Sunday August 2………12:27 p.m……..the first game to report in was a come-from-behind victory for TEAM FOGEL over TEAM WERNICK, 6-3…….the victors trailed 3-1 going into the bottom of the 6th inning, but plated five runs to earn the victory……kudos to pitcher JAN BECKER who allowed all three runs on sacrifice flyouts……one other note……captain JOEL FOGEL suffered an injury to his wrist and had to leave the game in the top of the 7th inning……here’s to a quick recovery!!!!!!…….more game action to report when it comes into the press room………….

Sparky Fogel catches a bad break!

Sparky Fogel broke his right wrist while trying to catch a shinking line-drive. Joel was in a trmendous amount of pain, (as would be expected). His family Doctor, 1stB Dr Albert Weisbrot was on the scene immediatley, along with Dr Glassman and Dr. Pelberg. All assisted in Sparky’s injury until the emergencey squad arrived to take Sparky to B North for treatment. A full recovery is expected, plenty of candy will help!