and timely hitting, defeated TEAM SCHWARTZ in a 1o run rule…….stars were aplenty for the victors, but pitcher JOHN BERG and catcher GARY ASKIN combined on a gem and JB outpitched his good buddy HOWIE SCHWARTZ……..JOHN SILVERMAN set the tone in the top of the first inning with an A+ web gem with a diving catch down the left field line……WILLIE WAXLER came up big with a few huge hits and the game ended on a A- web gem by DAVE WERNICK on another diving catch in right-centerfield…..all wasn’t great for TEAM WERNICK as ROGER ROSENTHAL made a STUPID base running blunder late, but fortunately for him and his team, the game was well in hand……kudos must also go out to STEVE OSTROW, who delivered a pre-game motivational speech (aired live on ESPN2)……….late kudos go out to MARC TESSEL, who two weeks ago hit a long homerun vs. TEAM WERNICK……..other games NOT reported at press time…………any comments, etc. can be sent to me at……..


Thursday June 18………10:49 a.m……TEAM FOGEL reported in that they lost to TEAM KIRZNER and once again proved that without captain JOEL ”SPARKY” FOGEL at the helm, this team doesn’t win………the injured DAN GLASSMAN won the dubious honor over DAVID ”DEE” HARRIS to be the captain for the day by drawing the longer straw, but rumor has it that HARRIS refused to even draw as he didn’t want to take a chance at another loss as a captain…….highlights (if you call it that) had JAN BECKER pitching well, but the bats went completely silent after scoring five runs in the first two innings……DAN GREEN made his first appearance of the season as his suspension was served for using illegal susbstance (excessive Kosher hot dogs)…….GREEN did NOT comment after the game and now might be looking at fines for NOT appearing at the post-game press conference (a.k.a. LEBRON JAMES)……..any comments can be sent to me at………


Thursday June 18………..2:55 p.m………in other action last night…..TEAM LOOOOOOOOOOON defeated TEAM EPPSTEIN, 6-3, as old-time veteran ALAN LESSURE, BRENT LANSBERG and JOSH LISMAN had key run scoring hits and the defense played well…… usual…….BIRTHDAY WISHES go out to SCOTT WOLF (51) AND AARON COMPTON (38)……on a sad note……ROBERT COOPER passed away recently and though he never played in the softball league (to my knowledge), many softballers knew him as he was a fixture at the J.C.C. especially in the basketball league and was a BIG Green Bay Packer fan……he was one of the good gys and will be greatly missed…….any comments, etc. can be sent to me at………