Thursday June 17….3:29 p.m….two games to report at this time….TEAM SCHWARTZ knocked off TEAM KIRZNER after jumping to a big lead behind the hitting of “STORMIN” NORMAN FRANKEL and BEN “B-ROD” RODRIGUEZ and key defensive plays by EZRA LAVENDA and BEN “GW” HELDMAN….ithe other rported game to date, TEAM EPPSTEIN notched its’ first victory over TEAM LEFTON, still looking for that first win, 16-15,….this was your typical back and forth game as both teams kept coming back off the canvas to try to win that elusive first game….going into the top of the 7th inning, TEAM EPPSTEIN was down to their final out with runners on first and second when veteran DOUG SANDOR singled to right field that scored both runs, but TEAM LEFTON came back in the bottom of the final frame to load the bases, but couldn’t push the tying and/or winning run across the plate….TYLER WOLF, back from college, was awarded the game ball with a good night at the plate and a fine catch in the outfield, but according to captain STEVE “DOUGHNUT” EPPSTEIN, the real star was rookie EVAN PIERSON, who homered twice, one a grandslam, had seven RBI’s, scored the winning run with a diving slide and made all the plays at shortstop….he also was seen selling popcorn after the game…..WOW!!!!….the other games….GUTTMAN/SILVERMAN and CRONSTEIN/LOOOOOOON haven’t been reported as of yet and will be on the BLOG when the respective winning captains, BRANDON GUTTMAN and ADAM CRONSTEIN report in….comments/questions to….

Team Lefton Scores 15 runs!!! Maintains perfect season!

The power of Team Lefton is in a word Awesome! Team Eppstein was star struck, intimatated, and just totally overwhelmed!
As promised this WAS the game to watch! 31 runs crossed the plate. The ball was flying like chicken wings off of a plate at the Silver Spring House. It’s hard to score more runs then chicken wings one can eat, but the 2 teams did it! Everyone on Team Lefton contributed to the win. There were homes runs, stolen bases, a few great bunts and of course some key defensive plays. Team Lefton Keeps it’s perfect season intact, 0-5. Team Cronstein watch out! All the chicken wings you can eat await you!

CFL Reporting!

Team Eppstein vs. Team Lefton is the marquee game of the week! Each team has a perfect record going in to the game this Wednesday night. We could not have picked a better night for Family Night!

After a very heated disscussion this past week at the chicken house about which team could eat the most wings ( never mind the fewest runs), a challenge was set down. Each team guaranteed a victory in their upcoming titanic struggle, with the losing team buying wings for the winning team! Not only does the losing team have to buy all the wings for the winner, but the losing team has sole posession of the recently banished “Pink Shirt” award. History shows us that the team in last place at the time of the first Family night has traditionally gone on to actually win the infamous award.


Saturday June 12….11:49 a.m…..better late than NOT at all….GARY GREFER reported in on his team’s 6-3 victory over TEAM LOOOOOOOOOOOON….JOHN SILVERMAN, homered, tripled and made a dazzling catch in leftfield….COREY NORRIS, filling in as the pitcher in place of MIKE GRAY, retired 14 consecutive batters at one point in the game….Commissioner MIKE ROTHSTEIN is currently investigating reports that both SILVERMAN and NORRIS were on some kind of illegal substance to enhance their performances….details to follow as they merit….again the GAME OF THE WEEK next week will pit TEAMS LEFTON AND EPPSTEIN, both looking for victory #1….the loser must pay for wings afterwards……stay tuned….comments/questions…