Game Results: May 30, 2019


lefton      9
solomon  6

by roger rosenthal

TEAM LEFTON knew coming into their game against undefeated TEAM SOLOMON that they were going to have to play their best game of the season and they did just that….at least on the defensive side……

JEREMY FOGEL played perhaps one of his best games in his young career as he gobbled up everything in LCF including a couple of web gems that Billy Hamilton would have been proud of… of his catches also included him colliding with father JOEL FOGEL, but after a few minutes to see that both were OK, the game resumed…..

The younger FOGEL also contributed at the plate with four hits and said afterwards, “I have a reputation being the son of a future Hall Of Famer to be at least in the same conversation with him. He has had a great career, but I’m planning on having a greater career.”

JIMMY LEFTON pitched perhaps his best game of the year as he didn’t walk a batter and fielded his position well by playing hockey goalie in stopping some shots at him on the mound…..

“I felt like a target out there. Those balls were shot at me, but being as nimble as I am, I was able to do a pretty good job in stopping the shots, ” he said afterwards……

JEFF FINKELSTEIN played a flawless SS and made some really nice plays to keep the other team off the bases…….

Other nice defensive plays were made by MICHAEL KAHAN in LF, BRAD GALLOP in RF and ROGER ROSENTHAL at 2B……

Also, props to fill-in catcher ROBERT PELBERG, subbing for RICK LEFTON, who was having dinner with the mayor of Cincinnati to try to set up a JCC SOFTBALL DAY……

“Bob called a great game,” pitcher JIMMY LEFTON simply said after the game…….

Next week, TEAM LEFTON will try to continue their hot streak and will try to avoid a letdown…….

“I think our boys know the situation ahead of us and I’ll be extremely disappointed if we come out flat next game. I might even have a team meeting an hour before the game to make sure our heads don’t get to big,” said JIMMY LEFTON to reporters…….

leader          w
kamrass       l………no score reported………yet

by micah kamrass

Another one run loss in a row…… a game where neither team got the bats going….

The battery of JASON “THE MAD HUNGARIAN” FAUST and DAVID “DANCING WITH THE STARS” SOLOMON had a great game, registering three strikeouts and getting out of a couple of jams….

Defensively, RAFI “VELCORAFTOR” GOLDFARB and JARED KAMRASS turned a double play to end an inning with the bases loaded…..MICAH KAMRASS also registered a web gem in LF…..

On the offensive end, ADAM “VOTTOMATIC” CRONSTEIN ripped a home run and the KAMRASS brothers each ripped triples…….

“We’re waking up the bats next week. I won’t give away any secrets, but it’s a complicated ritual involving Jobu, rum, cigars and the finest chicken available at KFC,” captain MICAH KAMRASS said afterwards…..


Well after the games at the regular eating establishment, DAVID WEIL, DAVID SNYDER and BRAD WAGNER were engaged in a bit of a heated discussion about whether the Cincinnati Reds are legitimate contenders in the Central Division…..

Also, there was a discussion going on amongst a few players (not to be named) on who the best outfielder in the league is……NO blows were exchanged and everyone kissed to make sure there were no hard feelings………..

A reminder that next week is FAMILY NIGHT #1……friends and family are invited out for food and drinks and to mingle with the players after the games……..autographs will be available, but only for 20 minutes after the game……


Game Results: May 24, 2019


home team listed first….
field #1…..lefton/solomon……………….espn
field #2…..brafman/groh………………….tbs
field #3…..leader/kamrass………………..tnt
field #4…..schwartz, h./schwartz, t……espn2

Game Results: May 23, 2019

winners/losers…….game reports to follow as they become available…………

field #1……schwartz, h./kamrass
field #2……leader/brafman
field #3……lefton/groh
field #4……solomon/grefer
bye…………schwartz, t.

Game Results: May 23, 2019

game reports……

lefton 13
groh    9
by roger rosenthal

After giving up a three spot in the top of the opening frame, TEAM LEFTON roared back with seven runs of their own and never lost the lead in a game that featured a little bit of everything……

It was an overall team effort with everyone contributing in some form…..

