Game Results: June 17, 2022

June 15 2022 Recap

By Marc Brafman

Is anyone else still thirsty? I drink a lot of water during the day, and I had a lot last night and I’m still thirsty. The action was hot but not as hot as the air. Let’s get to the games. 

On field 1 we had Team Stu vs. Team Micah

Stu chimes in:

Game 1:

A hard fought back and forth game. Team Kamrass had a big 2nd inning and continued to add on in the 3rd. Team Solomon had a big bottom 3rd, scoring 5 runs. Big hits by Ryan Marcus and Matt “Swagger” Wagner. The final score was 8-7

Game 2:

Team Solomon had a big 1st and 2nd inning. Stu “El Captain” Solomon went 3-3 with 4 RBIs. Evan “Fresh to death” Gildenblatt went 2-2 with two very hard hit balls.

Great Defensive in both games from Tyler Stansbury and Ryan Marcus. The final score was 8-4.

Big shout out to Tyler and his new fiancée! Team Solomon shared a little champagne between games for the happy couple.

On Field 2 it was Team Kyle vs. Team Jimmy

Kyle reports in:

We beat Team Lefton in both games of the double header. The first game started terribly in the first inning with shortstop Taylor Police feeling a pop in his hamstring in what could unfortunately be a season ending injury. After the 4th inning the game was tied at 5 and in the top of the 5th we were fortunate to limit them to two runs as I had a nice catch to rob Griff Harris of an opposite field shot over my head. In the bottom of the 5th we rallied and they elected to walk Ben Margolis with 2 outs to load the bases with us down one. Zach Michelson came up to the plate wide eyed and laced the first pitch he saw up the middle to score two and walk it off and win 8-7.

In the second game Mike Gray carried us with some great pitching and the defense was almost flawless to win 6-2. Michael Margolis and Josh Rosen each had nice catches late in the game in the outfield to stop some potential rallies. Offensively we were able to take advantage of some defensive miscues as both sides were getting exhausted late in the game.

Overall Zach Michelson played out of his mind with some huge hits and great defense in the infield. Ben Margolis is coming into his own at catcher, and AJ Goldhoff continues to get hits at the top of the order.

Side note: Congrats to Chris Kunkel on the birth of his daughter a few weeks ago and also to Mike Gray on getting married last week.


On field 3 we had Team Jeremy vs. Team Mark (with a K)

Jeremy for the victors:

Game 1 –


In a game that featured more defense than offense, Team Fogel struck early but not often. Going up 3-0 through 2 ½. Team Weisser responded with two of their own in the bottom of the third. The score stayed that way until the top of the fifth when, with two outs, Sparky Fogel got the Men in Navy Blue rolling with a two out base knock. It was followed by five consecutive hits and four runs to extend a lead that would not be erased by the opposition. 7-2 Fogel, game one.


Game 2 –


Continuing where they left off, the Men in Navy Blue jumped ahead in the bottom of the first with some contagious hitting and did not look back. Jamey continued to prove that you don’t need velocity to be effective and was backed by some masterful defense. A game that resembled the first, Team Fogel won by a score of 7-3, or something close to that.


Stat of the day:


No quantitative data to back this up, but a wonderful fielding performance from the Men in Navy Blue on a hot Wednesday night. Battling the sun through both games, there were web gems made all around the field. An infield containing three Feldman relatives is not one to mess with. Each making spectacular plays at their respective positions to capture momentum in both games.

Finally on Field 4 it was team Marc (with a C) vs. Team Steve

On his first time playing in what seems like 8 weeks Team Brafman welcomed back their wayward captain with a win in game 1 to remain in first place. Hitting stars were Fink with a couple of massive hits, And of course Anton and JZ. David “BP” Synder recovered from his broken face also reached base every time up. Team Brafman also flashed their usual leather with Joel “Hallelujah” Buckley turning a key 5-3 DP and “Handsome” Sam Castellini making a couple of tough catches into the wind. Dr. Bob at first and Alex Krause behind the plate also did a great job. The 11-7 win keeps Brafman one game up on Team Fogel with 2 to go. “I’d also like to thank sub, Jake Mackzum for toughing out last night,” Brafman said. 

