Thursday August 21………..2:06 a.m………NEEDS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!…………THE BLOG has a question to all of those baseball people out there that think they know the rules…..your’s truely was at the Dayton Dragons game Sunday night when a very unusual play happened………one that I’ve NEVER seen before and want to know if anyone knows the correct ruling……’s what happened………Dayton had men on first and second with one out when the batter hit the ball to the right side of the field towards the first baseman…..the ball hit the runner going from first to second, which is an automatic out (2nd out), however the umpire ruled a third out and the first baseman was credited with an unassisted double play by the official scorer and the inning was over…….Dayton manager Donnie Scott argued the play to no avail……..what is the ruling?………the only thing I can come up with is the baserunner was deemed interfering with the play and that is the second out and the ball hitting him is the third out….. any help?????????………Congrats to MATT STEINBERG for a homerun in the 7th inning that broke open a close game in Team Schwartz’ victory over Team “Pink Shirt” Harris…….someone has to shut that B.C. up though!!!!!!!……… ……………


Wednesday August 20…………10:30 a.m…………a couple of BIG games this evening with Team Glassman vs. Team Newman on ESPN at 6:15…….yes 6:15!!!!!!……….it looks like the Pink Shirt competition is still on between Teams Eppstein and Harris………any Chris Henry fans out there?……..rumors are out there that someone in the softball league wants to start a Fan Club…………………..


The All-star ballots are out, please return them by this Wednesday!

The time, date ,and place for the All-star game TBD
Hal McCoy of the Dayton Daily News and John Allen have each been invited to speak. We will see what happens? We have other choices great if they can not attend.

This year’s banquet will be held at the New “J” !

We will have a buffet dinner Kosher food for those who choose, a video presentation, awards, raffle, gifts for everyone!

The time is tentatively 6:30 pm, the cost if any TBD

Team Glassman game summary

Team Glassman battle to keep the lead all day. The result was a close 16-14 win over Team Gordon. Rick Evers and Issac Glassman were crowned as co-MVPs of the game. Jamie Kurtzer, pitch a outstanding game and went 4-4. Team Glassman climbs to 4-2, while team Gordy is now 1-5 for the 2nd half.



Team Newman sneaks up on Team Grefer

Team Newman played a nearly perfect game to knock off Team Grefer 8-7. Grefer jumped out to an early 4-0 lead, but Newman kept its focus and put up 6 runs in the 4th to take the lead for good. McCarthy had a 2 run HR and Greg Leader smashed a 3 run triple in the big inning. Newman then relied on its pitching and defense. Jimmy pitched a masterpiece keeping Grefer’s powerful lineup off balance all night. The defense came up with big play after big play lead by a perfect relay play to nail a runner at the plate.