Leading the way for the victors were game ball recipient BRAD GALLOP, playing only his second game of the season, with THE play of the game when while playing RF, backed up a bad throw to 1B to nail a runner (not to be named) trying to go to third base in what was a tight game at the time, also, made a fine catch on a wicked line drive and also contributed on the offensive side……

JEREMY FOGEL had a couple of key base knocks including a inside the park home run, while playing a solid LCF…..again….ending the game with a fine running catch…..

BOB PELBERG continued his hot hitting with a couple of key hits as well……….

Afterwards, Pelberg said, “I’m in a zone out there. I’m picking up the ball real well and hitting it where they’re not.”

Team captain JIMMY LEFTON managed a fine game in spite of ROGER ROSENTHAL yelling like a wild man, “What the f— are you doing?”…..Lefton just takes it like a man and let’s it go in one ear and out the other…….”I like his input, but sometimes it just gets to be too much for me. He needs to take more meds before games,” LEFTON said with a grin……

On the other side of the scoreboard, GRIFFIN HARRIS pounded two home runs over the LCF fence and played a solid LCF (what else would you expect?) and DAVID WERTHEIM had an inside the park home run and after wards yelled to former teammate ROSENTHAL, “Should I have walked instead?” in reference to the past two seasons when he hated taking walks……..

Also, DAVID WEIL collected two hits………EDITORS NOTE…..DAVID WEIL gave me a Dusty Baker bobblehead to put that last part in…

leader 13
brafman 1

by marc brafman

It might have the Shirelles or maybe former Reds manager Vern Rapp who said, “Mama Said There Would Be Days Like This” and boy were they right about this game….

TEAM LEADER, behind the pitching of JAMIE “GREG MADDOX” KURTZER continually kept TEAM BRAFMAN off balance…..

“Give him credit. We hit the ball hard and on the ground most of the night, but they played well especially TAYLOR “MAY THE SCHWARTZ” be with you subbing at SS”, BRAFMAN said……

When the highlight of your game is post game when RANDY “TEX” BROYLES caught a ball out of play while holding a beer and not spilling any of it), you know it’s not your night…

Not all was lost as the defense played very well as a WAGNER to ZACKEEM to FELDMAN double play was turned and RYAN “THE HEBREW HAMMER” BAUM made a nice catch in RF…..

What little offense they had was by BROYLES, AARON “STRAIGHT OUTTA” COMPTO, JERRY “DOC” KIRZNER and BRAFMAN…….

“We look to get back on track next week,” BRAFMAN said simply after the game…….

solomon  ? (w)
refer        ? (l)…… score was reported…….

by stu solomon

“It really showed the fortitude of our team to not have our starting pitcher and to play a really great team game,”  captain STU SOLOMON said afterwards…..”It was a great all around game from TEAM CHARCOAL,” he added……

BRANDON WOLF, in his rookie year and his first pitching stint of the year had an amazing performance, throwing strikes and kept a good hitting team off balance….

Kudos also go out to GREG “GIG” FRANKLIN for his hitting and managing the game behind the plate…..

Offensively, timely hitting throughout the order, but in particular, SOLOMON, DUFF WOLF, DAVID SNYDER and MARK “WILDER” FRANKLIN….

On defense, SNYDER played an amazing 2B as usual…….


EDITORS NOTE……this was turned in last week, but yours’ truly deleted it by accident……here it is…….

schwartz, h. 17
grefer           15………nine innings…..

by mike creemer

It was a beautiful night for softball in this match up 75 years in the making…….

The game saw three out of the park home runs with TYLER “SCOHEI” STANSBURY hitting two including a grand slam….after the game, he said, “When I played in the Japanese Winter League two seasons ago they always called me “Scohei” because I had “show hair”……


Veteran DR. LARRY NEWMAN said during the contest, “It’s surprising anyone can play with all of these allergens in the air,”….

The turning point came in the top of the ninth when BRIAN “DUCK UNDER” GOLDBERG led off with a hit and ended up at second base, then MIKE “101” CREEMR tried to push bunt between the pitcher (MIKE  GRAY) and first baseman, but GRAY made a good play and got GOLDBERG in a rundown, only to be able to escape the tag and get back to second base safely…..

KEITH “HOW OLD AM I” KOMBRINCK delivered a shot up the middle loading the bases which ended up leading to five runs……they survived by giving up three runs in the bottom of the inning….

BEN “BROD” RODRIGUEZ  said during the rally, “I really didn’t see it. I was discussing a court case the whole time.”….