In the second game things did not go Team Brafman’s way. Credit to Team Z who I think batted around once if not twice in a 13-run second inning. A combo of hits from David “Slim Shady” Wertheim, Howard “Goldie” Goldwasser, Kenny Groh, Harry “India” Meisner and just about everyone else on Steve’s team did in Team Brafman in that inning. Not to be overlooked were a couple of long hits by Oren Shmoel and Phil Ganson who also played a very solid LF and 3rd base.  While Team Brafman mounted a spirited comeback, they couldn’t overcome the big inning and lost 18-10. 

Next week it’s once again going to be in the high 90’s so be prepared. 

League Notes:

A HUGE thank you once again to Gig Franklin for sponsoring wing night at the Silver Spring house. A good time was had by all. 

Big shout out to Alex Krause who is expecting a baby daughter early next year! Alex and his wife are very excited 

Good luck and speedy recovery to Gary Grefer, who had hip surgery earlier this month. He reports he plans to get back and be ready to go for his Florida softball and shuffleboard league as soon as he can

Since we didn’t play last week, here’s a quick recap on Jewish Night at the Reds game last Tuesday. It never gets old listening to Albert Weisbrot sing the National Anthem. On a perfect night for baseball, it was great to see the Reds hit 4 or 5 homers and and have a rookie pitcher throw the ball well. Of course, the bullpen did all they could to blow it, but in the end it was a nice Reds win. Ricky Lefton got some selfies with Barry Larkin and Phil “Where else you gonna go” Castellini. By the way I also saw Phil when I walked in. I tried to get Jacob to walk up to him and kick him in the shin but he wouldn’t do it. Other highlights were: “Handsome” Sam Castellini living up to his nickname by sitting next to a number of women, one of whom may or may not have been his wife; Eddie Gallop holding court on the concourse not caring how the Reds did; and a special treat for David “D Sol” Solomon, who got to witness my Dad slipping down the stairs and then letting out a stream of curse words that would have had Richard Pryor blush. The only downside was it was the single worst Redszilla ball launch I’ve ever seen and that is saying something. Even as bad as the Reds are, it’s still fun to hang out with everyone at a game and you get a cool Reds/Jewish keepsake that Roger will be happy to sell for you post game.  

Belated congrats goes out to Former JCC all star Weezy Lefton, whose son was a major player on Mason’s high school’s team run to the State Final 4. While they didn’t end up winning, still a great season.

Another shout out to former JCC player, Ben Sandor for getting engaged. After a tough couple of years, congrats!

Two alumni guys also celebrated birthdays over the last couple of weeks, Big “Al” Lefton and Randy “Tex” Broyles.

Today (June 16) is the anniversary of Tom Seaver’s only no hitter as he beat the Cards back in 1978. The interesting tidbit about that game is that Johnny Bench was not behind the plate but instead a guy named Don Werner. I have to admit as big a Reds fan as I am, I don’t know a darn thing about Don Werner but he will always be part of Reds history for that game. 

I think this week is time for another Faust story. When he was pitching for me, and I’m sure for other teams, it didn’t matter if it was 50 outside or a game like last night, he sweated a lot. One time he went into his windup and launched a ball clear over the backstop. When we got back into the dugout, Mike “Flash” Creemer went up to him and said, “What happened?” Jason looked him straight into the face and said, “Sorry, ball slipped,” as if he had missed the plate by a foot and not FEET. 

Drink a lot of water to prepare for next week.

Stay cool!

Game Results: June 4, 2022

June 1 Recap

By Marc Brafman

If games happen on Wednesday night but the blog doesn’t go up till Friday (Editor’s note:  Or Saturday?) does it still count?

