Thursday June 18……..2:17 p.m……..TEAM LOOOOOOOOOON defeated TEAM EPPSTEIN, 6-3, as wiley veteran ALAN LESSURE, BRENT LANSBERG and JOSH LISMAN got key run scoring hits and the team as a whole played great defense…..again……..BIRTHDAY WISHES go out to AARON COMPTON (38) and SCOTT WOLF (51)…..on a sad note……ROBERT COOPER passed away this week……though he never played in the softblall league (to my knowledge), many softballers knew him as he was a fixture at the J.C.C. especially in the basketball league and a BIG Green Bay Packer fan……he was one of the good guys and will be missed……any comments, etc. can be sent to me at……..


Satureday June 13……..5:04 p.m…….we’ve had sooooooo much rain this year and not a lot to report on so I’m throwing some thoughts out to you……How BAD are the Chicago Cubs and could the J.C.C. softball league come up with a team that could beat them?…….in case you missed it…….Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals last night was a classic……2-1 victory for the visiting Pittsburgh Penguins over the defending champion Detroit Red Wings……..Game 5 of the N.B.A. Finals is tomorrow night in Orlando with the Los Angeles Lakers leading 3 games to 1 after the Magic “choked” in Game 4……..any thoughts on any sports stories are always welcome to the BLOG……..e-mail them to me at……….