RONNIE “PICASSO” ROSE added, “When Harry Wright and I founded the Cincinnati Red Stockings in 1869, we threw the ball underhand also. Have you seen my painting of that?”….

Hall Of Famer HOWARD SCHWARTZ said in his post game interview, “I’m really proud of our team. It reminded me of when I swam against Mark Spitz in the Maccabi Games.”…….

schwartz, h. (w)
kamrass       (l)…….no score was reported……..

by mike creemer

It was a much heralded meeting when TEAM SCHWARTZ, H. played TEAM KAM “R” ASS on Sun Field #1…..

The skies were overcast and so was TEAM SCHWARTZ in the opening frame with the “other” side plating five runs, all of them unearned…..

STEVE “Z” ZAWATZKY, playing 1B, said afterwards, “My glove was little too short. I’m sure you’ve heard that your “glove” was a little too short before.”….


Said TYLER “SHOW HAIR” STANSBURY afterwards, “This was much like a game I played in the Mexican League a few years back.”

It was a back and forth game with TEAM SCHWARTZ taking a one run lead in the top of the 7th inning…..

Said both BEN “B-ROD” RODRIGUEZ and BRIAN “DUCK UNDER” GOLDBERG, “We weren’t paying attention. We were discussing a court case.”

TEAM KAM “R” ASS tied it up in the bottom of the inning……

Said team physician, LARRY NEWMAN, “Allergens can be really bad at this time of year, especially in the Ohio Valley.”…..GOOD TO KNOW DOC!!!!

In the top of the 8th inning, the victors loaded the bases and MIKE “101” CREEMER was patient at the plate and drew a walk to take the lead….

Said “101” afterwards, “You know I’m not salty or upset that I’m now a 12th rounder, but I’m glad I got a go ahead walk to put us ahead. That may by only RBI during my final season of JCC softball”……

Added teammate KEITH “HOW OLD AM I” KOMBRINCK, “These extra inning games are getting tough. I’m usually in bed by 8:30 p.m.”……

Hall Of Fameer HOWARD SCHWARTZ was on his game remaining CCC (calm, cool and collected) during the entire game…..”I thought Big Tom umpired a great game, much like when I swam against Mark Spitz at Maccabiah”……..

RON “PICASSO” ROSE phoned in front he Antiques Roadshow in New York where he was getting an appraisal of one of his paintings of SCHWARTZ…..”I forgot what we were talking about.”

Next week, TEAM SCHWARTZ plays some other team in the league, but does it really matter?

LEAGUE NOTES from the desk of MARC BRAFMAN……….

Congrats to RICK LEFTON on the graduation of the triplets (forgot to mention that last week)….

We now know why ROGER ROSENTHAL likes bobbleheads….It’s because when he holds them they make his hands look bigger….After the games while shaking hands with RANDY “TEX” BROYLES, BROYLES asked how it was possible that he could catch anything with hands that small……

STU “YENTA” SOLOMON reports that brothers TYLER and WES WOLF are close to getting engaged or maybe that is what SOLOMON hopes as besides being a captain that somehow got a super team this year is also a world renowned Match Maker…….

Hey dentists in the league……I’ve been told that if you need any of your smocks or vests cleaned that ADAM HELDMAN is the man to go to…….

The JCC would like to announce that they are starting a Go Fund Me page for JASON “THE MAD HUNGARIAN” FAUST to get a new glove since it looks like his is older than RON ROSE……

Nothing says JCC Softball more than the conversation that I engaged in pre-game with ANTON LOON and MIKE ROTHSTEIN where the three of us compared our physical problems in regards to softball, but that is what makes the league great, right?…..

And finally, It’s been a tough first half for a couple of guys who have lost their parents….when you see them, give them a pat on the back……HOWARD SCHWARTZ….JOEL KAHN….DAVE COHEN and MARK WEISSER…….We’re all thinking about you guys and families…..

EDITORS NOTE…..This last comment puts things in perspective when it comes to playing a game, eh?


As noted above, thoughts go out to MARK WEISSER and his family on the loss of his father this week………


Game Results: May 20, 2019


first team listed is home team…..
field #1…..kamrass/schwartz, h………espn
field #2…..brafman/leader………………tbs
field #3…..lefton/groh……………………tnt
field #4…..solomon/grefer………………espn2
bye………..schwartz, t.