Let’s hope so as for a change it was a nice night for softball

On Field 1 in a battle for first place it was Team Lefton vs. Team Brafman:

Fink reports for the winners: Brafman won 12-7

After a shaky first inning where Team Brafman gave up three runs on some shaky defense, they responded in the bottom half by batting around and scoring 9 runs. “What a total team effort in that inning,” JZ said post game. “We got contributions up and down the line.  After that inning we buckled down on defense and kept Lefton off the board, for the most part,” Fink said post game. The play of the game was a great relay throw from “the Hitman,” Sam Hecht to JZ to the plate to nail “The Special One,” Mike Rothstein, trying to score from first. Rothstein was heard saying post game, “As we get older, why are you sending me from first?” which to be honest is every Reds fan reaction any time Joey Votto is on the bases. “I’m super proud of my team,” Capt. Brafman said post game during the set break at the Phish show he was attending in Charleston on Wednesday night. “I think it says a lot about my leadership (and skill) that my team is 2-0 when I’m not playing.”

On field two it was Team Roger vs. Team Z

With nothing coming in from the winning team Team, Roger reports the following:

We lost 14-4 and the beat goes on…..

On field 3 It was Team Solomon vs. Team Weisser:

Mark chimes in for the winners:

We defeated Team Solomon 10-8. We were behind 8-7 after 5 and got 1 in the sixth to tie and 2 in top of seventh to take the lead. We held on against the top of their order for the win.


Alexander Wold–nice hits and nice defense in RF. Scott Wolf played a great 2b. Two big hits by Tyler Wolf and Pete Soltesz and three hits and RBIs by yours truly which was nice since I did not know if I would ever hit again.

Finally on field 4 it was Team Grefer vs Team Kamrass

Kyle reports in for the winners:

Team Grefer had another come from behind win this week against Team Kamrass. Down 5-1, the bats woke up for a 7-run inning to take an 8-5 lead. In the bottom of 7 with one out, runners on first and second, and Mark Tenenholtz up, Ben Margolis recovered on a passed ball to throw out the runner at third. Mark proceeded to hit one 20 feet over the fence, and we were able to get one more out to end the game for a final score of 8-7.

Yair Richler had his best game of the season with 3 hits and a diving stop at second base. Ben Margolis also had a nice game behind the plate and a couple big hits for us. In our 7-run inning Zach Michelson and Yair set the table for Josh Rosen who hit a three-run inside the park homer to right field which was the big spark we needed.


Next week starts our double header weeks. Games start at 6, not 6:15 (it was the 5th wettest month of May in the history of the city. Lucky us!)

League notes

I knew there was a reason I liked James Swan. While going on a campus visit to OSU he was asked to take part in the O-H-I-O cheer. He refused, which I guess upset the tour guide. Lucky for him he ended up at a school where you only have to spell UC.

Reminder that this Tuesday (7th) is Jewish night at the Reds game. They are playing better and you do get a ball written in Hebrew.

Happy birthday over the last couple of weeks to Jeremy “Hamilton” Fogel and Wes “Hungry Like a” Wolf.

Am I the only one confused by why the Bengals are picked to finish 3rd in the AFC north? I was just reading that after OTA practices this week. Joe Burrow stuck around on his own with the trainer to run wind sprints at full speed for 10 minutes. He didn’t have to, nor did Coach ask him. He did it to get more work in. Does anyone think that DeShawn Watson or LaMar Jackson are doing this?

It’s easy to dog Joey Votto, but don’t blame him for the Reds wasting his prime. Just this week here is where he ranks among the all-time Reds players.

2nd in career extra bases (behind Pete)

2nd in doubles, but will catch Larkin next time he doubles

2nd in homers (behind JB) and he has a real shot at passing him

4th in hits (only Pete, Lark and Davey have more)

45th in baseball history in walks 

What is not to like about this guy? I’m looking at you Joel Kahn.

This week in what does Roger have..He for some reason is selling a 1997 Florida Marlins World Series can of something or other with cards included. I’m sure that is going to be a hot seller in the Cincy market.

Our Ron Rose story of the week comes from former Commish Brad Wagner:

Former Commish Brad Wagner has many, MANY Ron stories but since this is a family blog we will leave it at this:

He once told Brian “Jeter” Monk to F’ himself while he was batting and in front of the umpire. (The thought of Ronnie saying that makes me laugh) Brad echoed what many of us know. Ron loved the JCC softball league more than anything. 

See ya Wednesday